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A simple stand-alone command-line utility for parsing idtech based log files such as those used with Quake III mods.


Queue Log Files

All log files are stored in an "incoming" directory where the queue command will scan, de-duplicate, and prep the file for being parsed.

./gamelogs logs:queue


$ ./gamelogs logs:queue
13 Game logs to Queue
Checking Q3_1.31.log: ✔
Queuing Q3_1.31.log: ✔
Checking games copy.log: ✔
Queuing games copy.log: ✔
Checking games.log: ✔
Queuing games.log: ✔
Checking ioq3.log: ✔
Queuing ioq3.log: ✔
Checking ioq3_1.36.log: ✔
Queuing ioq3_1.36.log: ✔
Checking q3-67.log: ✔
Queuing q3-67.log: ✔
Checking q3_1.11.log: ✔
Queuing q3_1.11.log: ✔

Parse Log File

Once a log file has been queued, the parsing command will take over. The parser will automatically determine the game/mod contained withing the log file and call the appropriate class file configured for that spaecific game.

The parser will also attempt to de-duplicate individual matches and ignore incomplete ones.

You can parse all log files or provide the log hash to target a specific one.

./gamelogs logs:parse
./gamelogs logs:parse <log-hash>

Each game's match is parsed in to a SQLite database and its data organized in to:

  • Matches

  • Players

  • Game Activity

    -- Kills

    -- Item Collection

    -- Chats

    -- Player Joined/Left


$ ./gamelogs logs:parse
Parse Log: c5ee281adfa06af4933552eb5fc9a6be.log: ✔
Parse Log: cccd3b15698b87a211f7699fd9aba5c5.log: ✔
Parse Log: e88abe78e689bb81e330080eaa0598af.log: ✔

Installation (Development)

Gamelogs uses Laravel-Zero.

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Install dependencies composer install
  3. Copy .env.example to .env and set values to your preferecnes.
  4. Create database: ./gamelogs db:migrate --seed

Game Seeder

The GamesSeeder class contains supported games. Look at examples to see what it's doing - it's pretty straight forward. The identfiers key is what will be parsed from the log file to determine the game.


Each game has a parser class in App\Parsers. Parsers should extend a base game engine parser for reusibilty between games.

Installation (Server Admins)

Not sure yet :D. Laravel Zero supports stand-alone phar archives but this is untested. Stay tuned.

Game Support

Gamelogs currently supports idTech3 based games (Quake 3, JediKnight II, etc).


Game log parsing engine for IDTech3 based games.







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