The scripts in this repo are meant to be used inside a docker container. Before releasing new versions of anything, update the following changelogs:
- canlib/debian-canlib/changelog
- linlib/debian-linlib/changelog
- drivers/kvaser-drivers-dkms-mkdsc
The information for the changelog updates can be found in the kvaser-linuxcan source under doc/ReleaseNotes
Once the changelogs are updated, you are ready to perform the release:
After starting a container of your choosing, first install all required dependencies:
bash install_dependencies.bash
Release kvaser-canlib-dev:
bash package-canlib.bash [optional version tag/commit] [optional version suffix] [optional 'upload' flag] example: bash package-canlib.bash 5.35.477 0 upload
Release kvaser-linlib-dev:
bash package-linlib.bash [optional version tag/commit] [optional version suffix] [optional 'upload' flag] example: bash package-linlib.bash 5.35.477 0 upload
Release kvaser-drivers-dkms:
bash package-drivers.bash [optional version tag/commit] [optional version suffix] [optional 'upload' flag] example: bash package-drivers.bash 5.35.477 0 upload
The order of the above commands does matter as linlib
depends on canlib
NOTE: dput seems flakey with ftp uploads.
If the dput
upload seems to stall, you may want to try running dput outside of the docker container from the kvaser-deb/BUILD
You may also consider configuring dput to use sftp instead of ftp.
:$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:astuff/kvaser-linux
$ sudo apt install kvaser-canlib-dev kvaser-linlib-dev kvaser-drivers-dkms
Debian package files:
Ubuntu Launchpad packaging details: