A theme generator is a tool that is used to buildcustom home pages. The home
page consists of t types of banners which are of 2types of right banners(center)
and right banners(widgets). It consists of the followingfunctionality:-
● Add, edit or delete any banner
● The banner contains a background image, title, URL,and description.
● Re-ordering of the position of banners.
● The banner can be published/unpublished.
● Upload Image functionality.
These are the following tasks that shall be achievedto do the task:
● Develop a high-level schema for the above task.
● Build the database schema and implement the models.
● Find the number of APIs needed to get the above pageto work, ignore links
to other pages, and analyze complexity.
● Implement those APIs in fast API, use development principles mentioned in
the documentation.