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A simple type-safe translation micro-framework for server components in Next.js 13+.


  1. Create an inting.config.ts next to your package.json.

     import { IntingConfig } from "@atmina/inting";
     import { presetFiles } from "@atmina/inting-preset-files";
     const config: IntingConfig = {
         locales: ["en", "de"],
         defaultLocale: "en",
         outDir: "./src/__generated__",
     export default config;
  2. Run npm/pnpm/yarn inting

  3. Create a layout that wraps your content in a LocaleProvider.

    // app/[locale]/layout.tsx
    import { LocaleProvider } from "../../__generated__/server";
    import { ReactNode } from "react";
    const Layout = ({ params, children }: { params?: any; children: ReactNode }) => {
      if (!params) {
        return null;
      return <LocaleProvider value={params.locale}>{children}</LocaleProvider>;
    export default Layout;
  4. Consume translations with the useTranslation hook. Note that you can only import this in server components.

    // app/[locale]/page.tsx
    import { useTranslation } from "../../__generated__/server";
    const PageContent = async () => {
      const t = useTranslation();
      return (
    export default () => <PageContent />;



An array of locale codes.


The default locale is treated specially when implicitDefaultLocale is enabled.


When true, the default locale is not prefixed to the path unless explicitly provided.

Default: true


The cookie that is read when detecting the browser's locale. This takes precedence over accept-language. Use it to persist the user's locale preference.

Default: "NEXT_LOCALE"

getTranslations(locale, keys, getNamespace)

Receives the current locale and the requested keys. Returns a Promise of strings corresponding to the requested keys. The order of the returned values must match the order of the keys (if this sounds a lot like a DataLoader, that is because it is).


Optional. Use this to retrieve resources (e.g. from the local file system or a remote API) to be bundled with your generated source files. This is invoked when running the inting command. A static namespace can be loaded with the provided function in getTranslations.

getStaticKeys(context, namespaces)

Optional. Return an exhaustive list of keys that should be made available for looking up translations. Use this to add type-checking to your translation keys and provide tooltips in some IDEs such as WebStorm.


Presets can be built by creating an object that exposes the same three config API methods described above. These can simply be added to the final config with spread notation {...preset(options)}.

For file-based translations, you can install @atmina/inting-preset-files or use it as a basis for your own config.

Generated modules

Filename Description
static/ Statically generated namespace files
types.ts Types of locales and translation keys
server.ts Server-only code (e.g. useTranslation hook)
shared.ts Code for server and client components
link.ts LocaleLink, a wrapper for next/link
middleware.ts Middleware implementation

We encourage you to re-export these modules to fit your project's needs and conventions.


Use the generated middleware to enable the following behaviors:

  • Detecting locale from the browser's accept-language header or a cookie, if provided
  • Prefixing the path with the locale if it isn't already present
    • For non-default locales, this is a redirect
    • In the default locale and with implicitDefaultLocale, this is a rewrite, concealing the actual path.

This closely mirrors what Next.js does with its built-in i18n support in the /pages directory.

Your middleware.ts should be located next to the /pages directory. Bear in mind that the config is statically analyzed and must therefore contain only constant values (no imports or function calls).

import { middleware } from "./__generated__/middleware";

export { middleware };

export const config = {
   * Match all request paths except for the ones starting with:
   * - api (API routes)
   * - _next/static (static files)
   * - favicon.ico (favicon file)
   * Note: These patterns are NOT excluded in the default middleware config.
  matcher: "/((?!api|_next/static|favicon.ico).*)",

Client components

Getting translations into client components requires a bit more effort. Note that in client components, any code written for the server side (including server.ts) may not be imported directly. Therefore, the required translation strings must be retrieved in a parent server component and passed to the client component.

For simple cases, it may be enough to pass the result of one or more t(...) calls via props or children. For components that depend on multiple translations known in advance, the framework provides a translateClientComponent helper. To use it, first define a set of translation keys required by the client component. It is important to separate this definition from the actual component code that is contained in the "use client" boundary, as it cannot be imported from server code otherwise.

// translations.ts

import { createClientTranslation } from './__generated__/shared';

export const counterTranslation = createClientTranslation(['counter.increment', 'counter.decrement']);

export type CounterTranslation = typeof counterTranslation;

The TFC (translatable function component) type describes a component that expects these translations to be provided via a t prop, which is just a mapping of keys to values.

// counter.tsx  (Logic omitted for brevity)

"use client";

import { TFC } from './__generated__/shared';
import { type CounterTranslation } from './translations';

export const Counter: TFC<{initialValue: number}, CounterTranslation> = ({
  t, // t contains the set of translations provided from the server side
}) => {
  return (
      <hr />
          (+) {t["counter.increment"]}
          (-) {t["counter.decrement"]}

Finally, on the server side, wrap this component in translateClientComponent, which takes care of retrieving the necessary translations when the component is rendered.

import { Counter } from './counter';
import { counterTranslation } from './translations';
import { translateClientComponent } from "./__generated__/server";

const TranslatedCounter = translateClientComponent(Counter, counterTranslation);




i18n for Next.js 13 server components






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