The Book module of the ZF 2 application that holds the conversion results of the ZF 1 -> ZF 2 migration described in the book and some additional examples.
- Download or clone the ZendSkeletonApplication
- Clone this project into the module directory, clone as 'Book'
- Enable the 'Book' module in config/application.config.php
- Disable the 'Application' module in config/application.config.php (same place as step 3)
- Use composer to install ZfcUser (once you get to that section in the book)
- Download the FirePHPCore library and put it in the 'vendor' directory
Create a database called 'book'.
Create a table person:
CREATE TABLE `person` (
`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`firstname` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`lastname` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
Later, you might install ZfcUser and add a 'user' table following their instructions.
Put below contents in config/autoload/local.php
* Local Configuration Override
* This configuration override file is for overriding environment-specific and
* security-sensitive configuration information. Copy this file without the
* .dist extension at the end and populate values as needed.
* @NOTE: This file is ignored from Git by default with the .gitignore included
* in ZendSkeletonApplication. This is a good practice, as it prevents sensitive
* credentials from accidentally being committed into version control.
return array(
'view_manager' => array(
'display_exceptions' => true,
'display_not_found_reason' => true,
'db_password' => '*******', // your db password here
// end of local.php