Faker provides a extensible framework for generating randomized fake data.
package main;
use Faker;
my $faker = Faker->new('en-us');
my $first_name = $faker->person_name;
# "Russel Krajcik"
my $last_name = $faker->person_name;
# "Alayna Josephine Kunde"
Install Faker using cpm:
cpm install Faker
Install Faker using cpanm:
cpanm -qn Faker
Install Faker using Perl:
curl -sSL https://cpanmin.us | perl - -qn Faker
Install Faker using Perl (from GitHub):
curl -ssL https://cpanmin.us | perl - -qn git://github.com/awncorp/faker.git
- Simple modular plugin-based architecture
- Support for I18N with En-Us, Es-Es, and Ja-Jp built-in
- Generator caching for more realistic relational fake data
- Optimized for minimal memory footprint
We rely on your contributions and feedback to improve Faker, and we love hearing about your experiences and what we can improve upon.
All contributions are always welcome! See the contributing guide for ways to get started, and please adhere to this project's code of conduct.
For support, feel free to report an issue.