Add, change or remove brackets and quotes.
Supported characters.
(), [], {}, <>, '', "", ``
Please refer to the link to install deno.
repo = 'vim-denops/denops.vim'
repo = 'atsuya0/dps-surrounding.vim'
A state where the cursor is at the second character.
execute SurroundLine <
A state where the cursor is at the second character.
execute SurroundWord "
A state where the cursor is at the `.
execute RmSurrounding
A state where the cursor is at the (.
execute ChSurrounding <
nmap <Leader>s [surrounding]
nnoremap <silent> [surrounding]l :SurroundLine<space>
nnoremap <silent> [surrounding]w :SurroundWord<space>
nnoremap <silent> [surrounding]c :ChSurrounding<space>
nnoremap <silent> [surrounding]r :RmSurrounding<CR>