Lightweight interactive bind/reverse PTY shell implementation by Rust.
- WebSocket
- Full pty support: VIM, SSH, readline, Ctrl+X
- Auto set terminal window size.
- Reverse connection / Bind port
- Support Win10+(Windows Server 2019+) & Linux & BSD & OSX
$> cargo build --release
$> ./target/release/cliws
$> cargo install cliws
You can run a bash and listen port at 8000
$> ./cliws -p 8000 bash -i
then connect and get a comfortable shell.
$> ./cliws -c ws://
First listen a port wait for shell
$> ./cliws -l 8000
then build a reverse connection
$> ./cliws -r ws:// bash -i
In Windows(Windows Terminal), the default CodePage
encoding is UTF-8. When encountering the target of other language operating systems, invalid characters may occur. You can try the following methods to solve it.
Open Regedit and modified [Machine]\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage\OEMCP
value is 65001(DEC).