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Asayer - Lettuce (Python)

Lettuce (Python) integration with Asayer.

Table of Contents:


  • Python 2.7 or newer
  • An IDE is optional

Set it up

  • Clone the repo git clone or download it
  • Install the required dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Update the asayer.config.json file under the config folder with your Asayer API key

Run it

To run the test, proceed as follows:


Details about the test session can be found in the Dashboard under Automate > Sessions.

Test List

This is where all your executed tests are listed. You can use the filter to navigate through Passed or Failed tests (see Mark A Completed Test to learn how to mark a test).

Test Overview

Encloses various details like State, Duration, Execution Time, Platform/Browser as well as the User who initiated the test.

Session Recording

Each session gets fully recorded. The video can be played or downloaded (as part of the Assets).


All commands gets displayed in the form of a comprehensive timeline, including details such as Execution Time, Duration and Screenshot.


A screenshot is taken automatically upon the execution of each and every command. Simply hover over the cam icon to see it.

Server Logs

Various actions (i.e. HTTP) taking place throughout the session, are logged.

Console Logs

Chrome and Opera console logs are captured and displayed back.


Clicking on the Download Assets button will download a zip file enclosing:

  • All screenshots
  • Session recording (.webm)
  • Server logs
  • Browser console logs (only Chrome and Opera)


The list of your active tunnels is available in Settings > Tunnels. For more information, see Local Testing.

Application Parameters

You can change the app settings from the asayer.config.json file.

  "apikey": "ASAYER API KEY",
  "server": "",
  "name": "Testing Lettuce with Asayer",

Belows are the supported settings:

Name Value Description Required
apikey Your Asayer API key yes
server Asayer's Selenium hub yes
name The name of the test to execute (will be visible in the Dashboard) yes
build The build's ID (if any) no
tunnelId The tunnel's ID for local tests yes for (local testing)


You can change the caps from the asayer.config.json file under capabilities.

  "capabilities": {
    "browserName": "chrome",
    "platform": "any",

Below is the list of supported capabilities:

Name Possible Values Default Value Description Required
platform linux windows mac android ios any linux The platform used for the test yes
browser chrome firefox ie safari opera edge chrome The browser used for the test yes
seleniumVersion 2.53.1, latest latest The selenium version used for the test no
browserVersion see the list of supported browser versions latest The browser version used for the test no
flags - A list of flags to be passed to the browser, see Fun with Flags no
deviceName see the list of supported mobile devices - The android device name to use for the test yes if platform is set to android or ios

Supported Browser Versions

The list of supported browser versions are:

Name Versions
edge 15
opera 48
firefox 47, 56.0.1
chrome 62
ie 11
safari 11

Supported Mobile Devices

The list of available mobile simulators/emulators is as below:

platform deviceName
android Galaxy_S8, LG_G6, Pixel, Pixel_XL, Pixel_C, Nexus_5X, Nexus_6P Nexus_9
ios iPhone 5, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone SE, iPad Air, iPad Air 2, iPad Pro

Note: Only Android 7.1.1 and iOS 10.3 are supported.

Fun with Flags

In addition to the above mentioned capabilities, you can attach a list of flags (to run the browser with) by simply adding [FLAG NAME]:[value] to the asayer.config.json file under capabilities:flags.

In the following example, we used some of the Chrome flags:

  "capabilities": {
    "flags": {
      "--incognito": true,
      "--start-fullscreen": true

These flags will be interpreted as --incognito --start-fullscreen.

  • Kepp in mind that each browser has its own and unique list of flags:

Integrating Asayer with your existing project

Follow the below steps to integrate Asayer with your existing project:

  • Copy the file to your project under the features folder
  • Have the required dependencies installed
  • Copy the asayer.config.json file to your project under the config folder, setup the Application Parameters (here) then configure the desired Capabilities (here)
  • Make sure that the before.each_scenario hook of the AsayerWebDriver file is the only hook initiating the world.browser webDriver instance

Local Testing

Local testing allows you to test your internal servers, in addition to public URLs, using Asayer's infrastucture without having to update your firewalls or proxies.

Starting the Tunnel

  1. Download asayer-tunnel for Windows (32bits|64bits), Linux (32bits|64bits) or Mac (32bits|64bits)
  2. Open a terminal and cd to the binary folder
  3. Execute the binary by running asayer-tunnel_win64.exe -k API_KEY -i TUNNEL_NAME

The complete manual for the tunnel is the following:

$ asayer-tunnel_win64.exe -h
  main [OPTIONS]

Application Options:
  -k, --key=            The user API_KEY
  -i, --id=             The id of the tunnel
  -p, --port=           The local proxy port (default: 9090)
  -w, --whitelist=      List of URLs to exclude from proxy, separated by ';' (eg: url1; url2)
      --proxy-url=      If you are behind a proxy set its URL here, the format is HOST:PORT.
                        If needed, auth info can be set in --proxy-user and --proxy-password
      --proxy-user=     Basic auth HTTP Proxy username
      --proxy-password= Basic auth HTTP Proxy password
  -v, --verbose         Show debug information

Help Options:
  -h, --help            Show this help message

Note that only -k and -i parameters are required.

Setting up the tests for Local Testing

To set up your tests for local testing, you must add the tunnelId capability to the asayer.config.json file

  "tunnelId": "[TUNNEL_ID]",
  "capabilities": {

Once done, run your tests as usual. HTTP traffic will then be redirected to the machine on which the asayer-tunnel binary is running through a secure connection.

Details about the local tests can be found in the Dashboard. Local tests are marked with a plug icon.


  • Local Testing is available on chrome, firefox and opera browsers only
  • Only 3 active tunnels are allowed per organization

Mark Session

Once the session is completed, you can mark the test (either passed or failed) by calling the mark_session(["Passed"|"Failed"]) method of the file.

You can also rely on our REST API to do so by submitting sessionID and sessionStatus parameters:

Method: POST
Json: {
        sessionID: world.session_id, // Required
        sessionStatus:"Passed"|"Failed", // Required
        apiKey:"YOUR ASAYER API KEY" | world.apikey, // Required

The state will be visible in the Dashboard:

For reporting purposes, you can call the mark_session_details(state, requirementID, testStatus) method of the file.

mark_session_details's parameters are:

  • state: the session's state
  • requirementID: the session's requirement ID
  • testStatus: a dictionary object of "testId":"testStatus"

See the example below:

    mark_session_details("Passed", "requirementId1230", {"TEST ID 1":"Passed","TEST ID 2":"Failed"})

You can also rely on our REST API by calling:

Method: POST
Json: {
        sessionID:$this->sessionId, // Required
        sessionStatus:"Passed"|"Failed", // Required
        apiKey:"YOUR ASAYER API KEY ($this->apikey)", // Required
        reqID: "REQUIREMENT ID", // Required
	    testStatus: { // Required
    		"TEST ID 1":"Passed"|"Failed",
    		"TEST ID 2": "Passed"|"Failed"

Note that every step’s status is automatically reported to Asayer throughout the execution of the test. This may be seen in in the Reporting section, as shown below:


This project relies on the below dependencies:

  • lettuce
  • selenium
  • nose
  • requests

To install the required dependencies, execute in the terminal pip install -r requirements.txt


Sample code for Lettuce with Asayer






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