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Better Trade Screen - Mod for Civilization VI


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Better Trade Screen


The goal of this mod is to improve the trade screens in Civilization VI and help manage and monitor running trade routes.


  • Shows turns to complete a trade route rather than the distance between the cities.

  • Overhauled Trade Overview screen.

    • Shows all possible routes, even if the trader is not present in the origin city.
    • Clicking on a route where a free trade unit is not present in the origin city takes you to a free trade unit and opens the Change City screen
    • Route entry is colored based on destination player.
    • Player/City header are also colored.
    • Shows origin city and destination city yields in the same screen.
    • Added Group and Filter settings
    • My Routes tab tracks active routes, so you know when a trade route completes.

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  • Sort bar in Make Trade Route screen and Trade Overview screen. Sort the routes by left clicking on a button.

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  • Trade Routes can be sorted based on yields, and turns remaining. Queue multiple sorts by holding SHIFT and the left clicking on a sort button. Right click on any sort button to remove it from the sort setting.

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  • When opening Make Trade Route screen, the last destination is automatically picked.

  • Set a trader to repeat its last route by selecting the Repeat Route checkbox when initiating a trade route.

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  • An additional checkbox is provided that sets the trader to repeat the top route from the sort settings when the trade was initiated. This allows the trade route to always be the best one, hence reducing micromanagent of always checking the trade routes.

  • Cancel the automated trader from the My Routes tab in Trade Overview screen.


If you are using Chao's QUI, this mod is already included in it, and requires no extra steps to install. If you are NOT using CQUI, follow the steps below:

  1. Download the latest release.
  2. Extract the downloaded archive to your Mods folder. For me this is in Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods
  3. Activate the Mod in Additional Content inside Civilization VI.


If you encounter issues with getting the mod working try the following steps:

  1. Try installing the Mod into the DLC folder. This folder is the folder where you installed Civilization VI, example C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\DLC
  2. Delete the cache. This can be found here - Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Cache
  3. Check out this thread
  4. If none of the above work, let me know in this repository or here


I loaded a save game and the text is all broken?

This is a bug from Firaxis. To fix this you have to exit to destop and start Civilization VI again.

I can't see yields for the destination city, where are they?

In the previous version, I had a string show that the destination city gains no benefits, but it lead to a lot of cluttering in the screen. Currently, if the destination city has no yield, you won't see any.

Trade Overview panel does not open in between turns?

With v3.0 I blocked the Trade Overview panel from opening since it causes CTD. If you want to unblock this, change the following line in TradeOverview.lua

local blockPanelInBetweenTurns = true


local blockPanelInBetweenTurns = false


  • @ZhouYzzz for providing the Chinese localization in #161-CQUI
  • @deggesim (Simone1974 on Civfanatics) for providing the Italian localization in #250-CQUI
  • @e1ectron for providing the Russian localization in #251-CQUI
  • @sejbr for providing the Polish localization in #253-CQUI
  • @frytom for providing the German localization in #283-CQUI
  • @lctrs for providing a partial French localization in #273-CQUI
  • @wbqd for providing a Korean translation in #309-CQUI
  • @rzucareli for providing a Brazilian-Portuguese localization