A set of very conservative extension methods — most of those closely follow common naming and implementation patterns in the .NET framework. You can get it from NuGet as AshMind.Extensions.
Below is an auto-generated list of the methods provided:
- IndexOf
- LastIndexOf
- Reverse
- Sort
- GetAssemblyFile
- GetAssemblyFileFromCodeBase
- AddRange
- RemoveAll
- RemoveWhere
- GetCustomAttribute
- GetCustomAttributes
- IsDefined
- TruncateToHours
- TruncateToMilliseconds
- TruncateToMinutes
- TruncateToSeconds
- AsComparison
- AsFunc
- AsPredicate
- ToComparer
- AsReadOnlyDictionary
- GetOrAdd
- GetValueOrDefault
- Any
- AsCollection
- AsList
- AsReadOnlyCollection
- AsReadOnlyList
- Concat
- EmptyIfNull
- Except
- GroupAdjacentBy
- HavingMax
- HavingMin
- ToInvariantString
- ToString
- EnumerateRange
- InsertRange
- RemoveRange
- CreateDelegate
- Contains
- NullIfEmpty
- RemoveEnd
- RemoveStart
- Split
- SubstringAfter
- SubstringAfterLast
- SubstringBefore
- SubstringBeforeLast
- TruncateEnd
- HasInterface
- IsAssignableFrom
- IsAssignableTo
- IsGenericTypeDefinedAs
- IsSameAsOrSubclassOf