ng2 Dynamic Forms is a rapid form development library based on the official Angular dynamic forms cookbook.
It highly simplifies the implementing of reactive Angular forms by building upon a layer of maintainable form control models to fully automate form UI creation.
Therefore it provides a set of dynamic UI components with out of the box support for Bootstrap, Foundation, Ionic, Kendo, Material, NG Bootstrap and PrimeNG.
See what's possible by exploring the live demo and the API documentation!
- Getting Started
- Running the Example
- Basic Usage
- UI Modules and Components
- Value Updates
- Form Groups
- Form Arrays
- Form Layouts
- Custom Templates
- Custom Validators
- Validation Messaging
- JSON Export and Import
- Disabling and Enabling Form Controls
- Related Form Controls
- Autocomplete
- A Word to the Community
- Appendix
1. Install the core package:
npm install @ng2-dynamic-forms/core --save
2. Choose your UI library and install the appropriate package:
npm install @ng2-dynamic-forms/ui-bootstrap --save
3. When using SystemJS, update your configuration to import the corresponding UMD bundles:
paths: {
"npm:": "node_modules/"
map: {
// ...all the rest (Angular, RxJS, etc.)
"@ng2-dynamic-forms/core": "npm:@ng2-dynamic-forms/core/bundles/core.umd.js",
"@ng2-dynamic-forms/ui-bootstrap": "npm:@ng2-dynamic-forms/ui-bootstrap/bundles/ui-bootstrap.umd.js",
1. Clone the Git repository:
git clone
2. Install the npm dependencies:
npm install
3. Transpile the TypeScript files:
npm run tsc
4. Run the sample application:
npm start
1. Import the ng2 Dynamic Forms core NgModule
and a corresponding UI NgModule
import { NgModule } from "@angular/core";
import { BrowserModule } from "@angular/platform-browser";
import { ReactiveFormsModule } from "@angular/forms";
import { DynamicFormsCoreModule } from "@ng2-dynamic-forms/core";
import { DynamicFormsBootstrapUIModule } from "@ng2-dynamic-forms/ui-bootstrap";
// ..all remaining component and routing imports
imports: [
// ...all remaining imports
declarations: [AppComponent, MyDynamicFormComponent],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}
2. Define your dynamic form model:
import {
} from "@ng2-dynamic-forms/core";
export const MY_DYNAMIC_FORM_MODEL: DynamicFormControlModel[] = [
new DynamicInputModel({
id: "exampleInput",
label: "Example Input",
maxLength: 42,
placeholder: "example input"
new DynamicRadioGroupModel<string>({
id: "exampleRadioGroup",
label: "Example Radio Group",
options: [
label: "Option 1",
value: "option-1",
label: "Option 2",
value: "option-2"
label: "Option 3",
value: "option-3"
value: "option-3"
new DynamicCheckboxModel({
id: "exampleCheckbox",
label: "I do agree"
3. Create a FormGroup
via DynamicFormService
import { MY_DYNAMIC_FORM_MODEL } from "./my-dynamic-form.model";
import { DynamicFormControlModel, DynamicFormService } from "@ng2-dynamic-forms/core";
export class MyDynamicFormComponent implements OnInit {
formModel: DynamicFormControlModel[] = MY_DYNAMIC_FORM_MODEL;
formGroup: FormGroup;
constructor(private formService: DynamicFormService) {}
ngOnInit() {
this.formGroup = this.formService.createFormGroup(this.formModel);
4. Add the DynamicFormControlComponent
to your template
and bind it's FormGroup
and DynamicFormControlModel
<form [formGroup]="formGroup">
<dynamic-form-bootstrap-control *ngFor="let controlModel of formModel"
ng2 Dynamic Forms is built to provide solid yet unobtrusive support for a variety of common UI libraries:
You can instantly plug in your favorite form controls by installing the appropriate package and it's peer dependencies:
npm install @ng2-dynamic-forms/ui-<library-name> --save
Right afterwards just import the corresponding UI NgModule
imports: [
// ...all remaining definitions
export class AppModule {}
Every UI NgModule
declares a DynamicFormControlComponent
that can easily be added to
your component template
<form [formGroup]="formGroup">
<dynamic-form-bootstrap-control *ngFor="let controlModel of formModel"
Due to technical restrictions or external dependencies still being in development full support for all major form controls cannot be provided in every single UI library. See the following compatibility table:
ui-basic | ui-bootstrap | ui-foundation | ui-ionic | ui-kendo | ui-material | ui-ng-bootstrap | ui-primeng | |
Checkbox | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Checkbox Group | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Datepicker | * | * | * | ✓ | ✓ | * | ✓ | ✓ |
Editor | ✗ | ✗ | ✗ | ✗ | ✗ | ✗ | ✗ | ✓ |
File Upload | ** | ** | ** | ✗ | ✓ | ** | ** | ** |
Input | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Radio Group | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Select | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Slider | *** | *** | *** | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | *** | ✓ |
Switch | ✗ | ✗ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✗ | ✓ |
Textarea | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Timepicker | * | * | * | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ | ✓ | ✓ |
*) datetime controls can be achieved using a DynamicInputModel
with inputType: "date"
or inputType: "time"
**) file upload controls can be achieved using a DynamicInputModel
with inputType: "file"
***) slider controls can be achieved using a DynamicInputModel
with inputType: "range"
One of the benefits of using ng2 Dynamic Forms is that interacting with your form programmatically becomes pretty easy.
Since a DynamicFormControlModel
is bound directly to a DOM
element via Angular core mechanisms,
changing one of it's properties will immediately trigger a UI update.
ng2 Dynamic Forms relies on the Angular ReactiveFormsModule
. Therefore the value
property is not two-way-bound via [(ngModel)]
under the hood.
So what if we actually want to update the value of an arbitrary form control at runtime?
At first we need to get a reference to it's DynamicFormControlModel
representation. This can easily be achieved either by
a simple index-based array lookup or through the findById
method of DynamicFormService
this.inputModel = this.formModel[2];
this.inputModel = this.formService.findById("myInput", this.formModel) as DynamicInputModel;
We now have access to a Rx.Subject
named valueUpdates
to push new values via next()
as well as to listen to new user input via subscribe()
:"my new value");
this.inputModel.valueUpdates.subscribe(value => console.log("new value: ", value);
At any time we can also safely read the most recent user input from the value
let currentValue = this.inputModel.value;
In order to improve clarity it's often considered good practice to group forms into several logical fieldset
Luckily ng2 Dynamic Forms supports nesting of form groups out of the box!
1. Just create a DynamicFormGroupModel
within your Array<DynamicFormControlModel>
and add it's models to the group
export const MY_DYNAMIC_FORM_MODEL: DynamicFormControlModel[] = [
new DynamicFormGroupModel({
id: "basicFormGroup1",
legend: "Form Group 1",
group: [
new DynamicInputModel({
id: "basicGroupInput1-1",
label: "Example Group Input 1-1",
value: "Test 1-1"
new DynamicInputModel({
id: "basicGroupInput1-2",
label: "Example Group Input 1-2",
value: "Test 1-2"
new DynamicFormGroupModel({
id: "basicFormGroup2",
legend: "Form Group 2",
group: [
new DynamicInputModel({
id: "basicGroupInput2-1",
label: "Example Group Input 2-1",
value: "Test 2-1"
new DynamicInputModel({
id: "basicGroupInput2-2",
label: "Example Group Input 2-2",
value: "Test 2-2"
2. Create a FormGroup
and apply a DynamicFormControlComponent
ngOnInit() {
this.formGroup = this.formService.createFormGroup(this.formModel);
<form [formGroup]="formGroup">
<dynamic-form-bootstrap-control *ngFor="let controlModel of formModel"
3. To manipulate existing DynamicFormGroupModel
s you can simply use DynamicFormService
addFormGroupControl(formGroup: FormGroup, groupModel: DynamicFormGroupModel, ...controlModels: DynamicFormControlModel[]): void
insertFormGroupControl(index: number, formGroup: FormGroup, groupModel: DynamicFormGroupModel, ...controlModels: DynamicFormControlModel[]): void
moveFormGroupControl(index: number, step: number, groupModel: DynamicFormGroupModel): void
removeFormGroupControl(index: number, formGroup: FormGroup, groupModel: DynamicFormGroupModel): void
Sometimes forms need to allow the user to dynamically add multiple items of the same kind to it, e.g. addresses, products and so on. Particularly for this reason Angular provides so called Form Arrays.
Fortunately, ng2 Dynamic Forms is capable of managing such nested form structures!
1. Add a DynamicFormArrayModel
to your form model:
export const MY_DYNAMIC_FORM_MODEL: DynamicFormControlModel[] = [
new DynamicFormArrayModel({
id: "myFormArrayModel"
2. Add the createGroup
property to the DynamicFormArrayModel
and assign a function to it which returns
the structure of a single form array item:
new DynamicFormArrayModel({
id: "myFormArray",
initialCount: 5,
createGroup: () => {
return [
new DynamicInputModel({
id: "formArrayInput",
label: "Form Array Input"
3. As usual, create a FormGroup
via DynamicFormService
and bind it to your component template:
this.formGroup = this.formService.createFormGroup(this.formModel);
<form [formGroup]="formGroup">
<dynamic-form-basic-control *ngFor="let controlModel of formModel"
<button type="button" (click)="addItem()">Add item</button>
<button type="button" (click)="clear()">Remove all items</button>
4. You can now easily modify your form array with DynamicFormService
ngOnInit() {
this.arrayControl = <FormArray> this.formGroup.get("myFormArray");
this.arrayModel = <DynamicFormArrayModel> this.formService.findById("myFormArray", this.formModel);
addItem() {
this.formService.addFormArrayGroup(this.arrayControl, this.arrayModel);
clear() {
this.formService.clearFormArray(this.arrayControl, this.arrayModel);
Alright, works like a charm!
But wait a minute... what if we want to append, let's say, a remove <button>
for each array group?
Particularly for this case you can add a <template>
and declare some custom content that is rendered equally for all array groups:
<form [formGroup]="formGroup">
<dynamic-form-basic-control *ngFor="let controlModel of formModel"
<ng-template modelId="myFormArray" let-context="context" let-index="index">
<button type="button" (click)="removeItem(context, index)">Remove Item</button>
<button type="button" (click)="insertItem(context, index + 1)">Add Item</button>
Whenever a <ng-template>
is set for a DynamicFormArrayModel
, NgTemplateOutletContext
is internally bound to
the associated DynamicFormArrayGroup
That means you can access the group index and it's context DynamicFormArrayModel
by declaring some local template variables let-context="context"
and let-index="index"
see chapter on Custom Templates
This is extremely useful when you'd like to implement a remove or insert function:
removeItem(context: DynamicFormArrayModel, index: number) {
this.formService.removeFormArrayGroup(index, this.arrayControl, context);
insertItem(context: DynamicFormArrayModel, index: number) {
this.formService.insertFormArrayGroup(index, this.arrayControl, context);
Using DynamicFormService
again, you can even change the order of the groups in a form array dynamically:
this.formService.moveFormArrayGroup(index, -1, this.arrayControl, context);
When using a ng2 Dynamic Forms UI package, e.g. ui-bootstrap
, all essential form classes of the underlying CSS library
(like form-group
or form-control
) are automatically put in place for you in the template of the corresponding DynamicFormControlComponent
Apart from that, ng2 Dynamic Forms does not make any further presumptions about optional CSS classes and leaves advanced layouting all up to you. That's solid yet unobtrusive.
So let's say we want to implement a beautifully aligned Bootstrap horizonal form...
At first we have to append the mandatory Bootstrap CSS class form-horizontal
to the <form>
element in our template:
<form class="form-horizontal" [formGroup]="formGroup">
<dynamic-form-bootstrap-control *ngFor="let controlModel of formModel"
Now we need to position the <label>
and the form-control
using the Bootstrap grid system. But since all the template logic for the form controls is capsuled in the scope of the DynamicFormBootstrapComponent
we cannot directly attach those necessary CSS classes to markup.
Don't worry!
By providing the cls
and it's nested grid
and element
configuration objects, ng2 Dynamic Forms allows us to optionally define additional CSS classes for every DynamicFormControlModel
, which are then intelligently appended within the DynamicFormControlComponent
We can just pass it as a second constructor parameter of every DynamicFormControlModel
, i.e. separation of model and style information remains intact:
new DynamicInputModel(
// ... all model configuration properties
element: {
label: "control-label"
grid: {
control: "col-sm-9",
label: "col-sm-3"
As mentioned above, ng2 Dynamic Forms already gives you a lot of freedom in adjusting your form layout via CSS classes.
However there are situations where you would like to add custom markup for some of your form controls, as well.
In order to do so, just put a <ng-template>
inside your dynamic form control element and set a modelId
property to assign it to a certain control.
<form [formGroup]="formGroup">
<dynamic-form-bootstrap-control *ngFor="let controlModel of formModel"
<ng-template modelId="myInput">
<p>Just some custom markup</p>
Alternatively you can also apply modelType
instead of modelId
to reuse a template for several form controls of the same type:
<form [formGroup]="formGroup">
<dynamic-form-bootstrap-control *ngFor="let controlModel of formModel"
<ng-template modelType="ARRAY">
<p>Just some custom markup</p>
And it's getting better!
Since for every template NgTemplateOutletContext
is internally bound to the corresponding DynamicFormControlModel
can use local template variables to reference your models' properties:
<form [formGroup]="formGroup">
<dynamic-form-bootstrap-control *ngFor="let controlModel of formModel"
<ng-template modelId="myInput" let-id="id">
<p>Just some custom markup for {{ id }}</p>
Still not convinced?
Some UI libraries, e.g. Kendo UI, allow detailed customizing of form controls via template directives.
And you surely don't want to miss out on such a feature, do you?
That's why ng2 Dynamic Forms can even master this!
All you have to do is to add a type
attribute to your template and specifiy the use of it:
<form [formGroup]="formGroup">
<dynamic-form-kendo-control *ngFor="let controlModel of formModel"
<ng-template modelId="myDropDownList" type="kendoDropDownListHeaderTemplate">
<p>My Header Template</p>
Finally you can determine whether the template is rendered before or after the actual form control by using the align
<form [formGroup]="formGroup">
<dynamic-form-bootstrap-control *ngFor="let controlModel of formModel"
<ng-template modelId="myInput" align="START">
<p>Just some custom markup</p>
Adding built-in validators to any DynamicFormValueControlModel
is dead easy!
Just reference a Validators
function by it's name in the validators
or asyncValidators
configuration object and ng2 Dynamic Forms will do the rest:
new DynamicInputModel({
id: "myInput",
label: "My Input",
validators: {
required: null,
minLength: 3
So far so good! But what if you'd like to use a custom validator as well?
At first use the NG_VALIDATORS
token to provide your function:
function testValidator() {
return {
testValidator: {
valid: true
// ...
providers: [
{provide: NG_VALIDATORS, useValue: testValidator, multi: true}
Note: - Custom Validators in Angular 2
And as if by magic you can now apply your custom validator, too:
new DynamicInputModel({
id: "myInput",
label: "My Input",
validators: {
required: null,
minLength: 3,
testValidator: null
CAUTION: When uglifying your code for production you need to exclude all custom validator function names from mangling to avoid a runtime exception:
plugins: [
new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
mangle: {
except: ['myValidator']
Delivering meaningful validation information to the user is an essential part of good form design. Yet HTML5 already comes up with some native functionality you very likely want to use Angular mechanisms to gain much more control over validation logic and it's corresponding message output.
Avoiding a library too opinionated in the beginning, ng2 Dynamic Forms has originally been developed without any kind of obtrusive validation message system in mind.
However, due to it's very common use case and several developer requests, model-based error messaging has eventually become an optional built-in feature:
1. Add an errorMessages
object to any DynamicFormValueControlModel
and assign error message templates based on Validators
new DynamicInputModel({
id: "bootstrapInput",
label: "Example Input",
placeholder: "example input",
validators: {
required: null
errorMessages: {
required: "{{label}} is required."
Error message template allows the following placeholders:
where property_name is property of model, for example{{label}}
where property_name is property of object returned by validation function, for example{{validator.requiredPattern}}
in case of pattern validator.
2. Enable error messaging by binding the @Input() hasErrorMessaging
property of to true
<form [formGroup]="formGroup">
<dynamic-form-bootstrap-control *ngFor="let controlModel of formModel"
Still you are completely free to implement your own validation messaging. Follow the recommended approach below:
1. Create your own custom validation message component and make it accept a FormControl
import { Component, Input } from "@angular/core";
import { FormControl } from "@angular/forms";
selector: "my-validation-message",
templateUrl: "./my-validation-message.html"
export class MyValidationMessage {
@Input() control: FormControl;
constructor () {}
2. Create a template file for your custom validation component and implement it's logic based on the control
<span *ngIf="control && control.hasError('required') && control.touched">Field is required</span>
3. Define some Validators
for your DynamicFormControlModel
new DynamicInputModel({
id: "exampleInput",
label: "Example Input",
placeholder: "example input",
validators: {
required: null
4. Add your validation component aside from the DynamicFormControlComponent
in your form component template
and bind the internal FormControl
reference via local template variables:
<form [formGroup]="formGroup">
<div *ngFor="let controlModel of formModel">
<dynamic-form-basic-control [group]="formGroup"
[model]="controlModel" #componentRef>
<my-validation-message [control]="componentRef.control"></my-validation-message>
Sooner or later you likely want to persist your dynamic form model in order to restore it at some point in the future.
That's why all DynamicFormControlModel
s have been preprared to export properly to JSON:
storeForm() {
let json: string = JSON.stringify(this.formModel);
// JSON in localStorage or transfer to server
Since all DynamicFormControlModel
s in ng2 Dynamic Forms rely on prototypical inheritance and thus aren't just plain JavaScript objects literals,
recreating a form from JSON unfortunately becomes more complex.
The good news is, that DynamicFormService
offers the function fromJSON()
to make things short and easy:
restoreForm() {
let json: string;
// ...load JSON from localStorage or server
this.formModel = this.formService.fromJSON(json);
Since RC.6 to date, Angular does not allow any dynamic bindings of the disabled
attribute in reactive forms.
That means changing the corresponding disabled
property of some DynamicFormControlModel
at runtime won't have any effect.
But similar to updating values ng2 Dynamic Forms helps you out here
by providing a Rx.Subject
that can be used to programmatically switch the activation state of any form control:;
In many complex forms the activation state of a certain form control depends directly on the value
or status
of some other form control.
So let's pretend we need to have our textarea myTextArea
disabled as soon as the third option of our select menu mySelect
is chosen.
Manually implementing such a requirement would be time-consuming and only lead to undesired boilerplate code.
Using ng2 Dynamic Forms however, you can easily define relations between form controls by declaration:
new DynamicTextAreaModel(
id: "myTextArea",
label: "My Textarea",
relation: [
action: "DISABLE",
when: [
id: "mySelect",
value: "option-3"
The relation
property may seem a bit oversized at first sight, but that way it allows the flexible declaration of even multi-related form controls.
So what if the activation state of myTextArea
should actually depend on another control myRadioGroup
as well?
Just add a second entry to the when
array and define how both relations should logically be connected via connective
new DynamicTextAreaModel(
id: "myTextArea",
label: "My Textarea",
relation: [
action: "DISABLE",
connective: "AND",
when: [
id: "mySelect",
value: "option-3"
id: "myRadioGroup",
value: "option-4"
Adding automatic completion can be key factor to good user experience (especially on mobile devices) and should always be considered when designing forms. That's why ng2 Dynamic Forms keeps you covered here, as well!
Following HTML5 standard behavior, the autocomplete
attribute is always bound to on
for any DynamicFormTextInputControl
form element by default.
Nevertheless you can completely disable this feature by explicitly setting the corresponding model property to off
import { AUTOCOMPLETE_OFF } from "@ng2-dynamic-forms/core";
let model = new DynamicInputModel({
//...all remaining properties
Further on ng2 Dynamic Forms embraces the brand new HTML5
autofill detail tokens by providing
string constants and DynamicFormAutoFillService
to help you putting together a valid expression:
Note: Jason Grigsby - Autofill: What web devs should know, but don’t
import {
} from "@ng2-dynamic-forms/core";
export class MyAutoFillExample {
constructor(private autoFillService: DynamicFormAutoFillService) {
let model = new DynamicInputModel({
autoComplete: autoFillService.validate(expression) ? expression : AUTOCOMPLETE_ON
//...all remaining properties
Besides you can make user input more comfortable, providing HTML5 datalists
by setting the list
property of DynamicInputControlModel
new DynamicInputModel({
id: "basicInput",
label: "Example Input",
list: ["One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five"]
Thank you very much for the great feedback so far and everyone giving ng2 Dynamic Forms a try!
Angular is a fantastic framework and I'm convinced that ng2 Dynamic Forms is a high-quality library that will save you lots of time when building reactive forms with it.
If you would like to contribute some code please have look at the contribution guide before!
- Logo design made by oscarana