Hi there, I'm Oshane - aka b4oshany 👋
- 🔭 I just launched my first company: Jamaican Developers Group!!
- 🌱 I’m currently learning everything thing I need to know about running a business while still doing coding 🤣
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate with other tech enthusiasts and digital professionals
- 🥅 2020-2021 Goals: Contribute more to Open Source projects, help build the tech community in Jamaica and create innovative solutions
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love food and I have a bottomless pit, but I don't like fish and Jamaica's national fruit, Ackee.
- Jamaican Developers Group (Community Leader)
- MakeBetter (Member)
- Docker (Community Leader)
- Python Jamaica (Member)
- Flutter Jamaica (Member)
- Facebook Developers Circle (Member)
- WordPress Kingston (Organising Team Member)
- Studied Computer Science
- Over 8 years of experience in Software Development
- Participated as a student in Google Summer of Code, 2017 and mentored other students in 2018
- Worked at Alteroo and did quite a lot of freelance Jobs.
- Started Jamaican Developers Group as a community in 2018, which aims to grow and market the development skills of Jamaicans with a community of highly proficient technical officers and companies while providing valuable information about technology related events and initiatives.
- Started my own company in late 2020
- Internship Debate: Free vs Paid Internship
- Leveraging Multi-Modals to Make Predictions For Real Estate Prices
- Increasing Productivity: How can we make Jamaica more productive?
- Welcome to the Jamaican Developers Community!
- Cyber Security Presentation at UHWI: 3 Lines of Defense
- Where can I find the various tech communities in Jamaica?
- 6 BOUNDARIES for Creative Professionals
- Big Award For Computer Programmer Against Paymaster
- 5 Practical Ways To Share Code: From NPM To Lerna, Git Submodules and Bit
- Jamaica Developers Payment Gateway Survey
⚡ Recent GitHub Activity
- 🚀 Published release Bug fixes in unbank/unbank-kyckglobal
- 🎉 Merged PR #25 in unbank/unbank-kyckglobal
- 💪 Opened PR #25 in unbank/unbank-kyckglobal
- 🚀 Published release Improved Error Handling in unbank/unbank-kyckglobal
- 🎉 Merged PR #24 in unbank/unbank-kyckglobal