Many Organizations are running Oracle E-Business Suite, which in most cases is considered a core application within the organization. Oracle E-Business Suite is a business application suite that includes financial, supply chain, human resources, and customer relationship management modules. Due to the application’s critical nature, It is imperative to architect Oracle E-Business Suite for high availability and to develop the ability to switchover the application and database as quickly as possible by removing personal dependencies. It is critical for organizations to ensure high availability of Oracle E-Business Suite applications in order to minimize downtime and maintain business continuity. One method for achieving high availability is to perform an EBS application switchover. This document will go over how to perform an Oracle E-Business Suite application and database switchover.
Amazon RDS Custom for Oracle is a managed database service for legacy, custom, and packaged applications that require access to the underlying operating system and database environment. It automates database administration tasks and operations while making it possible for you as a database administrator to access and customize your database environment and operating system. AWS will take care of the heavy lifting such as backups, high availability allowing database administrators to focus on maintaining their E-Business Suite application and functionality.
Here are some common use cases when an application switchover/failover might be performed:
- During planned maintenance of the primary database and application servers, a switchover to the standby servers can be performed to minimize application downtime.
- In the event that the primary servers' hardware fails, a switchover to the standby servers can be performed to keep the application running.
- To ensure business continuity in the event of a disaster or a major outage, a switchover to the standby server can be performed.
- To avoid downtime during a software upgrade on the primary database server, a switchover to the standby server can be performed.
Acrhitecture diagram of the environments used to develop and test this automation are depicted below.
This project is intended to be sample code only. Not for use in production directly.
This project will create the following in your AWS cloud environment specified:
- AWS IAM Roles
- AWS IAM Policies
- AWS Lamda Functions
- AWS Stepfunction State Machine.
A VPC with alteast one private subnet that can egress to Internet to deploy the automation.
A security group attached to the above VPC with allow all egress rule.
An AWS System Manager Parameter Store to store Oracle E-Business suite environment details
The naming convention of the primary database should be ATS-<>ENVNAME<>-Nodetab with parameter store type SecureString. For example if the environment name is VIS, then the AWS Parameter Store should be named ATS-VIS-Nodetab
The values in the AWS Parameter Store should contain the following information in the specified order for both the Primary and Standby environments, as well as for each E-Biz virtual hostname. The values are separated by ‘:’ EnvName:Primary DB Unique Name:Primary DB EC2 Unique Hostname:Primary App EC2 Unique Hostname:ALB Target Group Name For Primary App EC2 Instances:ALB Name:ALB Listener Port:Application Logical Hostname:Application Base Path:(P)rimary/(S)econdary Application Node
EnvName:Standby DB Unique Name:Standby DB EC2 Unique Hostname:Standby App EC2 Unique Hostname:ALB Target Group Name For Standby App EC2 Instances:ALB Name:ALB Listener Port:Application Logical Hostname:Application Base Path:(P)rimary/(S)econdary Application Node
The following are sample entries for a two-node application server configured with AWS Custom RDS for both primary and standby configuration.
An AWS Secrets Manager Secret to store Oracle E-Business suite credentials
The naming convention of the secret should be R12-<>EnvName<>-Secret with secret type Other type of secret. For example if the environment name is VIS, then the AWS Secrets Manager Secrets name should be R12-VIS-Secret.
The usernames and passwords in the AWS Secrets Manager Secret should be strictly stored in the below sequential order. The values are separated by ‘:’
The automation reads the AWS Secrets Manager Secret during the switchover/failover process to stop and restart the application services. The automation logic assumes that the first password is always the system database user password, that the second password is always the apps password, that the third password is always the sysadmin user password, and that the fourth password is always the weblogic user password. As a result, the order and sequence of storing the username and password are critical for automation.
Usernames should be stored in the below order in Secret Key field. system:apps:sysadmin:weblogic:ebs_system:custom
Passwords for the aforementioned users should be stored in the Secret Value field in the same order. The following are some sample passwords to demonstrate how they are stored in the Secret Key field in the same order as the username.
Note: The user ebs_system is introduced after AD TXK 11 patching in Oracle E-Business Suite. If you are in prior version of AD TXK then you may skip that user in the sequence.
Role for EC2 instances that run Oracle E-Business Suite Environment. Add the policy statement actions listed below to the existing role that is assigned to all AWS EC2 instances of Oracle E-Business Suite database and application. These actions are used in automation scripts to perform switchover/failover activities.
"elasticloadbalancing:DescribeLoadBalancers", "elasticloadbalancing:ModifyListener", "secretsmanager:GetSecretValue", "elasticloadbalancing:DescribeListeners", "ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones", "secretsmanager:PutSecretValue", "elasticloadbalancing:DescribeTargetGroups"
This project is set up like a standard Python project. For an integrated development environment (IDE), use AWS Cloud9 environment to create python virtual environment for the project with required dependencies.
Launch your AWS Cloud9 environment.
Clone the github repository and navigate to the directory.
$ git clone
$ cd Automated-Oracle-E-Business-Suite-DR-Switchover
To manually create a virtualenv
$ python3 -m venv .env
After the init process completes and the virtualenv is created, you can use the following step to activate your virtualenv.
$ source .env/bin/activate
Once the virtualenv is activated, you can install the required dependencies.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
The cdk.json file takes the input context for the stack. Update the following context variables in cdk.json before deploying this stack.
- vpc_id : Provide a VPC ID which has alteast one private subnet. This automation will be deployed in that vpc.
- sec_grp_id : Provide a security group id which has allow all egress rule which is attached to the above vpc.
Bootstrap your AWS account for CDK. Please check here for more details on bootstraping for CDK. Bootstraping deploys a CDK toolkit stack to your account and creates a S3 bucket for storing various artifacts. You incur any charges for what the AWS CDK stores in the bucket. Because the AWS CDK does not remove any objects from the bucket, the bucket can accumulate objects as you use the AWS CDK. You can get rid of the bucket by deleting the CDKToolkit stack from your account.
$ cdk bootstrap
Read this section thoroughly to ensure that this automation runs smoothly.
- AWS SSM Agent is installed and configured in all the EC2 instances as per the instructions in the link Working with SSM Agent
- E-Business Suite running on AWS, with RDS Custom. See APG
- The source database is running on Amazon RDS Custom for Oracle. Note these steps can be adopted for an Oracle database running on Amazon EC2
- The Application version is E-Business Suite 12.2.x
- Multiple Oracle E-Business Suite application tiers, across 2 Availability Zones, See APG
- The database OS user is rdsdb, and the application OS user is applmgr. If your environment has a different OS user name, edit the below lambda functions code to reflect the correct OS user.
Search and replace the occurences of rdscdb user with your respective database os user
Search and replace the occurences of applmgr user with your respective application os user
- For the Custom RDS EC2 Primary and Standby instances, a tag with Key as Name and Value as a Unique hostname.
- For the Application AWS EC2 Primary and Standby instances, a tag with Key as Name and Value as a Unique hostname.
- SSH trust relationship is established between the E-Business suite primary and secondary application nodes using the applmgr or equivalant user using which application is configured.
To deploy the stack execute the below steps
- Deploy the CDK stacks using the below shell script
- Create the below folder in the database and application AWS EC2 instances under $HOME of the respective application and database owner os user.
cd $HOME
mkdir auto_switch
cd auto_switch
mkdir logs
- Copy the shell scripts from the project folder "ShellScripts" to both database and application AWS EC2 server $HOME/auto_switch directory.
Navigate to AWS Step Functions State Machine and search for the state machine with the name "EBIZ-SwitchOver". Open it and click on start execution button. Pass the below json string as input values( ensure to update your environment details correctly) and click Start execution.
{ "Comment": "ERP-Autoswitch-Payload", "Region": "---ENTER YOUR REGION HERE---", "Target": "---ENTER YOUR ENVIRONMENT NAME HERE ---" }
Ensure you have a AWS System Manager Parameter store created for the environment as mentioned in the Prerequisite section of this readme. example input json string:
{ "Comment": "ERP-Autoswitch-Payload", "Region": "eu-west-1", "Target": "VIS" }
In order to delete all the objects created by this stack execute the below shell script.