Many Beginner's want to Invest in crypto currency but their have no idea about the DeFi marketplace and how to Swap One token to another token.
I Implement the smart contract for the swap and invest in the crypto currency as per their Requirement. Investor Withdraw Invested Token anytime. This Smart contract get Requirement from the investor and swap token form the balancer protocol and stake into the AAVE V2 Protocol.
Example :
Inverstor have a 1 WETH and he/she want to stake 1 WETH into 33% in the DAI, 33% in the USDT and 34% in the WBTC Crypto.
This Smart contract first swap 1 WETH into DAI, USDT and WBTC form the Balnacer V2 Protocol and output amount Stake into AAVE v2 Protocol at onces user doesn't into 2 3 time swap and stake the coin on different smart contract.
Deployed Smart contract Address: 0xc5D186f08Cfef5B1193dCd4C7C52a09Bf04b6759