Dinklebot is a companion app for Destiny 2.
I plan to use this project to learn about modern swift patterns, test out new frameworks/libraries and maintain a knowledge base.
- Realm
- Core Data
- Unit Tests
- Integration Tests
- Snapshot Tests
- XCUITests
- Add SwiftLint or swift-format
- GitHub Actions
- FastLane deployment to app store
- Have a good architecture that I can easily extend for other features/changes
- Integrate with the Bungie.net API
- Show the current mods available at Banshee 44 and Ada 1 for today
- Show if the current player has these mods
- Add a equipment-collect-list so I can keep track of weapon rolls I am trying to get
- Add a todo list for non weapon rolls, e.g., "Play tirals to get the Messanger"
Where did the name "Dinklebot" come from initially?
Ghosts were sometimes called "Dinklebots" by players, as a nod to Peter Dinklage,23 who provided their voice in the game. As of The Taken King, Nolan North replaced Dinklage as Ghost's voice actor and redubbed lines from the original Destiny game.24 Players have started to call this new Ghost "Nolandroid", though Nolan North himself prefers "Nolanbot".25