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New Gateway: Mercadopago
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* Implements `authorize/3`.
* `@moduledoc` and docs added


* Following optional arguments implemented:
  - `email`, `order_id`, `customer_id`, `order_type`, `installments`
* Mercadopago provides an `access_token` and ` `public_key` for auth.
* Mercadopago payments don't have any (writable) currency field, it
seems that currency of the transaction is set by Mercadopago
automatically from the merchant account.
  • Loading branch information
subpal authored and oyeb committed Apr 22, 2018
1 parent 59fbac5 commit ab8a060
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Showing 2 changed files with 274 additions and 87 deletions.
274 changes: 274 additions & 0 deletions lib/gringotts/gateways/mercadopago.ex
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defmodule Gringotts.Gateways.Mercadopago do
@moduledoc """
[mercadopago][home] gateway implementation.
For reference see [mercadopago documentation][docs].
The following features of mercadopago are implemented:
| Action | Method |
| ------ | ------ |
| Pre-authorize | `authorize/3` |
| Capture | `capture/3` |
| Purchase | `purchase/3` |
| Reversal | `void/2` |
| Refund | `refund/3` |
## The `opts` argument
Most `Gringotts` API calls accept an optional `keyword` list `opts` to supply
optional arguments for transactions with the mercadopago
gateway. The following keys are supported:
| Key | Remark |
| ---- | --- |
| `email` | Email of the customer. Type - string |
| `order_id` | Order id issued by the merchant. Type- integer |
| `customer_id` | Unique customer id issued by the gateway. For new customer it must skipped. Type- string|
| `order_type` | `"mercadopago"` or `"mercadolibre"` as per the order. Type- string |
| `installments` | No of installments for payment. Type- integer |
## Registering your mercadopago account at `Gringotts`
After [making an account on mercadopago][credentials], head to the credentials and find
your account "secrets" in the `Checkout Transparent`.
| Config parameter | MERCADOPAGO secret |
| ------- | ---- |
| `:access_token` | **Access Token** |
| `:public_key` | **Public Key** |
> Your Application config **must include the `[:public_key, :access_token]` field(s)** and would look
> something like this:
> config :gringotts, Gringotts.Gateways.Mercadopago,
> public_key: "your_secret_public_key"
> access_token: "your_secret_access_token"
## Note
mercadopago processes money with upto two decimal places.
## Supported currencies and countries
mercadopago supports the currencies listed [here][currencies].
## Following the examples
1. First, set up a sample application and configure it to work with MERCADOPAGO.
- You could do that from scratch by following our [Getting Started][gs] guide.
- To save you time, we recommend [cloning our example
repo][example] that gives you a pre-configured sample app ready-to-go.
+ You could use the same config or update it the with your "secrets"
as described [above](#module-registering-your-mercadopago-account-at-gringotts).
2. Run an `iex` session with `iex -S mix` and add some variable bindings :
iex> card = %CreditCard{first_name: "John", last_name: "Doe", number: "4509953566233704", year: 2099, month: 12, verification_code: "123", brand: "VISA"}
We'll be using these in the examples below.

# The Base module has the (abstract) public API, and some utility
# implementations.
@base_url ""
use Gringotts.Gateways.Base
alias Gringotts.CreditCard
# The Adapter module provides the `validate_config/1`
# Add the keys that must be present in the Application config in the
# `required_config` list
use Gringotts.Adapter, required_config: [:public_key, :access_token]

alias Gringotts.{CreditCard, Response}

@doc """
Performs a (pre) Authorize operation.
The authorization validates the `card` details with the banking network,
places a hold on the transaction `amount` in the customer’s issuing bank.
mercadoapgo's `authorize` returns customer id(available in `Response.token`) and authorization id(available in the `` field) :
* `capture/3` _an_ amount.
* `void/2` a pre-authorization.
## Note
For a new customer, `customer_id` field should be ignored. Otherwise it should be provided.
## Example
### Authorization for new customer.
The following example shows how one would (pre) authorize a payment of 42 BRL on a sample `card`.
Ignore `customer_id`.
iex> amount =, :BRL)
iex> card = %Gringotts.CreditCard{first_name: "Lord", last_name: "Voldemort", number: "4509953566233704", year: 2099, month: 12, verification_code: "123", brand: "VISA"}
iex> opts = [email: "[email protected]", order_id: 123123, payment_method_id: "visa"]
iex> {:ok, auth_result} = Gringotts.authorize(Gringotts.Gateways.Mercadopago, amount, card, opts)
iex> # This is the authorization ID
iex> auth_result.token # This is the customer ID/token
### Authorization for old customer.
The following example shows how one would (pre) authorize a payment of 42 BRL on a sample `card`.
Mention `customer_id`.
iex> amount =, :BRL)
iex> card = %Gringotts.CreditCard{first_name: "Hermione", last_name: "Granger", number: "4509953566233704", year: 2099, month: 12, verification_code: "123", brand: "VISA"}
iex> opts = [email: "[email protected]", order_id: 123125, customer_id: "hermoine's customer id", payment_method_id: "visa"]
iex> {:ok, auth_result} = Gringotts.authorize(Gringotts.Gateways.Mercadopago, amount, card, opts)
iex> # This is the authorization ID
iex> auth_result.token # This is the customer ID/token

@spec authorize(Money.t(), CreditCard.t(), keyword) :: {:ok | :error, Response}
def authorize(amount, %CreditCard{} = card, opts) do
with {:ok, customer_id} <- create_customer(opts),
{:ok, card_token} <- create_token(card, opts) do
{_, value, _, _} = Money.to_integer_exp(amount)
url_params = [access_token: opts[:config][:access_token]]

params = [
authorize_params(value, opts, card_token, false, card),
customer_params(card, customer_id, opts)

body =
|> Enum.reduce(&Map.merge/2)
|> Poison.encode!()

commit(:post, "/v1/payments", body, opts, params: url_params)


# Makes the request to mercadopago's network.
# For consistency with other gateway implementations, make your (final)
# network request in here, and parse it using another private method called
# `respond`.
@spec commit(atom, String.t(), String.t(), keyword, keyword) :: {:ok | :error, Response.t()}
defp commit(method, path, body, opts, url_params) do
headers = [{"content-type", "application/json"}, {"accept", "application/json"}]
res = HTTPoison.request(method, "#{@base_url}#{path}", body, headers, url_params)
respond(res, opts)

# Parses mercadopago's response and returns a `Gringotts.Response` struct
# in a `:ok`, `:error` tuple.

defp create_customer(opts) do
if Keyword.has_key?(opts, :customer_id) do
{:ok, opts[:customer_id]}
url_params = [access_token: opts[:config][:access_token]]
body = %{email: opts[:email]} |> Poison.encode!()
{state, res} = commit(:post, "/v1/customers", body, opts, params: url_params)

if state == :error do
{state, res}

defp token_params(%CreditCard{} = card) do
expirationYear: card.year,
expirationMonth: card.month,
cardNumber: card.number,
securityCode: card.verification_code,
cardholder: %{name: CreditCard.full_name(card)}

defp create_token(%CreditCard{} = card, opts) do
url_params = [public_key: opts[:config][:public_key]]
body = Poison.encode!(token_params(card))

{state, res} =
commit(:post, "/v1/card_tokens/#{opts[:customer_id]}", body, opts, params: url_params)

case state do
:error -> {state, res}
_ -> {state,}

defp authorize_params(value, opts, token_id, capture, %CreditCard{} = card) do
installments: opts[:installments] || 1,
transaction_amount: value,
payment_method_id: String.downcase(card.brand),
token: token_id,
capture: capture

defp customer_params(%CreditCard{} = card, customer_id, opts) do
payer: %{
type: "customer",
id: customer_id,
first_name: card.first_name,
last_name: card.last_name
order: %{
type: opts[:order_type],
id: opts[:order_id]

defp success_body(body, status_code, opts) do
success: true,
id: body["id"],
token: opts[:customer_id],
status_code: status_code,
message: body["status"]

defp error_body(body, status_code, opts) do
success: false,
token: opts[:customer_id],
status_code: status_code,
message: body["message"]

defp respond({:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{body: body, status_code: status_code}}, opts) do
body = body |> Poison.decode!()

case body["cause"] do
nil -> {:ok, success_body(body, status_code, opts)}
_ -> {:error, error_body(body, status_code, opts)}

defp respond({:error, %HTTPoison.Error{} = error}, _) do
reason: "network related failure",
message: "HTTPoison says '#{error.reason}' [ID: #{ || "nil"}]"
87 changes: 0 additions & 87 deletions test/gringotts_test.exs

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