AsTeRICS 3.0
This is the final release of AsTeRICS v3.0(.1)
Please check the Release Notes regarding new features and improvements and use the respective installer for your platform.
For windows, we have added a bugfix release v3.0.1 containing Java 8 embedded instead of Java 7 and other minor fixes.
You need an Oracle Java Runtime Environment (32bit recommended, >= 8) installed, to execute the AsTeRICS Runtime Environment (ARE). The full installer for windows already includes one.
Full AsTeRICS framework installation
If you need the full AsTeRICS framework including the AsTeRICS Configuration Suite (ACS), the AsTeRICS Runtime Environment (ARE), the web-based AsTeRICS Configuration Suite (WebACS) and the AsTeRICS Packaging Environment (APE), use Setup_AsTeRICS_3_0_1.exe. The full installer already includes Java and .NET and only runs on Windows.
AsTeRICS Runtime Environment (ARE)
Use the respective ARE-only installer for Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, ARM/Raspberry Pi) and Mac OSX, or the full installer for Windows.
The .deb installer was tested on Debian 16.04 LTS and Raspberry Pi 3 with Raspbian Jessie. The Mac OS X installer was tested on Mac OS X 10.9.1 (Mavericks).
Java installation on Linux
The ARE runs with OpenJDK or Oracle Java, but Oracle is recommended due to better execution performance. If you want to use the AsTeRICS Packaging Environment (APE), you must use an Oracle JDK.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
Another possibility is to download the java package directly from oracle and install it: Oracle JDK 8
AsTeRICS Packaging Environment (APE)
Use the full framework installer for Windows. On other platforms please checkout the current master branch to a parallel folder of your APE project.
APE needs