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stacktrace-gps - Turn partial code location into precise code location

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This library accepts a code location (in the form of a StackFrame) and returns a new StackFrame with a more accurate location (using source maps) and guessed function names.

This is primarily a browser-centric library, but can be used with node.js. See the Offline Usage section below.


var stackframe = new StackFrame({fileName: 'http://localhost:3000/file.min.js', lineNumber: 1, columnNumber: 3284});
var callback = function myCallback(foundFunctionName) { console.log(foundFunctionName); };

// Such meta. Wow
var errback = function myErrback(error) { console.log(StackTrace.fromError(error)); };

var gps = new StackTraceGPS();

// Pinpoint actual function name and source-mapped location
gps.pinpoint(stackframe).then(callback, errback);
//===> Promise(StackFrame({functionName: 'fun', fileName: 'file.js', lineNumber: 203, columnNumber: 9}), Error)

// Better location/name information from source maps
gps.getMappedLocation(stackframe).then(callback, errback);
//===> Promise(StackFrame({fileName: 'file.js', lineNumber: 203, columnNumber: 9}), Error)

// Get function name from location information
gps.findFunctionName(stackframe).then(callback, errback);
//===> Promise(StackFrame({functionName: 'fun', fileName: 'http://localhost:3000/file.min.js', lineNumber: 1, columnNumber: 3284}), Error)

Offline Usage

With a bit of preparation, you can use this library offline in any environment. Any encountered fileNames not in the cache return resolved Promises with the original StackFrame. StackTraceGPS will make a best effort to provide as good of response with what is given and will fallback to the original StackFrame if nothing better could be found.

var stack = ErrorStackParser.parse(new Error('boom'));
console.assert(stack[0] == new StackFrame({fileName: 'http://localhost:9999/file.min.js', lineNumber: 1, columnNumber: 32}));

var sourceCache = {'http://localhost:9999/file.min.js': 'var foo=function(){};function bar(){}var baz=eval("XXX");\n//#'};
var sourceMap = '{"version":3,"sources":["./file.js"],"sourceRoot":"http://localhost:4000/","names":["foo","bar","baz","eval"],"mappings":"AAAA,GAAIA,KAAM,YACV,SAASC,QACT,GAAIC,KAAMC,KAAK","file":"file.min.js"}';
var sourceMapConsumerCache = {'http://localhost:4000/': new SourceMap.SourceMapConsumer(sourceMap)};

var gps = new StackTraceGPS({offline: true, sourceCache: sourceCache, sourceMapConsumerCache: sourceMapConsumerCache});
gps.pinpoint(stack[0]).then(function(betterStackFrame) {
    console.assert(betterStackFrame === new StackFrame({functionName: 'bar', fileName: 'http://localhost:9999/file.js', lineNumber: 2, columnNumber: 9}));


npm install stacktrace-gps
bower install stacktrace-gps


new StackTraceGPS(/*optional*/ options) => StackTraceGPS

options: Object

  • sourceCache: Object (String URL : String Source) - Pre-populate source cache to avoid network requests
  • sourceMapConsumerCache: Object (Source Mapping URL : SourceMap.SourceMapConsumer) - Pre-populate source cache to avoid network requests
  • sourceCache: Object (String URL : String Source) - Pre-populate source cache to avoid network requests
  • sourceMapConsumerCache: Object (Source Mapping URL : SourceMap.SourceMapConsumer) - Pre-populate source cache to avoid network requests
  • offline: Boolean (default false) - Set to true to prevent all network requests
  • contextMaxLineLength: Number (default 200) - The maximum length of one line in the context source code
  • contextMaxLinesCount: Number (default 5) - The maximum number of lines in the context source code
  • offline: Boolean (default false) - Set to true to prevent all network requests
  • ajax: Function (String URL => Promise(responseText)) - Function to be used for making X-Domain requests
  • atob: Function (String => String) - Function to convert base64-encoded strings to their original representation

.pinpoint(stackframe) => Promise(StackFrame)

Enhance function name and use source maps to produce a better StackFrame.

  • stackframe - StackFrame or like object e.g. {fileName: 'path/to/file.js', lineNumber: 100, columnNumber: 5}

.findFunctionName(stackframe) => Promise(StackFrame)

Enhance function name and use source maps to produce a better StackFrame.

.getMappedLocation(stackframe) => Promise(StackFrame)

Enhance function name and use source maps to produce a better StackFrame.

.getContext(stackframe) => Promise({ source, lineNumber, columnNumber })

Returns the surrounding source code chunk (with the start position) for where the stackframe points.

Browser Support

Sauce Test Status

Functions that rely on Source Maps (pinpoint and getMappedLocation) require recent browsers.


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Turns partial code location into precise code location







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