Brownie Safe allows you to iteratively build complex multi-step Gnosis Safe transactions and safely preview their side effects from the convenience of a locally forked mainnet environment.
Previously known as Ape Safe
uv pip install brownie-safe --pre
brownie console --network mainnet-fork
from brownie_safe import BrownieSafe
safe = BrownieSafe('ychad.eth')
dai = safe.contract('0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F')
vault = safe.contract('0x19D3364A399d251E894aC732651be8B0E4e85001')
amount = dai.balanceOf(safe.account)
dai.approve(vault, amount)
safe_tx = safe.multisend_from_receipts()
See Documentation for more examples and full reference.