1.N.Badari Narayana - 18pa1a04a3
2. Nitya Sujana - 18pa1a1225
3.Karthik - 19pa1a05d4
The ChatBot that we had implimented can give the list of all courses from the VEDIC platform and also gives the recorded session links for all the courses
1.introduce about bot to user
2.ask user name
3.wish user with his name
4.give list of courses from vedic with coach name and info of that course and ask user to select course
5.give sessions names realated to users selection and ask user to select the session number
6.privode session link to user
7.print-if u want any other info plase contact me i will be alwas there for u
The ChatBot introduces itself by telling it's name and by telling what it can do for user to the user with an welcome message.
ChatBot will ask the name of the user
After entering the name of user ChatBot will greats the user with his/her name. Here in this greating we are highliting the name of user in capital letters for best view.
ChatBot will listout the courses list of VEDIC platform with numbering and it also asks user to enter course number of which course he/she wants to do.
ChatBot will prints the info of all class related to the course which user had selected and asks user to enter class number of which user wants to go through.
ChatBot will give the link of the recorded session for the class which was selected by the user.
It will tell to the user that "You can access me at any time if want any information".
pic 1 having bot inro and asking name
pic2 having greets to user and list of courses
pic3 having course num entered by user and list of classes info
pic4 having class number entered by user and session link