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Loïc Knuchel committed Nov 12, 2023
1 parent 263f569 commit d5aa96c
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Showing 47 changed files with 925 additions and 695 deletions.
56 changes: 26 additions & 30 deletions frontend/src/Components/Organisms/Details.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,19 +35,16 @@ import Libs.Time as Time
import Libs.Tuple3 as Tuple3
import Models.Position as Position
import Models.Project as Project
import Models.Project.Check exposing (Check)
import Models.Project.CheckName exposing (CheckName)
import Models.Project.ColumnId as ColumnId exposing (ColumnId)
import Models.Project.ColumnPath as ColumnPath exposing (ColumnPath, ColumnPathStr)
import Models.Project.ColumnRef as ColumnRef exposing (ColumnRef)
import Models.Project.ColumnStats exposing (ColumnStats, ColumnValueCount)
import Models.Project.ColumnValue exposing (ColumnValue)
import Models.Project.Comment as Comment
import Models.Project.Index exposing (Index)
import Models.Project.IndexName exposing (IndexName)
import Models.Project.LayoutName exposing (LayoutName)
import Models.Project.Metadata as Metadata exposing (Metadata)
import Models.Project.PrimaryKey exposing (PrimaryKey)
import Models.Project.SchemaName as SchemaName exposing (SchemaName)
import Models.Project.Source exposing (Source)
import Models.Project.SourceId as SourceId exposing (SourceId, SourceIdStr)
Expand All @@ -56,20 +53,23 @@ import Models.Project.SourceName exposing (SourceName)
import Models.Project.TableId as TableId exposing (TableId, TableIdStr)
import Models.Project.TableMeta exposing (TableMeta)
import Models.Project.TableStats exposing (TableStats)
import Models.Project.Unique exposing (Unique)
import Models.Project.UniqueName exposing (UniqueName)
import Models.Size as Size
import Models.SourceInfo as SourceInfo
import Models.SqlQuery exposing (SqlQuery, SqlQueryOrigin)
import PagesComponents.Organization_.Project_.Models.Erd as Erd exposing (Erd)
import PagesComponents.Organization_.Project_.Models.ErdCheck exposing (ErdCheck)
import PagesComponents.Organization_.Project_.Models.ErdColumn exposing (ErdColumn)
import PagesComponents.Organization_.Project_.Models.ErdColumnProps as ErdColumnProps exposing (ErdColumnProps, ErdColumnPropsFlat)
import PagesComponents.Organization_.Project_.Models.ErdColumnRef as ErdColumnRef exposing (ErdColumnRef)
import PagesComponents.Organization_.Project_.Models.ErdIndex exposing (ErdIndex)
import PagesComponents.Organization_.Project_.Models.ErdLayout as ErdLayout exposing (ErdLayout)
import PagesComponents.Organization_.Project_.Models.ErdOrigin exposing (ErdOrigin)
import PagesComponents.Organization_.Project_.Models.ErdPrimaryKey exposing (ErdPrimaryKey)
import PagesComponents.Organization_.Project_.Models.ErdTable as ErdTable exposing (ErdTable)
import PagesComponents.Organization_.Project_.Models.ErdTableLayout exposing (ErdTableLayout)
import PagesComponents.Organization_.Project_.Models.ErdTableProps exposing (ErdTableProps)
import PagesComponents.Organization_.Project_.Models.ErdUnique exposing (ErdUnique)
import Services.Lenses exposing (setLayouts, setTables)
import Simple.Fuzzy
import Time exposing (Posix)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ viewTable goToList goToSchema goToTable goToColumn showTable loadLayout openData
, notes |> viewNotes
, tags |> viewTags
, inLayouts |> List.nonEmptyMap (\l -> viewProp [ text "In layouts" ] (l |> List.sort |> (viewLayout loadLayout))) (div [] [])
, |> List.nonEmptyMap (\origin -> viewProp [ text "From sources" ] (origin |> List.sortBy (\o -> o.source |> Maybe.mapOrElse .name (SourceId.toString |> (\o -> viewSource openDataExplorer Nothing (stats |> Dict.get (SourceId.toString |> Maybe.andThen Result.toMaybe |> .rows) o))) (div [] [])
, |> List.nonEmptyMap (\origin -> viewProp [ text "From sources" ] (origin |> List.sortBy .name |> (\o -> viewSource openDataExplorer Nothing (stats |> Dict.get (SourceId.toString |> Maybe.andThen Result.toMaybe |> .rows) o))) (div [] [])
, outRelations |> List.nonEmptyMap (\r -> viewProp [ text "References" ] (r |> List.sortBy .table |> (viewTableRelation goToTable defaultSchema))) (div [] [])
, inRelations |> List.nonEmptyMap (\r -> viewProp [ text "Referenced by" ] (r |> List.sortBy .table |> (viewTableRelation goToTable defaultSchema))) (div [] [])
, viewTableConstraints table.item
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ viewColumn goToList goToSchema goToTable goToColumn showTable loadLayout openDat
, tags |> viewTags
, viewColumnStats stats
, inLayouts |> List.nonEmptyMap (\l -> viewProp [ text "In layouts" ] (l |> List.sort |> (viewLayout loadLayout))) (div [] [])
, |> List.nonEmptyMap (\origin -> viewProp [ text "From sources" ] (origin |> List.sortBy (\o -> o.source |> Maybe.mapOrElse .name (SourceId.toString |> (viewSource openDataExplorer (Just column.item.path) Nothing))) (div [] [])
, |> List.nonEmptyMap (\origin -> viewProp [ text "From sources" ] (origin |> List.sortBy .name |> (viewSource openDataExplorer (Just column.item.path) Nothing))) (div [] [])
, column.item.outRelations |> List.nonEmptyMap (\r -> viewProp [ text "References" ] (r |> List.sortBy ErdColumnRef.toId |> (viewColumnRelation goToColumn defaultSchema))) (div [] [])
, column.item.inRelations |> List.nonEmptyMap (\r -> viewProp [ text "Referenced by" ] (r |> List.sortBy ErdColumnRef.toId |> (viewColumnRelation goToColumn defaultSchema))) (div [] [])
, viewColumnConstraints table.item column.item
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ viewColumnStats origins stats =
div []
|> Dict.toList
|> (\( sourceId, s ) -> ( origins |> List.findBy (.id >> SourceId.toString) sourceId |> Maybe.andThen .source |> Maybe.mapOrElse .name sourceId, s ))
|> (\( sourceId, s ) -> ( origins |> List.findBy (.id >> SourceId.toString) sourceId |> Maybe.mapOrElse .name sourceId, s ))
|> List.sortBy Tuple.first
(\( sourceName, res ) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -621,22 +621,22 @@ viewTableConstraints table =

viewTablePrimaryKey : PrimaryKey -> Html msg
viewTablePrimaryKey : ErdPrimaryKey -> Html msg
viewTablePrimaryKey primaryKey =
viewTableConstraint "Primary key" (primaryKey.columns |> Nel.toList)

viewTableUnique : Unique -> Html msg
viewTableUnique : ErdUnique -> Html msg
viewTableUnique unique =
viewTableConstraint "Unique" (Just (unique.columns |> Nel.toList)

viewTableIndex : Index -> Html msg
viewTableIndex : ErdIndex -> Html msg
viewTableIndex index =
viewTableConstraint "Index" (Just (index.columns |> Nel.toList)

viewTableCheck : Check -> Html msg
viewTableCheck : ErdCheck -> Html msg
viewTableCheck check =
viewTableConstraint "Check" (Just check.columns

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -665,22 +665,22 @@ viewColumnConstraints table column =

viewColumnPrimaryKey : Maybe PrimaryKey -> Html msg
viewColumnPrimaryKey : Maybe ErdPrimaryKey -> Html msg
viewColumnPrimaryKey primaryKey =
(primaryKey |> Maybe.andThen .name) |> viewColumnConstraint "Primary key" (primaryKey |> Maybe.mapOrElse (\pk -> ( Nel.toList pk.columns, Nothing )) ( [], Nothing ))

viewColumnUnique : List Unique -> UniqueName -> Html msg
viewColumnUnique : List ErdUnique -> UniqueName -> Html msg
viewColumnUnique constraints name =
Just name |> viewColumnConstraint "Unique" (constraints |> List.findBy .name name |> Maybe.mapOrElse (\u -> ( Nel.toList u.columns, u.definition )) ( [], Nothing ))

viewColumnIndex : List Index -> IndexName -> Html msg
viewColumnIndex : List ErdIndex -> IndexName -> Html msg
viewColumnIndex constraints name =
Just name |> viewColumnConstraint "Index" (constraints |> List.findBy .name name |> Maybe.mapOrElse (\u -> ( Nel.toList u.columns, u.definition )) ( [], Nothing ))

viewColumnCheck : List Check -> { name : CheckName, predicate : Maybe String } -> Html msg
viewColumnCheck : List ErdCheck -> { name : CheckName, predicate : Maybe String } -> Html msg
viewColumnCheck constraints check =
Just |> viewColumnConstraint "Check" (constraints |> List.findBy .name |> Maybe.mapOrElse (\u -> ( u.columns, u.predicate )) ( [], Nothing ))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -713,36 +713,32 @@ viewLayout loadLayout layout =
viewSource : (SourceId -> SqlQueryOrigin -> msg) -> TableId -> Maybe ColumnPath -> Maybe Int -> ErdOrigin -> Html msg
viewSource openDataExplorer table column rows origin =
div [ class "mt-1 flex flex-row" ]
[ case origin.source |> .kind of
Just (SourceKind.DatabaseConnection _) ->
[ case origin.kind of
SourceKind.DatabaseConnection _ ->
Icon.solid Icons.sources.database "opacity-50 mr-1" |> Tooltip.r "Database source"

Just (SourceKind.SqlLocalFile _ _ _) ->
SourceKind.SqlLocalFile _ _ _ ->
Icon.solid Icons.sources.sql "opacity-50 mr-1" |> Tooltip.r "SQL source"

Just (SourceKind.SqlRemoteFile _ _) ->
SourceKind.SqlRemoteFile _ _ ->
Icon.solid Icons.sources.sql "opacity-50 mr-1" |> Tooltip.r "SQL source"

Just (SourceKind.PrismaLocalFile _ _ _) ->
SourceKind.PrismaLocalFile _ _ _ ->
Icon.solid Icons.sources.prisma "opacity-50 mr-1" |> Tooltip.r "Prisma source"

Just (SourceKind.PrismaRemoteFile _ _) ->
SourceKind.PrismaRemoteFile _ _ ->
Icon.solid Icons.sources.prisma "opacity-50 mr-1" |> Tooltip.r "Prisma source"

Just (SourceKind.JsonLocalFile _ _ _) ->
SourceKind.JsonLocalFile _ _ _ ->
Icon.solid Icons.sources.json "opacity-50 mr-1" |> Tooltip.r "JSON source"

Just (SourceKind.JsonRemoteFile _ _) ->
SourceKind.JsonRemoteFile _ _ ->
Icon.solid Icons.sources.json "opacity-50 mr-1" |> Tooltip.r "JSON source"

Just SourceKind.AmlEditor ->
SourceKind.AmlEditor ->
Icon.solid Icons.sources.aml "opacity-50 mr-1" |> Tooltip.r "AML source"

Nothing ->
Icon.solid Icons.sources.missing "opacity-50 mr-1" |> Tooltip.r "Missing source"
, text ((origin.source |> Maybe.mapOrElse .name (SourceId.toString ++ (rows |> Maybe.mapOrElse (\r -> " (" ++ String.fromInt r ++ " rows)") ""))
, origin.source
|> Maybe.andThen .db
, text ( ++ (rows |> Maybe.mapOrElse (\r -> " (" ++ String.fromInt r ++ " rows)") ""))
, origin.db
(\url ->
Expand Down
7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions frontend/src/Components/Organisms/TableRow.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -992,19 +992,18 @@ docTable schema name columns =
, schema = schema
, name = name
, view = False
, columns = columns |> List.indexedMap (\i ( col, kind, nullable ) -> { index = i, name = col, kind = kind, nullable = nullable, default = Nothing, comment = Nothing, values = Nothing, columns = Nothing, origins = [] }) |> Dict.fromListMap .name
, primaryKey = Just { name = Just (name ++ "_pk"), columns = Nel (Nel "id" []) [], origins = [] }
, columns = columns |> List.indexedMap (\i ( col, kind, nullable ) -> { index = i, name = col, kind = kind, nullable = nullable, default = Nothing, comment = Nothing, values = Nothing, columns = Nothing }) |> Dict.fromListMap .name
, primaryKey = Just { name = Just (name ++ "_pk"), columns = Nel (Nel "id" []) [] }
, uniques = []
, indexes = []
, checks = []
, comment = Nothing
, origins = []

docRelation : ( SchemaName, TableName, ColumnName ) -> ( SchemaName, TableName, ColumnName ) -> Relation
docRelation ( fromSchema, fromTable, fromColumn ) ( toSchema, toTable, toColumn ) = (fromTable ++ "." ++ fromColumn ++ "->" ++ toTable ++ "." ++ toColumn) { table = ( fromSchema, fromTable ), column = Nel fromColumn [] } { table = ( toSchema, toTable ), column = Nel toColumn [] } [] (fromTable ++ "." ++ fromColumn ++ "->" ++ toTable ++ "." ++ toColumn) { table = ( fromSchema, fromTable ), column = Nel fromColumn [] } { table = ( toSchema, toTable ), column = Nel toColumn [] }

docUpdate : DocState -> (DocState -> Model) -> (DocState -> Model -> DocState) -> Msg -> ElmBook.Msg (SharedDocState x)
Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions frontend/src/Components/Slices/DataExplorer.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ docSource2 =
, name = "azimutt_prod"
, tables =
[ DataExplorerQuery.docTable "public" "users" [ ( "id", "int", False ), ( "name", "varchar", False ), ( "email", "varchar", False ), ( "created_at", "timestamp", False ) ]
, "" "key_values" False docKeyValueColumns Nothing [] [] [] Nothing []
, "" "key_values" False docKeyValueColumns Nothing [] [] [] Nothing
|> Dict.fromListMap .id
, relations = []
Expand All @@ -647,16 +647,16 @@ docSource3 =

docKeyValueColumns : Dict ColumnName Column
docKeyValueColumns =
[ { index = 0, name = "key", kind = "varchar", nullable = False, default = Nothing, comment = Nothing, values = Nothing, columns = Nothing, origins = [] }
, { index = 1, name = "value", kind = "json", nullable = True, default = Nothing, comment = Nothing, values = Nothing, columns = Just (NestedColumns docKeyValueNestedColumns), origins = [] }
[ { index = 0, name = "key", kind = "varchar", nullable = False, default = Nothing, comment = Nothing, values = Nothing, columns = Nothing }
, { index = 1, name = "value", kind = "json", nullable = True, default = Nothing, comment = Nothing, values = Nothing, columns = Just (NestedColumns docKeyValueNestedColumns) }
|> Dict.fromListMap .name

docKeyValueNestedColumns : Ned ColumnName Column
docKeyValueNestedColumns = ( "name", { index = 0, name = "name", kind = "varchar", nullable = False, default = Nothing, comment = Nothing, values = Nothing, columns = Nothing, origins = [] } )
[ ( "score", { index = 1, name = "score", kind = "int", nullable = True, default = Nothing, comment = Nothing, values = Nothing, columns = Nothing, origins = [] } ) ( "name", { index = 0, name = "name", kind = "varchar", nullable = False, default = Nothing, comment = Nothing, values = Nothing, columns = Nothing } )
[ ( "score", { index = 1, name = "score", kind = "int", nullable = True, default = Nothing, comment = Nothing, values = Nothing, columns = Nothing } )

Expand Down
7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions frontend/src/Components/Slices/DataExplorerQuery.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -829,19 +829,18 @@ docTable schema name columns =
, schema = schema
, name = name
, view = False
, columns = columns |> List.indexedMap (\i ( col, kind, nullable ) -> { index = i, name = col, kind = kind, nullable = nullable, default = Nothing, comment = Nothing, values = Nothing, columns = Nothing, origins = [] }) |> Dict.fromListMap .name
, primaryKey = Just { name = Just (name ++ "_pk"), columns = Nel (Nel "id" []) [], origins = [] }
, columns = columns |> List.indexedMap (\i ( col, kind, nullable ) -> { index = i, name = col, kind = kind, nullable = nullable, default = Nothing, comment = Nothing, values = Nothing, columns = Nothing }) |> Dict.fromListMap .name
, primaryKey = Just { name = Just (name ++ "_pk"), columns = Nel (Nel "id" []) [] }
, uniques = []
, indexes = []
, checks = []
, comment = Nothing
, origins = []

docRelation : ( SchemaName, TableName, ColumnName ) -> ( SchemaName, TableName, ColumnName ) -> Relation
docRelation ( fromSchema, fromTable, fromColumn ) ( toSchema, toTable, toColumn ) = (fromTable ++ "." ++ fromColumn ++ "->" ++ toTable ++ "." ++ toColumn) { table = ( fromSchema, fromTable ), column = Nel fromColumn [] } { table = ( toSchema, toTable ), column = Nel toColumn [] } [] (fromTable ++ "." ++ fromColumn ++ "->" ++ toTable ++ "." ++ toColumn) { table = ( fromSchema, fromTable ), column = Nel fromColumn [] } { table = ( toSchema, toTable ), column = Nel toColumn [] }

docMetadata : Metadata
Expand Down

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