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THANKS to many projects and authors who make this repo possible!

(and I copy & paste these links redirected to those helpful project)

electron/electron-quick-start is a simple ready-to-use template with the latest feature of electron.

haishanh/yacd provides an awesome dashboard of clash. It works on Web / PC static files / OpenClash (on OpenWrt) and provides a simple way to dev, build and update the single-page web application.

kentcdodds/cross-env, cross-env essentially helps me to bypass the NODE_ENV= problem on my windows machine.

binaryfunt/electron-seamless-titlebar-tutorial is used as icons, js scripting, and css styling of the titlebar (min, max, close buttons) of this electron-yacd application in frameless window mode. His code is very clean and static, which helps me to integerate two (yacd + seamless-titlebar) into one public folder before building the .asar file.

sindresorhus/electron-reloader helps to hot reload the changes on any files, and restart the electron window to apply the change. It helps quicker reviews of the code changes.

electron/electron-packager While our other dev repo uses electron-builder as devDependency to build and deliver program distributions, I find it's too heavy to configure the folder-structure and builder-scripts setup to fulfill the need of a small applicaiton build. Then instead I find electron-packager as a more helpful packing binary for me on this project to use. Note: when you build & deliver your exectuable with electron-packager, read the --ignore= option and many other options because you don't want to include your other files (or even sensitive files) in the packed .asar output. Also use clean CI/workflow to build your application.

mysticatea/npm-run-all helps with run-p (parallel) and run-s (serial) exec of npm scripts, which helps to organize jobs on npm itself.

shelljs/shx SHX helps in npm scripts to write Portable Shell Commands, like rm, cp, mkdir, sed,...

IQAndreas/markdown-licenses helps me to read, choose, and write the on this project.

To Use

To clone and run this repository you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. To follow yacd's guide of building his awesome react application into static files, you would also need yarn. From your command line:

# Clone this repository
git clone
# Go into the repository
cd electron-yacd
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Make the public folder from source code (clone and build the static files) - or if you understand the prepare steps, manually copy necessary files into ./public folder
npm run make

# Option 1. Run the app (with electron-reloader provides the hot reloading)
npm start

# or Option 2. Build the app into the exectuable
npm run build

Upcoming Todo-s

  • fix the taskbar buttons style in light theme
  • add the GitHub workflow file and use Github Action to build the program


MIT by ax4, 2020 @


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