A simple PHP wrapper for the Hypothes.is REST API
The REST API is documented at http://h.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html. You can get an access token at https://hypothes.is/profile/developer.
$token = '(put your access token here)';
$hypothesis = new HypothesisAPI();
// Search for annotations by asmecher containing the text "implausible"
print_r($hypothesis->search(array('user' => 'asmecher', 'text' => 'implausible'), $token));
// Create a new annotation
'uri' => '(URL to annotate)',
'user' => '(hypothes.is username)',
'permissions' => array(
'read' => array('group:__world__'),
'update' => array('acct:(email address)'),
'delete' => array('acct:(email address)'),
'admin' => array('acct:(email address)'),
'text' => 'Annotation body',
), $token);
// Delete the newly-created annotation