A curated list of my GitHub stars! Generated by starred.
- ActionScript
- Adblock Filter List
- Awk
- Batchfile
- C
- C#
- C++
- CoffeeScript
- Common Lisp
- D
- Dart
- Dockerfile
- Emacs Lisp
- GDScript
- Go
- Groovy
- Haskell
- Java
- JavaScript
- Julia
- Jupyter Notebook
- Kotlin
- Lex
- Lua
- M4
- Makefile
- Nim
- OCaml
- Objective-C
- Others
- Pascal
- Perl
- PostScript
- PowerShell
- Python
- R
- Roff
- Ruby
- Rust
- Scala
- Shell
- Svelte
- TeX
- Text
- TypeScript
- Typst
- Vala
- Vim Script
- Vue
- Zig
- jq
- nullified33/boscaceoil - A simple music making program
- DandelionSprout/adfilt - The place where I, DandelionSprout, store my web filter lists for countless topics, including my Nordic adblock list. As simple as that, really.
- mtxadmin/ublock - Filters for uBlock Origin
- amitzionii/awnki - An Anki written in awk
- huijunchen9260/bib.awk - Bibliography manager written in awk
- icyphox/mawkdown - a subset of markdown, written in awk
- LukeSmithxyz/vul - Latin Vulgate Bible on the Command Line
- 333-9/awk-html-generator - generates html sites from markdown-like syntax
- islamadel/bat2exe - Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/bat2exe
- farfalleflickan/cmyflix - cmyflix, a Netflix clone!
- 3proxy/3proxy - 3proxy - tiny free proxy server
- sentinm/Chadwm-Arch - Chadwm installation optimized for archlinux users.
- MalcolmReed-ent/BadWolf-1.3.0 - My deblobbed version of the BadWolf WebKitGTK browser.
- Ajatt-Tools/dictpopup - Looks up selected (Japanese) text in your Yomichan dictionaries and displays the result as a popup.
- krzysckh/mpvq - tui playlist manager for mpv.
- hrvach/deskhop - Fast Desktop Switching Device
- mity/md4c - C Markdown parser. Fast. SAX-like interface. Compliant to CommonMark specification.
- DevonCrawford/Video-Editing-Automation - Toolkit of algorithms to automate the video editing process
- EmotionEngineer/EmotionLib - Efficient Library for Media Content Analysis
- ThomasR95/rahituber - A more lively and customisable approach to PNGTuber avatars.
- akkana/crikey - Crikey! A program to generate typed key events on Linux
- konstare/gdcv - gdcv - GoldenDict console version and emacs dynamic module
- dowobeha/Gale_and_Church_1993 - Bilingual sentence aligner (Gale & Church, 1993)
- mlj/castget - A simple, command-line based RSS enclosure downloader, primarily intended for automatic, unattended downloading of podcasts.
- bakkeby/st-flexipatch - An st build with preprocessor directives to decide which patches to include during build time
- nichujie/zathura-txt - A zathura plugin to open plain text files.
- Dudemanguy/vmn - Simplistic cli music player built on mpv and curses
- espeak-ng/espeak-ng - eSpeak NG is an open source speech synthesizer that supports more than hundred languages and accents.
- TALP-UPC/saga - SAGA - Phonetic transcription software for all Spanish variants.
- mgudemann/sct - Change screen color temperature and brightness using the Xrandr extension
- cboxdoerfer/fsearch - A fast file search utility for Unix-like systems based on GTK3
- bitsmanent/sw - simple wallet
- MertGunduz/mkhtml - mkhtml is an html document generator that works with gpt
- uditkarode/libxft-bgra - A patched version of libxft that allows for colored emojis to be rendered in Suckless software (dmenu/st/whatever).
- TryQuiet/quiet - A private, p2p alternative to Slack and Discord built on Tor & IPFS
- feider/zk - Zettelkasten notekeeping software for the terminal
- UtkarshVerma/dwmblocks-async - An efficient, lean, and asynchronous status feed generator for dwm.
- davidseegert/spritz.exe - a command line spritz application
- jbfits/fast - An RSVP reader for the *nix command line (like more or less)
- hqwrong/minitox - Minimal client for Tox
- screen-editor/se - se is a screen oriented version of the classic UNIX text editor ed.
- kohler/gifsicle - Create, manipulate, and optimize GIF images and animations
- lakinduakash/linux-wifi-hotspot - Feature-rich wifi hotspot creator for Linux which provides both GUI and command-line interface. It is also able to create a hotspot using the same wifi card which is connected to an AP already ( Simil
- lecram/mbf-util - Tools for MBF fonts.
- lecram/congif - convert script(1) output to GIF
- deanproxy/eMail - Command line SMTP client
- onetrueawk/awk - One true awk
- nbfc-linux/nbfc-linux - NoteBook FanControl ported to Linux
- drbig/snb - Simple hierarchical notebook that's locale aware
- siara-cc/Unishox2 - Compression for Unicode short strings (works on arduino)
- Ed-von-Schleck/shoco - shoco is a compressor for small text strings
- antirez/smaz - Small strings compression library
- kovmir/tinytldr - Minimalist tldr command line client written in C
- moritzbroe/terminal_minecraft -
- n-t-roff/Plan9_troff - troff ported from Plan 9
- randoragon/groffhl - Groff Code Syntax Highlighting
- aligrudi/neatroff - Neatroff troff clone
- padgettr/xomxplayer - Simple X11 window control and mapping for omxplayer
- rfc-2549/demiurge - Demiurge -- CLI client for pleroma
- sgerwk/pdftoroff - view pdf on X11 and the Linux framebuffer; resize pdf; convert pdf to text, html, TeX, groff
- netblue30/firejail - Linux namespaces and seccomp-bpf sandbox
- eafer/rdrview - Firefox Reader View as a command line tool
- KillerInk/FreeDcam - FreeDcam is a CameraApp for Android >4.0(ics) wich try to enable stuff that is forgotten by the manufacturs
- aperezdc/notmuch-addrlookup-c - Address lookup tool for Notmuch in C using GLib and libnotmuch
- pbrisbin/mail-query - Query a maildir's contents and print From info for use as a mutt query_command
- Amchik/tasks - 🗓️ Simple To-Do Manager
- vk496/craptev1 - Mirror of craptev1
- mterron/swuniq - A command-line tool for deduplicating entries in a file or stream with constant memory usage
- Firemoon777/tgfs - telegram attachments in FUSE filesystem
- mbornet-hl/hl - Highlight (colorize) text data using regular expressions (efficient C program)
- a-nikolaev/curseofwar - A Real Time Strategy game for Linux.
- leo-arch/clifm - 💾 The shell-like, command line terminal file manager
- bakkeby/dmenu-flexipatch - A dmenu build with preprocessor directives to decide which patches to include during build time
- brpocock/start.exe - Launch an EXE file using DOSBox, Mono, or Wine, as appropriate
- vardy/aphelia - A light, single-file, minimalist window manager for X11.
- theimpossibleastronaut/rmw - trashcan/recycle bin utility for the command line
- cdown/clipnotify - Notify on new X clipboard events
- mario-campos/xget - A minimal, secure, command-line XDCC client.
- skyjake/lagrange - A Beautiful Gemini Client
- rfc-2549/sakisafe - simple file upload
- zserge/tray - Cross-platform, super tiny C99 implementation of a system tray icon with a popup menu.
- jonhoo/mktrayicon - Create system tray icons by writing to a pipe
- HerculesWS/Hercules - Hercules is a collaborative software development project revolving around the creation of a robust massively multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG) server package. Written in C, the program is
- glennular/i3help - Dialog to view your key bindings for i3wm
- DirkReinemann/i3blocksc - Extensions for i3blocks written in C and Shell.
- pickfire/spt - Simple pomodoro timer that doubles your efficiency
- mwh/dragon - Drag and drop source/target for X
- regolith-linux/i3xrocks - A fork of i3blocks that can read Xresources.
- cathugger/mkp224o - vanity address generator for tor onion v3 (ed25519) hidden services
- v1cont/yad - Yet Another Dialog
- jgmenu/jgmenu - An X11 menu
- rkd77/elinks - Fork of elinks
- vmonaco/kloak - Keystroke-level online anonymization kernel: obfuscates typing behavior at the device level.
- singpolyma/mnemonicode - Fork of http://web.archive.org/web/20101031205747/http://www.tothink.com/mnemonic/
- cruegge/pam-gnupg - Unlock GnuPG keys on login
- rfjakob/earlyoom - earlyoom - Early OOM Daemon for Linux
- zoff99/ToxCam - Tox Cam
- uTox/uTox - µTox the lightest and fluffiest Tox client
- eXeC64/imv - Image viewer for X11/Wayland
- zoff99/ToxProxy - Offline Messages for Tox
- inflex/ripMIME - MIME/email package decoder
- LukeSmithxyz/st - Luke's fork of the suckless simple terminal (st) with vim bindings and Xresource compatibility.
- bpeel/notbit - A minimal Bitmessage client
- dudik/herbe - Daemon-less notifications without D-Bus. Minimal and lightweight.
- coyove/chann - Chann is an anonymous imageboard written in C/C++
- kristapsdz/lowdown - simple markdown translator
- layeh/kjv - Read the Word of God from your terminal
- Titor8115/mandown - man-page inspired Markdown viewer
- everard/xkbmon - Minimalistic asynchronous command-line keyboard layout monitor for X11. Useful for configuring i3blocks.
- hcmiya/opuscomment - Utility to edit Ogg Opus tags/output gain - Ogg Opusのタグ及びOutput Gain情報をvorbiscomment(1)と互換のあるインターフェイスで編集するユーティリティ
- DavidMoore/ipfilter - Keeps your preferred Bit Torrent client blocklist up to date to support your privacy and security
- Asterecho/ExcelGPT - chatgpt for Excel ,基于ExcelDNA开发
- OnlyFart/Elib2Ebook - Генератор книг
- StefanoFiumara/harry-potter-tcg - A digital recreation of the old Harry Potter Trading Card Game developed (and sadly discontinued) by Wizards of the Coast.
- rollerozxa/MC2MT - Convert a Minecraft world into a Luanti world
- tim-gromeyer/VoiceAssistant - Empower Your Voice, Secure Your Privacy - Experience VoiceAssistant, Your Customizable Offline Voice Assistant!
- nuttyartist/notes - Fast and beautiful note-taking app written in C++. Write down your thoughts.
- BenWiederhake/tdlib-purple - libpurple Telegram plugin using tdlib
- dvorka/mindforger - Thinking notebook and Markdown editor.
- MatsuriDayo/nekoray - Qt based cross-platform GUI proxy configuration manager (backend: sing-box)
- mvsjober/yasa - yasa is a program that aligns two translations of a text sentence by sentence in order to produce a bi-text
- wydengyre/hunalign -
- filecxx/FileCentipede - Cross-platform internet upload/download manager for HTTP(S), FTP(S), SSH, magnet-link, BitTorrent, m3u8, ed2k, and online videos. WebDAV client, FTP client, SSH client.
- tindy2013/stairspeedtest-reborn - Proxy performance batch tester based on Shadowsocks(R) and V2Ray
- deadYokai/yapng - Yet Another PNGTuber
- Ajatt-Tools/rdricpp - 🍔 Rikaitan Deinflector Reference Implementation in C++.
- tindy2013/subconverter - Utility to convert between various subscription format
- PlankCipher/kabmat - TUI program for managing kanban boards with vim-like keybindings
- andre-tm-hui/ReVox - A soundboard, sampler and voice changer packaged into a single app
- adrianiainlam/mouse-tracker-for-cubism - Uses mouse cursor location and microphone input to produce Live2D Cubism SDK parameters
- team-pp-studio/VoiceTuber - VTuber application which only requires your voice and microphone, no need for a webcam or other tracking nonsense.
- doudar/SmartSpin2k - Transform your spin bike into a Smart Trainer!
- Ajatt-Tools/gd-tools - 🍣 A set of tools to enhance GoldenDict.
- moses-smt/giza-pp - GIZA++ is a statistical machine translation toolkit that is used to train IBM Models 1-5 and an HMM word alignment model. This package also contains the source for the mkcls tool which generates the w
- rakutentech/pisah - Sentence Splitter Library (C++ port of pySBD)
- danielvarga/hunalign - Sentence aligner
- hfxunlp/yasa - yasa is a program that aligns two translations of a text sentence by sentence in order to produce a bi-text
- Emanem/nettop - Utility to show network traffic (both TCP and UDP v4 and v6) split by process and remote host
- raboof/nethogs - Linux 'net top' tool
- sdokara/indicator-mic-cam - Linux system tray indicator for microphone/webcam usage
- SwagSoftware/Kisak-Strike - 100% Open Source CSGO
- teriflix/scrite - Crossplatform Screenwriting Software
- feather-wallet/feather - A free and open-source Monero desktop wallet.
- ggerganov/whisper.cpp - Port of OpenAI's Whisper model in C/C++
- UltimMC/Launcher - Offline Minecraft launcher.
- Alex313031/thorium - Chromium fork named after radioactive element No. 90. Windows and MacOS/Raspi/Android/Special builds are in different repositories, links are towards the top of the README.md.
- AntiMicroX/antimicrox - Graphical program used to map keyboard buttons and mouse controls to a gamepad. Useful for playing games with no gamepad support.
- textbrowser/biblioteq - Archive and catalog the world for today's and tomorrow's generations! Awesome and everyware. Archiving since a long time.
- Alkl58/RcloneBrowser - Simple cross platform GUI for rclone. Supports macOS, GNU/Linux, BSD family and Windows.
- td512/RcloneBrowser - Simple cross platform GUI for rclone. Supports macOS, GNU/Linux, BSD family and Windows.
- jstkdng/ueberzugpp - Drop in replacement for ueberzug written in C++
- magnus-ISU/selectdefaultapplication - an ugly hack to be able to select default applications in linux in a better way
- CountMurphy/QTalarm - A handy alarm clock Program written in QT.
- benjaminogles/budget-meal-planner - Offline desktop app for storing recipes, creating meal plans and generating grocery lists on a budget
- pbek/QOwnNotes - QOwnNotes is a plain-text file notepad and todo-list manager with Markdown support and Nextcloud / ownCloud integration.
- floe/backscrub - Virtual Video Device for Background Replacement with Deep Semantic Segmentation
- AmadeusK525/Amadeus-Writer - Amadeus Writer is a multi-tool application to help fiction writers on writing their books as well as outlining, organizing ideas, characters, locations, etc.
- story-apps/starc - Reinventing the screenwriting software.
- VioletGiraffe/FasterThanSight - Desktop speed reading software for Windows, Mac and Linux
- blackhole89/notekit - A GTK3 hierarchical markdown notetaking application with tablet support.
- olive-editor/olive - Free open-source non-linear video editor
- ripose-jp/Memento - An mpv-based video player for studying Japanese
- Nheko-Reborn/nheko - Desktop client for Matrix using Qt and C++20.
- SZinedine/DeepTags - DeepTags is a markdown notes manager with support for nested tags
- cleverca22/toxvpn - A client / server for a Tox-based VPN. Run the server on one computer, copy the public key, and run the client (with that key) on another computer, and it should Just Work™.
- communi/communi-desktop - An IRC client for desktop environments
- johang/btfs - A bittorrent filesystem based on FUSE.
- kunpengcompute/hyperscan - A high-performance regular expression matching library
- zorggomat/FractalCryptGUI - Free cross-platform deniable encryption cryptoarchiver
- ophiuchus2/wrongthink - self hosted discord clone
- papylhomme/diskmonitor - KDE tools to monitor SMART devices and MDRaid health status
- StefanoLusardi/Kanban - Simple Kanban Board Application made with C++17/Qt5
- GarrettFleischer/ChroniclerQT - ChoiceScript visual code editor
- jacquetc/skribisto - Software for writers
- hoang-khoi/tksort - A dead-simple task prioritizer, inspired by UNIX tsort.
- EntireTwix/Prioritize - just a quick test program as I mess around with imgui, although thats not to say this program lacks utility for simple task prioritization.
- gavv/tagberry - Tag-oriented Qt5 desktop calendar, task manager, and todo list.
- MaximeAeva/TheEfficientGuy - An embedded project management tool based on Qt & sqlite.
- Genivia/ugrep - 🔍 ugrep 7.2 file pattern searcher -- a more powerful, ultra fast, user-friendly, compatible grep replacement. Includes a TUI, Google-like Boolean search with AND/OR/NOT, fuzzy search, hexdumps, search
- mypasswordisqwerty/zipsync - Sync zip <-> dir
- Monthy/gr-lida - Front-End para DOSBox, ScummVM y VDMSound
- yuxshao/ptcollab - A collaborative piano-roll music sequencer!
- netblue30/firetools - Firejail GUI
- madeso/euphoria - data driven "game engine"
- ocornut/imgui - Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
- pioneerspacesim/pioneer - A game of lonely space adventure
- Ponywka/MultiMC5-with-offline - A custom launcher for Minecraft that allows you to easily manage multiple installations of Minecraft at once
- Warsow/qfusion - Source code for cross-platform OpenGL gaming engine
- ikskuh/kristall - Graphical small-internet client for windows, linux, MacOS X and BSDs. Supports gemini, http, https, gopher, finger.
- byronknoll/cmix - cmix is a lossless data compression program aimed at optimizing compression ratio at the cost of high CPU/memory usage.
- hzeller/timg - A terminal image and video viewer.
- lmartinking/TomatoTimer - A Simple Pomodoro Timer that lives in the Menu Bar 🍅
- wwmm/easyeffects - Limiter, compressor, convolver, equalizer and auto volume and many other plugins for PipeWire applications
- yar-sh/steins-gate-psp-patch - An English Patch for Stein;Gate PSP 2011
- Maproom/qmapshack - Consumer grade GIS software
- MaartenBaert/ssr - SimpleScreenRecorder, a screen recorder for Linux
- textbrowser/dooble - Dooble is a scientific browser. Minimal, cute, unusually stable, and available almost everyware. Completed?
- blueprint-freespeech/ricochet-refresh - Anonymous peer-to-peer instant messaging
- nwg-piotr/nwg-launchers - GTK-based launchers: application grid, button bar, dmenu for sway and other window managers
- qTox/qTox - qTox is a chat, voice, video, and file transfer IM client using the encrypted peer-to-peer Tox protocol.
- textbrowser/spot-on - Complexity is beautiful. Anyware, everyone. Completed.
- uowuo/abaddon - An alternative Discord client with voice support made with C++ and GTK 3
- dnbrakk/comfy - Comfy is a console application for browsing imageboards. It supports mouse input and can display images.
- aizenbit/Scribbler - A program that creates handwritten text from a typed text by simulating user's own handwriting
- fmang/opustags - Ogg Opus tags editor
- noedigcode/Kanbanapp - Simple offline Kanban-like app.
- meskio/tudu - A comand line interface to manage hierarchical todos
- shdown/anitomy-cli - A command-line interface for anitomy, with mpv and shell scripts
- SiunCyclone/wintile - Tiling Window Manager for Windows OS
- athul/archie - A minimal Hugo Theme
- jhunschejones/Texthooker-Local - An improved version of https://texthooker.com that also runs offline!
- mrrfv/open-android-backup - Back up your device without vendor lock-ins, using insecure software or root. Supports encryption and compression out of the box. Works cross-platform.
- gustavklopp/LingL - clone of lingq to learn new language
- mullr/jawt - Japanese With Texts
- GDGVIT/groff-editor-frontend -
- seekwhencer/Playlist-Automation -
- WaLLy3K/wally3k.github.io - Repo for Firebog hosting
- skyline75489/Genie - The Simplest Static Blog Generator You'll Ever Seen
- pnlpal/dictionariez - One dictionary to rule them all -- a browser extension to help you learn languages
- gigamonkey/monkeylib-prose-diff - Diff program optimized for comparing text files containing prose.
- stumpwm/stumpwm-contrib - Extension Modules for StumpWM
- stumpwm/stumpwm - The Stump Window Manager
- lewis-weinberger/cprl - a cyberpunk roguelike game
- Inochi2D/inochi2d - Inochi2D SDK - Bring your characters to life
- Merrit/adventure_list - Todo list that syncs to all your devices
- commetchat/commet - Your space to connect
- Scrumbags115/plannertarium - Task and event based weekly planner
- DungeonPaper/dungeon-paper-app - A Dungeon World character sheet app written with Flutter
- Relorer/Edokuri - Edokuri is a foreign book reader that assists in memorizing words and phrases.
- abhi16180/photon - Photon is a cross-platform file and folder transfer application built using flutter. It uses http to transfer files between devices. You can transfer files between any devices that run Photon.
- Kaiteki-Fedi/Kaiteki - The comfy SNS client for everything, everywhere
- syphon-org/syphon - ⚗️ a privacy centric matrix client
- KRTirtho/spotube - 🎧 Open source Spotify client that doesn't require Premium nor uses Electron! Available for both desktop & mobile!
- developeranaz/URL-Magnet-Cloud-Uploader-Heroku - Aria 2 Rclone Remote URL /magnet Clouds upload via HEROKU
- jsz4n/lwt-docker - Learning With Texts with Docker
- WhyNotHugo/docker-makepkg - A Docker image that builds a PKGBUILD.
- qjcg/awesome-typst - Awesome Typst Links
- xahlee/xah-fly-keys - the most efficient keybinding for emacs
- MudkipWorld/PNGTuber-Remix - An Open-source PNGTubing app based off PNGTuber+ :D
- virtual-puppet-project/vpuppr - VTuber application made with Godot 4
- hl2guide/better-mpv-config - An improved MPV Media Player v3 configuration file.
- lichendust/meander - 📝 A powerful, portable utility for production screenplays and manuscripts
- lilendian0x00/xray-knife - A swiss army knife for xray-core to do task such as parsing xray config links, batch testing (latency, speedtest), socks proxy client, etc
- abeleinin/goki - Anki-like flashcard management tool for the terminal!
- artem-russkikh/wireproxy-awg - AmneziaWG compatible wireguard client that exposes itself as a socks5 proxy
- autobrr/autobrr - Modern, easy to use download automation for torrents and usenet.
- wolfeidau/humanhash - humanhash - make a hash more human.
- aaaton/golem - A lemmatizer implemented in Go
- philippta/flyscrape - Flyscrape is a command-line web scraping tool designed for those without advanced programming skills.
- yorukot/superfile - Pretty fancy and modern terminal file manager
- ViRb3/wgcf - 🚤 Cross-platform, unofficial CLI for Cloudflare Warp
- nfx/slrp - rotating open proxy multiplexer
- mubeng/mubeng - An incredibly fast proxy checker & IP rotator with ease.
- b1ek/bshchk -
- darkhz/bluetuith - A TUI bluetooth manager for Linux.
- rusq/wipemychat - Deletes your messages for everyone in Public and Private Telegram chats (group chats).
- 0xInception/ppxity - ppxity is a command-line tool that allows you to interact with the Perplexity Labs (unofficial) API
- plandex-ai/plandex - Open source AI coding agent. Designed for large tasks and real world project.
- bitmagnet-io/bitmagnet - A self-hosted BitTorrent indexer, DHT crawler, content classifier and torrent search engine with web UI, GraphQL API and Servarr stack integration.
- ludviglundgren/qbittorrent-cli - Cli to manage qBittorrent
- YouROK/TorrServer - Torrent stream server
- distribyted/distribyted - Torrent client with HTTP, fuse, and WebDAV interfaces. Start exploring your torrent files right away, even zip, rar, or 7zip archive contents!
- tgdrive/teldrive - Teldrive
- tgragnato/magnetico - Autonomous (self-hosted) BitTorrent DHT search engine suite
- wabarc/wayback - An archiving tool with an IM-style interface that prioritizes privacy and accessibility, integrated with various archival services including Internet Archive, archive.today, Ghostarchive, IPFS, Telegr
- xxf098/LiteSpeedTest - A simple tool for batch test ss/ssr/v2ray/trojan servers.
- phuslu/iploc - Fastest IP To Country Library
- jpillora/media-sort - Automatically organise your movies and tv series
- tkancf/rofi-snippet - Text expander for linux to be integrated with rofi
- aandrew-me/tgpt - AI Chatbots in terminal without needing API keys
- metafates/mangal - 📖 The most advanced (yet simple) cli manga downloader in the entire universe! Lua scrapers, export formats, anilist integration, fancy TUI and more!
- FiloSottile/age - A simple, modern and secure encryption tool (and Go library) with small explicit keys, no config options, and UNIX-style composability.
- caarlos0/fork-cleaner - Quickly clean up unused forks on your github account.
- anoop142/svc - Simple TUI Video Compressor using ffmpeg
- iyear/tdl - 📥 A Telegram toolkit written in Golang
- canhlinh/hlsdl - A golang library to help you download a m3u8 file and save it as a single TS file
- gonejack/html-to-epub - This command line converts .html to .epub with images embed.
- kvannotten/pcd - CLI podcast client (podcatcher) written in golang
- ejv2/podbit - Podboat - Improved
- scotow/mego - A simple megadl wrapper with auto-retry and download list
- altdesktop/playerbm - 📚 🎧 Bookmark CLI for media players to resume where you left off in audiobooks and podcasts
- khakers/go-subgen - Automatically generate subtitles for your media using whisper.cpp via webhooks with support for Radarr & Sonarr
- zupzup/calories - Calories Tracker for the Commandline
- caddyserver/caddy - Fast and extensible multi-platform HTTP/1-2-3 web server with automatic HTTPS
- ShoshinNikita/budget-manager - Easy-to-use, lightweight and self-hosted solution to track your finances
- n0madic/go-hdrezka - Scraper package for HDrezka site
- inugami-dev64/mublog - Small blogging daemon with static site and rss feed generation
- demostanis/gimmeasearx - Find a random searx instance
- divVerent/aaaaxy - A nonlinear 2D puzzle platformer taking place in impossible spaces.
- yousefvand/secret-service - Service to keep secrets of applications
- ostafen/xdcc-cli - A command line tool for searching and downloading files from the IRC network.
- crholm/mark -
- diamondburned/dissent - Tiny native Discord app
- layeh/barnard - barnard is a terminal-based client for the Mumble voice chat software
- majestrate/XD - meme bittorrent client
- shazow/ssh-chat - Chat over SSH.
- seabassapologist/gobbl - A simple Go utility to get and display connected bluetooth device battery levels via the Bluez's D-Bus interface. Intended for use with statusbars and tiling WMs, or other Desktop Environment extensio
- diamondburned/gotktrix - Matrix client in Go and GTK4
- strang1ato/tibivi - Terminal based, vim-like time managment tool
- darkhz/invidtui - A TUI based Invidious client
- R4yGM/garlicshare - Private and self-hosted file sharing over the Tor network written in golang
- Jacalz/rymdport - Cross-platform application for easy encrypted file, folder, and text sharing between devices.
- BillDett/gv - gv - a simple console-based outliner tool
- jdkato/prose - 📖 A Golang library for text processing, including tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, and named-entity extraction.
- neurosnap/sentences - A multilingual command line sentence tokenizer in Golang
- darkliquid/textstats - Generate information about text including syllable counts and Flesch-Kincaid, Gunning-Fog, Coleman-Liau, SMOG and Automated Readability scores.
- nuetoban/gardener - Creates directory tree from provided yaml
- xelaj/mtproto - 🦋 Full-native go implementation of Telegram API
- 3bl3gamer/tg_history_dumper - Exports messages and media from Telegram dialogs, groups and channels
- catatsuy/lls - you can get a list of files in a directory that contains a large number of files
- zix99/rare - Create console histograms, bar graphs, tables, heatmaps and more in realtime using regex and expressions.
- ajaxray/geek-life - The Todo List / Task Manager for Geeks in command line
- novus0rdo/e2eirc - E2EIRC allows you to create end to end encrpyted chat rooms on Regular (Unmodified) IRC servers and your favorite IRC client.
- TheYkk/git-switcher - Easily switch between your git profiles
- doronbehar/pistol - General purpose file previewer designed for Ranger, Lf to make scope.sh redundant
- Sambigeara/fuzzynote - Terminal-based, hyper-fast, CRDT-backed, collaborative note-taking tool
- wansing/maildirfs - A FUSE filesystem which serves a folder as a Maildir.
- asciimoo/morty - Privacy aware web content sanitizer proxy as a service
- irevenko/koneko - 🐈🌐 nyaa.si terminal BitTorrent tracker
- y-yagi/croncal - croncal shows crontab list to calendar
- pauloo27/neptune - 🎧 A Work In Progress YouTube based song player, made with GTK and GoLang
- pauloo27/tuner - 🎵 Search and Play songs from YouTube inside your terminal
- ciehanski/pigeon - WebSocket instant messaging utilizing Tor hidden services.
- akiyosi/goneovim - A GUI frontend for neovim.
- go-shiori/shiori - Simple bookmark manager built with Go
- ncarlier/readflow - readflow is a news-reading (or read-it-later) solution focused on versatility and simplicity.
- SkobelevIgor/stackexchange-xml-converter - Stackexchange (e.g., stackoverflow) data dump converter from XML to CSV format.
- aaronjanse/3mux - Terminal multiplexer inspired by i3
- modood/xmrkeygen - A very simple and easy to use monero(xmr) key/wallet generator.
- rls-moe/nyx - A simple imageboard with no javascript or dependencies written in Go
- singalhimanshu/taskgo - Fast and simple terminal based Kanban board manager
- wlanboy/kanbantabs - golang based console kanban board
- ustuehler/bunkai - Decompose media content with subtitles into flash cards (e.g., for Anki)
- jpbruinsslot/anki-md - 📚 A markdown to anki flash cards converter
- Sioro-Neoku/go-peerflix - Go Peerflix
- matcornic/subify - Subify - Download subtitles for your favorite TV shows and movies
- joshua-isak/Prism - E2E Encrypted Chat
- ap4y/leaf - Flashcard app that uses spaced repetition algorithms for interval calculations
- zlatinb/muwire - MuWire file sharing client for I2P
- Kirilllive/tuesday-js - simple web-based, free and open-source visual novel editor that can be used in a web browser. It is written in JavaScript without using any third party libraries and thus does not require additional s
- erynith/movie-web-instances -
- microsoft/markitdown - Python tool for converting files and office documents to Markdown.
- ircfspace/endpoint - Suggested Endpoints for Warp
- bright-spark/x-frame-bypass - Web Component extending IFrame to bypass X-Frame-Options: deny/sameorigin
- DmytroNorth/Automated_Subtitles_Generation-Regex_Java - An automated workflow that generates timestamped subtitles from a video file with custom control using regex, Java and multiple online tools.
- wydengyre/bitextual - a tool for bilingual text alignment
- Blank-09/Maths-Game - Are you interested in playing Maths Games? Then join the Math Quiz Leaderboard.
- ripienaar/free-for-dev - A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev
- lovmoon3k/c0d3bl0ck-obsidian -
- saturn99/open-film-server - سروهایی که باز هستند و فیلم و موسیقی هستند رو لیست میکنم
- tylerdotrar/mkdocs-coverpage - Customizable cover page for an MkDocs site.
- aarora79/my-reading-list - Books I have read or want to read.
- LouisShark/chatgpt_system_prompt - A collection of GPT system prompts and various prompt injection/leaking knowledge.
- averkij/a-studio - Lingtrain Alignment Studio is an ML based app for texts alignment on different languages. It can produce parallel corpora and parallel books.
- jsmsj/GPT4 - UI for gpt4 and gpt3.5 Run and use for free while it lasts. [Forefront, theb.ai, poe, you, phind, bard]
- r4victor/syncabook - 📖🎧 A tool for creating ebooks with synchronized text and audio (EPUB3 with Media Overlays)
- Ajatt-Tools/AnkiNoteTypes - 🍉 A collection of note types for Anki 2.1
- tatsumoto-ren/matrix - Sort public Matrix servers.
- PurpleI2P/i2pdbrowser - i2pd browser bundle
- OleVik/localized-readability - Generate readability statistics with localized options.
- etagate/gigacat -
- spamgourmet/spamgourmet - This is the actively maintained source for spamgourmet.com
- tosone/IOCCC - IOCCC International Obfuscated C code contest entries http://www.ioccc.org
- saoto28/pineapple60 - first ergonomic keyboard with Trackpoint
- deltachat/provider-db - Database of Email Providers and how well they work with DeltaChat
- maehr/academic-pandoc-template - Write beautifully typeset academic texts with distraction-free Markdown and Pandoc.
- remipassmoilesel/tor-share - Simple hosting and data sharing on Tor network
- codazoda/neatcss - Rapidly build efficient sites with Neat, the minimalist css framework.
- keithfancher/tvmv - Bulk-rename TV episode files with minimal fuss
- t-wissmann/caligraph - Experiments with Haskell, Remind, and Brick
- gfarrell/gtf.io - Personal website
- Belluxx/Java2Smali - This tool converts java code to smali
- hstsethi/awesome-j2me - Awesome list about everything related to J2ME, a Java specification for old keypad phones and PDAs.
- Vinetos/Tranquille - 📲🚫 Block unwanted calls effortlessly. Supports regex. wildcard and open-source bans-lists. Fork of YetAnotherCallBlocker.
- Dr4iv3rNope/NotSoAndroidAyuGram - AyuGram for Android without proprietary features.
- amiothenes/1T-Sentence-Miner - Finds the lowest hanging fruit in your immersion automatically and adds it straight to your Anki deck. 1T Sentences are great to learn languages but very time-consuming, this tool makes Anki cards aut
- gen2brain/bukanir - Bukanir streams movies and TV shows from bittorrent magnet links
- nzilbb/spanishphonology - Rule-based phonemic transcription of Spanish words, ported to Java and Javascript from spanish-pronunciation-rules-php
- Aliucord/Aliucord - A modification for the Discord Android App
- tijder/SmsMatrix - A simple SMS <--> Matrix bridge.
- TrackerControl/tracker-control-android - TrackerControl Android: monitor and control trackers and ads.
- wolpi/prim-ftpd - FTP server app for android
- zoff99/java_toxclient_example - TRIfA Desktop - a Java Tox Client
- magnus-ISU/foreign-language-text-reader - The Foreign Language Text Reader by lang-learn-guy on sourceforge, where he toils madly without version controlling I guess
- hardcore-sushi/DroidFS - Encrypted overlay filesystems implementation for Android. Also available on gitea: https://forge.chapril.org/hardcoresushi/DroidFS
- psal/anonymouth -
- niks255/FairEmail -
- AnimMouse/SH3D-ConsolePhotoGenerator - Sweet Home 3D Console Photo Generator
- stebeh/unison-android - Android app for the Unison file-synchronization tool
- bottomless-archive-project/library-of-alexandria - Library of Alexandria (LoA in short) is a project that aims to collect and archive documents from the internet.
- faissaloo/telegram-micro - Telegram implementation for J2ME devices
- beranat/lockore - Open source password manager application for Java ME (J2ME) mobile phones
- sergeyCodenameOne/UberEatsClone - Grub is an UberEats clone. A full-featured cross-platform food delivery app template in Java/Kotlin for Android, iOS, Desktop & Web.
- Gedsh/InviZible - Android application for online privacy and security
- MaLeLabTs/RegexGenerator - This project contains the source code of a tool for generating regular expressions for text extraction: 1. automatically, 2. based only on examples of the desired behavior, 3. without any external hi
- kalli-st/conversations - UMANTAINED SEE: https://gt.kalli.st/czar/fnord
- pixelstuermer/img2excel - Convert images into Excel files 🚀
- betaiotazeta/AutoShiftPlanner - Auto Shift Planner is a user-friendly desktop application that can design detailed employees shift schedules and solve them automatically while meeting the maximum satisfaction of constraints.
- tboegi/GpsMaster -
- textbrowser/smoke - In a burning world, there will always be Smoke. Sing along with Prison Blues. Completed.
- snailyp/apichecker - 浏览器插件版api检测工具
- vinayaksodar/plot-lines - Writing app for screenplays, web series etc
- Bedrockbreaker/afterwriting-labs - Post-processing for Fountain screenplays
- slasjh/cy -
- Zaruber/Sheetswbparser - 🔍 Парсер позиций товаров Wildberries в Google Sheets
- useful-forks/useful-forks.github.io - Improving GitHub's Forks list discoverability through automatic filtering. The project offers an online tool and a Chrome extension.
- theotherp/nzbhydra2 - Usenet meta search
- coffee-and-fun/google-profanity-words - Full list of bad words and top swear words banned by Google.
- vsemozhetbyt/gls_sd_conv - Скрипт, конвертирующий исходные файлы .gls в словари StarDict и обратно.
- ftde0/yt2009 - 2009 youtube frontend.
- seth-js/yomichan-es - A Spanish hover dictionary. It's a modified version of Yomichan that works with Spanish (Castilian).
- Reddiepoint/userscripts -
- fredserva/birdskitchen - A Desktop Recipe Manager application using Electron & React.
- marcelscruz/public-apis - A collaborative list of public APIs for developers
- FujiwaraChoki/NotesTaker - A webapp to take notes during class.
- StefanVukovic99/yezichak - Pop-up dictionary extension for Chrome and Firefox.
- Slamsneider/SingleTom - A GPT tool (client) using OpenAI's API
- MindscapeHQ/highweigh - A lightweight roadmap generator
- Procrat/eva-web - Web frontend for Eva
- klimeryk/recalendar.js - ReCalendar - create your personalized calendar PDF for ReMarkable tablets
- data-niklas/typst_live - Running Typst in your Browser
- deadinsky/js-pngtuber - A slightly more complicated pngtuber made from JS
- ButzYung/SystemAnimatorOnline - XR Animator, AI-based Full Body Motion Capture and Extended Reality (XR) solution, powered by System Animator Online
- Automattic/VU-VRM - Lip-sync VRM avatar client for zero-webcam mic-based vtubing
- liuyug/flask-mdict - Flask Mdict Server. Query word online with MDICT dictionary
- GooseMod/OpenAsar - Open-source alternative of Discord desktop's app.asar
- mcthulhu/jorkens - epub reader based on epub.js for foreign language learners
- HorlogeSkynet/thunderbird-user.js - Thunderbird privacy, security and anti-fingerprinting: a comprehensive user.js template for configuration and hardening
- chachmu/mpvDLNA - A plugin to allow mpv to browse and watch content hosted on DLNA servers
- Alex313031/Mercury - Firefox fork with compiler optimizations and patches from Librewolf, Waterfox, and GNU IceCat.
- cmdruid/nostr-storage - A shared, encrypted cloud storage using Nostr.
- vbguyny/ws4kp - WeatherStar 4000+
- HamletDuFromage/4chan-mass-reply - Easy mass replies on 4channel.org
- turt2live/matrix-voyager-bot - A Matrix bot that attempts to travel the whole network, finding rooms along the way
- nemanjan00/uniread - Uniread is Spritz like CLI fast reading software.
- davidmerfield/Stroke - A text editor for first drafts
- cabal-club/cabal-desktop - Desktop client for Cabal, the p2p/decentralized/local-first chat platform.
- uwidev/life-disciplines-projects - Life-Disciplines-Projects (LDP) is a life-management framework built within Obsidian. Feel free to transform it for your own personal needs.
- Xtrendence/X-Chat - A Node.js and Socket.IO chat web application with RSA-2048 and AES-256-CTR encryption.
- evgeny-nadymov/telegram-react - Experimental Telegram web client with tdlib, webassembly and react js under the hood
- GDGVIT/groff-editor-backend -
- vasani-arpit/Social-Media-Automation - Automate social media because you don't have to be active on all of them😉. Best way to be active on all social media without actually being active on them. 😃
- abhinavjonnada82/fakeHemingway - Fake Hemmingway detects passive sentences, too hard & long sentences, adverbs, & incorrect phrases
- zone-eu/wildduck - Opinionated email server
- kanyesthaker/qgqa-flashcards - Question Generation - Question Answering for Automatic Flashcards
- jonathanpoelen/dotfiles - My configuration files (zsh, urxvt, i3, mpv, ...)
- gmariani/minerva - Flash Local Shared Object editor built based on the AMF3 specification and the AMF0 specification.
- hpennington/kanception -
- idlewan/javascript-control - Browser WebExtension that adds a JS toggle button in Firefox's url bar
- MeiK2333/pyppeteer_stealth -
- DEgITx/rats-search - BitTorrent P2P multi-platform search engine for Desktop and Web servers with integrated torrent client.
- underrobyn/AbsoluteDoubleTrace - A web extension to block browser fingerprinting (Manifest V2)
- kkapsner/CanvasBlocker - A Firefox extension to protect from being fingerprinted.
- opengaming/osgameclones - Open Source Clones of Popular Games
- maunium/stickerpicker - A fast and simple Matrix sticker picker widget
- uncss/uncss - Remove unused styles from CSS
- mitul45/ta-calendar - 📋 An app to plan your day, just today.
- asamuzaK/shareSNS - Share with SNS
- ninja33/ODH - A chrome extension to show online dictionary content.
- SimonBrazell/privacy-redirect - A simple web extension that redirects Twitter, YouTube, Instagram & Google Maps requests to privacy friendly alternatives.
- livingflame/simple-kanban - A very lightweight kanban board
- omlins/JustSayIt.jl - Software and high-level API for offline, low latency and secure translation of human speech to computer commands or text on Linux, MacOS and Windows
- verazuo/jailbreak_llms - [CCS'24] A dataset consists of 15,140 ChatGPT prompts from Reddit, Discord, websites, and open-source datasets (including 1,405 jailbreak prompts).
- alphacep/vosk-api - Offline speech recognition API for Android, iOS, Raspberry Pi and servers with Python, Java, C# and Node
- romanvht/ByeDPIAndroid - Приложение локально запускает ByeDPI и перенаправляет весь трафик через него
- daniel-seiler/ImageTheming - Match a wallpaper to your color scheme
- amir1376/ab-download-manager - A Download Manager that speeds up your downloads
- abhinav12k/Typster - Typster is a simple typing game built using Desktop Compose. The game allows you to test your typing skills by typing a given text as fast and accurately as possible. You can also customize the text t
- simplex-chat/simplex-chat - SimpleX - the first messaging network operating without user identifiers of any kind - 100% private by design! iOS, Android and desktop apps 📱!
- BenHerbst/idaesbasic - Idaesbasic - An all in one project manager that stores everything in files directly into your project! 🤯
- MateriiApps/OpenCord - An open-source Material You implementation of the Discord Android app
- evilcorpltd/aTox - Reasonable Tox client for Android
- fi3te/NotificationCron - Notification Cron is a straightforward tool to schedule recurring notifications on your phone without adding calendar entries
- mollyim/mollyim-android - Enhanced and security-focused fork of Signal.
- boneill02/md2roff - Markdown to roff (ms) compiler
- 4e6/mpv-reload - mpv plugin for automatic reloading of slow/stuck video streams
- occivink/mpv-gallery-view - Gallery-view scripts for mpv
- nvim-orgmode/orgmode - Orgmode clone written in Lua for Neovim 0.10.0+.
- rareitems/anki.nvim - Neovim plugin that allows creation of Anki cards directly from neovim
- nvim-neorg/neorg - Modernity meets insane extensibility. The future of organizing your life in Neovim.
- tomasklaen/uosc - Feature-rich minimalist proximity-based UI for MPV player.
- familyfriendlymikey/mpv-cut - An mpv plugin for cutting videos incredibly quickly.
- Kasper24/KwesomeDE - A desktop environment made in AwesomeWM
- Ajatt-Tools/anki.koplugin - KOReader plugin enabling Anki card generations for words looked up in the internal dictionary.
- GhostNaN/whisper-subs - WhisperSubs is a mpv lua script to generate subtitles at runtime with whisper.cpp on Linux
- joaquintorres/autosubsync-mpv - Automatic subtitle synchronization script for mpv media player
- nguyenvukhang/nvim-toggler - invert text in vim, purely with lua.
- Eisa01/mpv-scripts - This repository contain scripts I have made for mpv media player...
- Ajatt-Tools/sub-transition - 🍩 Speed up the video if no subtitles are visible.
- pocco81/high-str.nvim - 🦎 A NeoVim plugin for highlighting visual selections like in a normal document editor!
- Nexterr-origin/simpleTV-Scripts - ★ Scripts for simpleTV IPTV Player
- CrendKing/mpv-twitch-chat - Show Twitch chat messages as subtitles when watching Twitch VOD with mpv.
- rui-ddc/skip-intro - This is a script for skipping episode intros (on mpv media player).
- lite-xl/lite-xl - A lightweight text editor written in Lua
- maoiscat/mpv-osc-modern - Another mpv osc script
- marzzzello/mpv_thumbnail_script - A Lua script to show preview thumbnails in mpv's OSC seekbar, sans external dependencies (fork)
- rahulg/mpv-twitch-chat - Read twitch.tv chat while watching VoDs with mpv.
- cvzi/mpv-youtube-upnext - A userscript for MPV that allows you to play "up next"/recommended youtube videos ⏭️
- Ajatt-Tools/mpvacious - 🍜 Adds mpv keybindings to create Anki cards from movies and TV shows.
- Ajatt-Tools/videoclip - 🍗 Easily create videoclips with mpv.
- iandstanley/m4staticsite - M4 Static Site Builder
- rbckman/tarina - 3d printed Raspberry Pi gonzo camera with the essential filmmaking tools
- AlexisBRENON/3dmodels-pkgbuild - PKGBUILD generation scripts for sweethome3d models
- transmutrix/nim2br - a teeny-tiny nim program for using PNGTuber avatars
- sergiotapia/torrentinim - A very low memory-footprint, self hosted API-only torrent search engine. Sonarr + Radarr Compatible, native support for Linux, Mac and Windows.
- ChesleyTan/ascii-chat - A terminal-based peer-to-peer (P2P) end-to-end-encrypted (E2EE) video chat application with text messaging, written in OCaml. Supports up to 4 clients. Supports connections over internet and LAN.
- Perdu/wyrd - [OLD REPO] Fixing wyrd compile issues in a modern archlinux environment
- richardmrodriguez/Beat-Rewrite - Beat - a simple and elegant screenwriting app - port for Windows and Linux
- frymanofer/ReactNative_WakeWordDetection - Create any wake word, deploy on any device and operating system.
- machiav3lli/alt3rnative - Resources of knowledge and tools from and for the digital world.
- netstalking-core/netstalking-catalogue - Каталог нетсталкерских ресурсов, команд, инструментов, источников контента.
- wea-f/ByePassHub - 2000+ UNRESTRICTED unblockers, games, cheats, exploits, bookmarklets, and AI
- joelmathewthomas/archinstall-luks2-lvm2-secureboot-tpm2 - A complete Arch Linux installation guide with luks2 full disk encryption, and logical volumes with lvm2, and added security using secure boot and tpm2 luks key enrollment for auto unlocking encrypted
- Alir3z4/stop-words - List of common stop words in various languages.
- bpc-clone/bypass-paywalls-firefox-clean -
- Nidelon/ru-block-v2ray-rules - Список заблокированных сайтов в России для xray или других маршрутизаторов трафика. List of blocked sites in Russia for xray or other traffic routers.
- fildpauz/vocab-lists - A list of vocabulary lists
- dvds1151/AR-TV -
- yIsus-mEx/AF1CIONADOS -
- mustvlad/ChatGPT-System-Prompts - This repository contains a collection of the best system prompts for ChatGPT, a conversational AI model developed by OpenAI. Star this repository to help us reach 5,000 stars!
- successfulstudy/promptoftheyear - In the evolving world of Large Language Models (LLMs), crafting effective prompts has become an essential skill. That's why I've created this collection, showcasing the most impactful prompts of the y
- michmech/lemmatization-lists - Machine-readable lists of lemma-token pairs in 23 languages.
- AdmTal/chat-gpt-games - Prompts for playable games in ChatGPT
- antunnitraj/Prism-Launcher-PolyMC-Offline-Bypass - Bypass check if user has a real Microsoft MSA account linked with the Minecraft Launchers PrismLauncher, Prism Launcher
- e2b-dev/awesome-ai-agents - A list of AI autonomous agents
- jianzhnie/awesome-text-to-video - A Survey on Text-to-Video Generation/Synthesis.
- ccd0/imageboards.json - List of imageboards in JSON format.
- nathangathright/podcast-platform-links -
- IvanovCosmin/awesome-natural-approach - An repository with language learning (natural approach, comprehensible input and Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling) resources
- LaQuay/TDTChannels - Listado de Canales de TV (TDT) en abierto, 100% legal, 100% gratuito // Spanish TV Channels, 100% legal, 100% free
- stax76/awesome-mpv - A curated list of awesome mpv resources.
- drunohazarb/4chan-captcha-solver -
- mendel5/alternative-front-ends - Overview of alternative open source front-ends for popular internet platforms (e.g. YouTube, Twitter, etc.)
- Discord-Client-Encyclopedia-Management/Discord3rdparties - A non-exhaustive collection of third-party clients and mods for Discord.
- wqhadija/online-marketer-chatgpt-prompts - A skilled online business marketer utilizing ChatGPT technology to engage with potential customers and effectively pitch products or services.
- barely-lucid/meme-diets - Collection of noteworth meme diets
- FionnD/Reddit-QA-Corpus - A question and answer corpus from the /r/askreddit subreddit. Designed for training seq2seq neural networks.
- redecentralize/alternative-internet - A collection of interesting new networks and tech aiming at decentralisation (in some form).
- ShadowWhisperer/BlockLists - Custom DNS Block Lists
- koalagang/awesome-browserless - 😎 🌍 A curated list of awesome alternatives to apps tradtionally used in the web browser.
- majamin/oneliners.txt - oneliners.txt
- weevilgit/Groff-Screenplay-Macro-Package - A mom-based groff macro package
- mayfrost/guides - Looking for a guide? You came to the right place. Here you can find documentation for a variety of topics I research to make complex computing easier. For comments go to the IRC channel #nfo at the Ri
- gtips/reviung -
- ebu/awesome-broadcasting - A curated list of amazingly awesome open source resources related to broadcast technologies
- ngosang/trackerslist - Updated list of public BitTorrent trackers
- dessalines/Messaging-Services-Comparison - A comparison of messaging services and protocols.
- SixArm/project-management-priority-score - Project management priority score for ranking goals, tasks, issues, etc.
- 0dataapp/awesome-0data - Resources around owning your data 100%
- slowernews/hamster-system - Ultra-simple framework to organize your life.
- notracking/hosts-blocklists - Automatically updated, moderated and optimized lists for blocking ads, trackers, malware and other garbage
- trsommer/FirefoxPrivacy -
- ibraheemdev/modern-unix - A collection of modern/faster/saner alternatives to common unix commands.
- dernorberto/online_or_party_games - Online Games Link Collection
- puddyput/toxme.se - Backend for toxme
- yourduskquibbles/webannoyances - Fix and remove annoying web elements such as sticky headers, floating boxes, floating videos, dickbars, social share bars and other distracting elements.
- compendio/goldbug-manual - Manual of the GoldBug Crypto Messenger
- rothgar/awesome-tuis - List of projects that provide terminal user interfaces
- delegability/data - Task delegability data collected from surveys
- Murzchnvok/rofi-collection - Beautiful collection of Rofi themes
- edykim/weekly-planner-template - Weekly Planner Template
- help-14/mechanical-keyboard - DIY mechanical keyboard and where to find them
- bogachenko/filterlist - Yet another anti-bullshit filter list.
- bogachenko/fuckfuckadblock - Filters for blocking mining, pop-ups and anti-adblock bypass.
- croqaz/awesome-decentralized - 🕶 Awesome list of distributed, decentralized, p2p apps and tools 👍
- alevchuk/vim-clutch - A hardware pedal for improved text editing in Vim
- mozumder/HTML6 - An HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript.
- ircfspace/warpkey - WARP+ Keys Collector
- shinovon/mpgram-web - Lightweight telegram web client based on MadelineProto
- AndiDittrich/dns-adblock - PHP based Converter to create dnsmasq and unbound compatible adblock lists
- kostyan-org/ip-list-generator-by-country - CLI utility | IP ranges by country | qBittorrent
- chriskthomas/linkfree-generator - A simple, free, open-source, and self-hosted alternative to linktree
- jzohrab/lute - DEPRECATED: LUTE (Learning Using Texts) is a self-hosted web app for learning language through reading, based on Learning with Texts (LWT)
- usemoslinux/aprelendo - Learn vocabulary while reading
- DanWin/hosting - This is a setup for a Tor based shared web hosting server
- berlinfirewall/sichan - Extremely simple imageboard software
- tomboy-notes/tomboy-ng - Next generation of Tomboy
- traes/Mnemonics - Generate mnemonics for language learning
- trapd00r/utils - Small useful utilities for everyday work
- silnrsi/font-andika - A font family designed especially for literacy use, taking into account the needs of beginning readers
- trizen/perl-scripts - A nice collection of day-to-day Perl scripts.
- xypiie/spread0r - spread0r is a txt reader, which makes your reading twice as fast as usual
- ole-tange/tangetools - Ole Tange's personal tools !!! MOVED TO https://gitlab.com/ole.tange/tangetools !!!
- john-bokma/tumblelog - A static tumblelog generator available as both a Perl and Python version
- so-fancy/diff-so-fancy - Good-lookin' diffs. Actually… nah… The best-lookin' diffs. 🎉
- SimonTheCoder/hosts2dnsmasq - convert hosts file format into dnsmasq config format
- waldner/croncal - Utility to convert a crontab file to a list of actual events within a date range.
- lulzlabs/AirChat - Free Communications For Everyone.
- wofr06/lesspipe - lesspipe - display more with less
- trizen/straw-viewer - DEPRECATED Use https://github.com/trizen/pipe-viewer instead.
- pasky/speedread - A simple terminal-based open source Spritz-alike (per-word RSVP aligned on optimal reading points)
- bwipp/postscriptbarcode - Barcode Writer in Pure PostScript
- L-Trump/scoop-raresoft - 提供许多破解版的应用
- lfoppiano/document-qa - Scientific Document Insight Q/A
- Rongronggg9/RSS-to-Telegram-Bot - A Telegram RSS bot that cares about your reading experience
- MartinPacker/md2pptx - Markdown To PowerPoint converter
- mohbattharani/LLaVA-Chef - FoodKG paper related models and results.
- alltheplaces/alltheplaces - A set of spiders and scrapers to extract location information from places that post their location on the internet.
- kivaiko/hh-api-skills-analyst - Скрипт по API HeadHunter собирает ключевые слова и навыки из вакансий, после выдает список самых часто упоминаемых
- FReak4L/warp-plus - Get free WARP+ GBs in CloudFlare's!!
- s3rgeym/hh-applicant-tool - Автоматизация дейcтвий на HH.RU: отклик на подходящие вакансии, обновление всех резюме...
- milahu/opensubtitles-scraper - scrape subtitles from opensubtitles.org
- jerrymakesjelly/autoremove-torrents - Automatically remove torrents according to your strategies.
- Luzivog/Neuron - Personal voice assistant using Vosk for speech recognition
- alxpez/alts - 100% free, local & offline voice assistant with speech recognition
- NeonGeckoCom/NeonCore - Neon Core extends Mycroft core with more modular code, extended multi-user support, and more.
- zacharyvoase/humanhash - Human-readable digests.
- StephanAkkerman/FluentAI - Automating language learning with the power of Artificial Intelligence. This repository presents FluentAI, a tool that combines Fluent Forever techniques with AI-driven automation. It streamlines the
- arianneorpilla/DSL2JSON - A script for converting DSL format dictionaries compatible with GoldenDict to the Migaku Dictionary format.
- FreeLanguageTools/vocabsieve - Simple sentence mining tool for language learning
- milahu/annas-archive-torrent-client - download individual files from annas-archive over bittorrent
- qtchaos/py_mega_account_generator - 🤖 Create and manage MEGA accounts with ease, upload and share files.
- TagStudioDev/TagStudio - A User-Focused Photo & File Management System
- Ge0rg3/requests-ip-rotator - A Python library to utilize AWS API Gateway's large IP pool as a proxy to generate pseudo-infinite IPs for web scraping and brute forcing.
- TheSpeedX/socker - Checks SOCKS Proxy List To find Working Proxies
- bivav/automate_all_social_media - Just don't want to use smartphone so will use email to see everything I need every 30 mins.
- deltachat-bot/matterdelta - Bridge Delta Chat with any service supported by matterbridge
- D4n13l3k00/tapkofon - Tapkofon - веб-клиент Telegram для тапиков
- w-okada/voice-changer - リアルタイムボイスチェンジャー Realtime Voice Changer
- borgbase/vorta - Desktop Backup Client for Borg Backup
- KenKundert/emborg - Interactive command line interface to Borg Backup
- khoj-ai/khoj - Your AI second brain. Self-hostable. Get answers from the web or your docs. Build custom agents, schedule automations, do deep research. Turn any online or local LLM into your personal, autonomous AI
- arcolinux/archlinux-tweak-tool -
- pemistahl/lingua-py - The most accurate natural language detection library for Python, suitable for short text and mixed-language text
- kra-mo/hyperplane - Non-hierarchical file manager
- linuxmint/jargonaut - Easy to use Chat Room application
- dobrosketchkun/bionic-reading-epub-converter - Convert your epub book into the bionic reading text formatting
- chrisspen/punctuator2 - A bidirectional recurrent neural network model with attention mechanism for restoring missing punctuation in unsegmented text
- ottokart/punctuator2 - A bidirectional recurrent neural network model with attention mechanism for restoring missing punctuation in unsegmented text
- huggingface/speechbox -
- jumon/whisper-punctuator - Zero-shot multimodal punctuation insertion and truecasing using Whisper
- strob/gentle - gentle forced aligner
- SqrtMinusOne/podcasts-vosk - A tiny wrapper around VOSK API to extract SRT files from audio
- zackees/transcribe-anything - Multi-backend whisper app. Blazing fast. Mac-arm optimized. Easy install. Input a local file or url and this service will transcribe it using Whisper AI. Completely private and Free 🤯🤯🤯
- Zejun-Yang/AniPortrait - AniPortrait: Audio-Driven Synthesis of Photorealistic Portrait Animation
- Spiraldox/simDHT - A very simple DHT crawler, written in Python.
- averkij/lingtrain-aligner - Lingtrain Aligner — ML powered library for the accurate texts alignment.
- sachinsenal0x64/fixarr - 🍿 Cross Platform Ultimate Movie | TV | Anime Renamer with Backup Media Servers (Plex | Emby | Jellyfin)
- dusking/opensubtitles-com -
- jamesturk/scrapeghost - 👻 Experimental library for scraping websites using OpenAI's GPT API.
- psf/black - The uncompromising Python code formatter
- SickChill/sickchill - Less rage, more chill.
- asakura42/rp4 - simple python replacement for the bloated LLM frontends
- NotStatilko/tgbox-cli - CLI interface to the TGBOX
- YunoHost/yunohost - YunoHost is an operating system aiming to simplify as much as possible the administration of a server. This repository corresponds to the core code, written mostly in Python and Bash.
- barry-far/V2ray-Configs - 🛰️✨ Free V2ray Configs , Updating Every 10 minutes.
- soroushmirzaei/telegram-configs-collector - The Script Gathers Juicity, Hysteria, Tuic, Vless, Vmess, Trojan, and Shadowsocks Configurations From Telegram Channels and Subscription Links
- mahdibland/V2RayAggregator - Collect Lots of Shadowsocks, ShadowsocksR, Trojan, Vmess from Public Sources & Filter Best Nodes By Speed
- Luctia/ezarr - Ezarr aims to make it as easy as possible to setup an entire Servarr/Jackett/BitTorrent/Usenet/PleX/Jellyfin mediacenter stack using Docker
- Extravi/araa-search - A privacy-respecting, ad-free, self-hosted Google metasearch engine with strong security that offers full API support and utilizes Qwant for images, and DuckDuckGo for auto-complete.
- Gemmstone/PyNGtuber - PNGtuber software made in Python and HTML
- bjascob/LemmInflect - A python module for English lemmatization and inflection.
- bjascob/pyInflect - A python module for word inflections designed for use with spaCy.
- DmytroNorth/subtites_factor_stretch - A function that stretches subtitles by a given factor - Python
- jkwill87/mnamer - media file renaming and organizing tool
- StuffAnThings/qbit_manage - This tool will help manage tedious tasks in qBittorrent and automate them. Tag, categorize, remove Orphaned data, remove unregistered torrents and much much more.
- osirislab/LeakyPastes-V2 - Looking at what people post to public pastebins
- manga-py/manga-py - Universal manga downloader (for your offline reading) upd: Please, use this tool: https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl
- ftorres16/my_weekly_schedule - CLI for plotting weekly schedules. With Python.
- aryakaul/random-month-scheduler - 🗓️ - schedule random recurring events
- utkuufuk/weekplot - Visualize your weekly schedule
- jwodder/schedule - Weekly schedule typesetter
- libredirect/instances - Automated instances list for LibRedirect
- NoPlagiarism/instances-list - Auto-updated list of alternative frontend instances
- tasksched/tasksched - Task scheduler with automatic resource leveling
- fniessink/next-action - Next-action: determine the next action to work on from a list of actions in a todo.txt file
- abi/screenshot-to-code - Drop in a screenshot and convert it to clean code (HTML/Tailwind/React/Vue)
- LuteOrg/lute-v3 - LUTE = Learning Using Texts: learn languages through reading.
- toolleeo/awesome-cli-apps-in-a-csv - The largest Awesome Curated list of command line programs (CLI/TUI) with source data organized into CSV files
- Asabeneh/30-Days-Of-Python - 30 days of Python programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn the Python programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take more than100 days, follow your own pace. These videos may
- danielgross/teleprompter -
- mntmn/mntcut - minimalist video editor based on python/gstreamer/ffmpeg
- utility-code/seeNoVideo - Text based video editor
- clavesi/ffmpeg-automated-editor - A program which automatically takes in videos and spits out a new video made up of shortened clips from the old videos.
- coderefinery/ffmpeg-editlist - Script ffmpeg video cutting
- agent-storm/automatic-video-editor - A simple Terminal based application that takes a image and audio file/spotify playlist link and outputs a video of desired length in mp4 format.
- aka-nikko/Automated-Content-Generator - An Automation Tool to generate videos for Youtube and Instagram.
- jliljebl/flowblade - Video Editor for Linux
- QuestForTetris/QFT - A repository for the Quest For Tetris
- CatharsisFonts/Ysabeau - Ysabeau: The essence of Garamond in an open-source sans-serif typeface
- Xeelix/phind-regger - Simple automated registration at phind.com with cloudflare bypass using python selenium.
- rahulv07/Decypher - Decypher is a subtitle file generator for videos. It is made using Python and VOSK, an open source speech recognition engine.
- boi4/subextractor - Autogenerate subtitles using vosk speech recognition
- caitlinhenry14/Letterboxd-Scraper - Download Letterboxd lists as CSV files
- fastfingertips/letterboxd-downloader - Exports @Letterboxd lists to a CSV file using the CLI.
- klieret/AnkiPandas - Analyze and manipulate your Anki collection using pandas! 🌠🐼
- bluet/proxybroker2 - The New (auto rotate) Proxy [Finder | Checker | Server]. HTTP(S) & SOCKS 🎭
- ThisCakeIsALie/ki - A tool to remember japanese word pronounciations using english words
- Harshal-Sakhale/dictd_webserver - Dictionary webserver accessible using any web browser on mobile or desktop
- adbar/simplemma - Simple multilingual lemmatizer for Python, especially useful for speed and efficiency
- jzohrab/LuteLemmaNLTK - A simple python 3.11 script to generate child-parent lemma mappings for import into Lute -- https://github.com/jzohrab/lute -- using NLTK.
- bfsujason/aligner-eval - Evaluation of Automatic Sentence Aligners
- nipunsadvilkar/pySBD - 🐍💯pySBD (Python Sentence Boundary Disambiguation) is a rule-based sentence boundary detection that works out-of-the-box.
- thompsonb/vecalign - Improved Sentence Alignment in Linear Time and Space
- machinalis/yalign - A sentence aligner for comparable corpora
- rsennrich/Bleualign - Machine-Translation-based sentence alignment tool for parallel text
- bfsujason/bertalign - Multilingual sentence alignment using sentence embeddings
- balta2ar/srs-toolbelt - SRS (Anki/Memrise) toolbelt: automate conversion of a list of English/Korean/Norwegian words into Anki cards or course in Memrise, with pronunciation
- jzohrab/LuteLemma - Simple lemmatizing script for use with Lute (https://github.com/jzohrab/lute)
- Crissium/SilverDict - Web-Based Alternative to GoldenDict
- benno094/pdf-anki - A GUI to automatically create and add Anki flashcards from a .pdf file using the OpenAI API
- kelciour/playphrase - Search and play phrases from movies and audiobooks
- kokimame/joytan - Creative Audio/Textbook Maker 🎵 📖 See our YouTube channel
- manolomartinez/greg - A command-line podcast aggregator
- mgrankin/ru_transformers -
- run-llama/llama_index - LlamaIndex is the leading framework for building LLM-powered agents over your data.
- jurialmunkey/plugin.video.themoviedb.helper -
- rndusr/stig - TUI and CLI for the BitTorrent client Transmission
- shwnchpl/mutt-theme-generator - Generates Mutt/Neomutt themes from .Xresources files.
- s0md3v/roop - one-click face swap
- fschaeck/PythonSed - A full and working Python implementation of sed
- LightDestory/qBittorrent-Search-Plugins - A growing collection of search plugins for the qBittorrent, an awesome and opensource torrent client
- codykwalker/AI_Librarian - Librarian for modern readers: Judge a book by its cover!
- wustho/baca - TUI Ebook Reader
- geigi/cozy - 🎧 Listen to audio books 📚 on Linux
- chuanqixu/anki-quick-ai - Quick interaction with OpenAI in Anki.
- antiboredom/videogrep - automatic video supercuts with python
- jzohrab/pact - Python GUI tool for language learning: create clips from mp3 files, add transcription via Vosk AI, and export to Anki
- pettarin/forced-alignment-tools - A collection of links and notes on forced alignment tools
- mgaitan/miau - Remix speeches for fun and profit
- readbeyond/aeneas - aeneas is a Python/C library and a set of tools to automagically synchronize audio and text (aka forced alignment)
- kanjieater/SubPlz - 🫴 Generate, sync, and manage subtitle files for any media; Generate your own audiobook subs similar to Kindle's Immersion Reading 📖🎧
- kantord/LibreLingo - 🐢 🌎 📚 a community-owned language-learning platform
- axcore/tartube - A GUI front-end for youtube-dl, partly based on youtube-dl-gui and written in Python 3 / Gtk 3
- vkbo/novelWriter - novelWriter is an open source plain text editor designed for writing novels.
- baxtree/subaligner - Automatically synchronize and translate subtitles, or create new ones by transcribing, using pre-trained DNNs, Forced Alignments and Transformers. https://subaligner.readthedocs.io/
- m1guelpf/auto-subtitle - Automatically generate and overlay subtitles for any video.
- patiencedaur/rename-subs - A small script to rename subtitles so that they match episode names, to simplify watching stuff in mpv
- rebkwok/kpcli - Command line interface for keepass database
- PCigales/DLNAmpvRenderer - A script in Python 3 to turn mpv into a DLNA / UPnP renderer
- xfangfang/Macast - Macast is a cross-platform application which using mpv as DLNA Media Renderer.
- akissinger/dodo - A graphical, hackable email client based on notmuch
- Duff89/parser_avito - Находит товары на avito.ru по ключевым словам
- tvhong/incremental-reading - Anki add-on providing incremental reading features
- xtekky/gpt4free - The official gpt4free repository | various collection of powerful language models | o3 and deepseek r1, gpt-4.5
- Ajatt-Tools/transformers_ocr - 🍤 An OCR tool using maim with Transformers.
- dagraham/etm-dgraham - etm: event and task manager
- Hellisotherpeople/CX_DB8 - a contextual, biasable, word-or-sentence-or-paragraph extractive summarizer powered by the latest in text embeddings (Bert, Universal Sentence Encoder, Flair)
- benbusby/whoogle-search - A self-hosted, ad-free, privacy-respecting metasearch engine
- TruncatedDinoSour/arigram - [Migrated to self-hosted ari-web Forgejo: https://git.ari.lt/ari/arigram] A fork of tg -- a hackable telegram TUI client [EOL https://github.com/TruncatedDinoSour/arigram/releases/tag/v0.1.8]
- paul-nameless/tg - terminal telegram client
- AskEdith/Once-Upon-AI-Time - GPT-3 and Stable Diffusion powered short story generator
- glutanimate/popup-dictionary - Pop-up Dictionary Add-on for Anki
- Servarr/Wiki -
- magnus-ISU/anki-touch - Anki 2.x add-on that helps using with the touch interface
- olivierkes/manuskript - A open-source tool for writers
- jtuason/twine_to_renpy - Write a simple Ren'Py game but with the visual outlining of writing in Twine
- TreeNote/TreeNote - An intuitive outliner for personal knowledge and task management
- TunMax/tun2socks_gui_for_windows - A simple gui for tun2socks on windows. 配合v2ray、ss等客户端(eg. v2rayN),可使其实现tun模式。
- vim-voom/VOoM - VOoM (Vim Outliner of Markups) is a plugin for Vim that emulates a two-pane text outliner.
- vim-scripts/VOoM - Vim Outliner of Markers -- two-pane outliner and related utilities
- tobchen/Shane - A poor man and/or hipster's TUI screenwriting software.
- dagraham/etm-tk - event and task manager
- 8go/matrix-commander - simple but convenient CLI-based Matrix client app for sending and receiving
- openstenoproject/plover - Open source stenotype engine
- poljar/weechat-matrix - Weechat Matrix protocol script written in python
- Euphrasiologist/bib_to_refer - Turn a BibTex file format into a refer database for use with groff.
- Hyperparticle/udify - A single model that parses Universal Dependencies across 75 languages. Given a sentence, jointly predicts part-of-speech tags, morphology tags, lemmas, and dependency trees.
- CriticMarkup/CriticMarkup-toolkit - Various tools to use CriticMarkup in your daily workflow
- MattMoony/figaro - Real-time voice-changer for voice-chat, etc. Will support many different voice-filters and features in the future. 🎵
- lyrebird-voice-changer/lyrebird - 🦜 Simple and powerful voice changer for Linux, written with Python & GTK
- setnicka/ulozto-downloader - EOL - end of life | Uloz.to quick multiple sessions downloader
- gcmt/mktree - Simple tool for creating directory trees in one shot
- elektito/ih2torrent - Create a trackerless torrent file from an infohash.
- xi/xiwal - Generate terminal color schemes
- 9001/copyparty - Portable file server with accelerated resumable uploads, dedup, WebDAV, FTP, TFTP, zeroconf, media indexer, thumbnails++ all in one file, no deps
- shish/mic2midi - Whistle / Hum / Sing into a microphone, generate MIDI signals to drive a sequencer
- anudeepND/whitelist - A simple tool to add commonly white listed domains to your Pi-Hole setup.
- korcankaraokcu/PINCE - Reverse engineering tool for linux games
- Lyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa/Project_Kanban - A lightweight desktop software, under the MIT licence to create and manage your Kanbans boards for your personal projects
- t-lou/MiKan - Personal and local Kanban software, perhaps not fancy, but 100% safe and ready for inspection
- peterhs73/xBan - Offline Personal Kanban
- rwandaPinocle/Liszt - A personal organization software with a script engine for automation
- en9inerd/tgeraser - Tool to delete all your messages from chat/channel/conversation on Telegram without requiring admin privileges
- ValeriyMaslenikov/tg-notify-deleted-messages - Telegram client to save and notify about deleted messages
- Nudin/mplug - A plugin manager for mpv
- mrschyte/abook-notmuch - notmuch to abook contact extractor
- afewmail/afew - an initial tagging script for notmuch mail
- daGrevis/mdx_linkify - Link recognition for Python Markdown
- retext-project/retext - ReText: Simple but powerful editor for Markdown and reStructuredText
- kdeldycke/mail-deduplicate - 📧 CLI to deduplicate mails from mail boxes
- mike42/mail2csv - Export email messages in a Maildir as CSV file
- kynikos/outspline - Extensible outliner and personal time organizer to manage todo lists, schedule tasks, remind events.
- KenjiTakahashi/td - a non-offensive, per project ToDo manager.
- e-caste/study-planner - A cross-platform desktop GUI to get a quick analysis from files and/or directories in terms of required time to study their contents
- milhnl/mpmc - minimal matrix client
- bexxmodd/MacrosCalculator - Compute various Body indexes and calculate your macros for a daily diet to achieve fitness goals
- hauxir/tomatotree.tv -
- PlaidWeb/Publ - Flexible publishing system for the web
- nidhaloff/igel - a delightful machine learning tool that allows you to train, test, and use models without writing code
- gunthercox/ChatterBot - ChatterBot is a machine learning, conversational dialog engine for creating chat bots
- TeaM-TL/FotoKilof - GUI for ImageMagick and Wand or Pillow
- barrucadu/lainonlife - RIP lainchan radio, taken out by HDD failure.
- formspree/formspree - The successor to this repository is actively maintained at https://formspree.io. Its source code is not available
- ideasman42/nerd-dictation - Simple, hackable offline speech to text - using the VOSK-API.
- OpenJarbas/kaldi_spotter - wake word spotting with kaldi
- kitplummer/clikan - clikan is a super simple personal kanban board that runs in a CLI
- AnthonyDiGirolamo/todotxt-machine - an interactive terminal based todo.txt file editor with an interface similar to mutt
- Pu-Anlai/todo_blocklet - A todo.txt GUI for i3blocks based on GTK
- f1nnix/magplan - Project management system for publishers, magazines and content creators 🗓️⏱️✍🏼
- timeopochin/GanTTY - Project planning from the terminal
- sjl/t - A command-line todo list manager for people that want to finish tasks, not organize them. (git mirror)
- nvbn/thefuck - Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command.
- evilsocket/opensnitch - OpenSnitch is a GNU/Linux interactive application firewall inspired by Little Snitch.
- SimonDaNinja/youtube_rss - A YouTube-client for managing subscriptions and watching videos anonymously over Tor without a Google account.
- jtushman/pivotal_tools - geeky command-line interface with additional scrum, planning poker, and changelog generation features
- bgjd/MassAdd -
- iWangJiaxiang/autosub - Command-line utility for auto-generating subtitles for any video file
- raryelcostasouza/pyTranscriber - pyTranscriber can be used to generate automatic transcription / automatic subtitles for audio/video files through a friendly graphical user interface.
- vrde/i3-quiet - Distraction free i3 experience
- redhat-performance/tuned - Tuning Profile Delivery Mechanism for Linux
- coldfix/udiskie - Automounter for removable media
- rusty-snake/firecfg.py - An improved firecfg written in python.
- pimutils/todoman - ✅ Simple, standards-based, command line todo (aka: task) manager.
- pictuga/morss - Get full text RSS feeds
- eliep/i3-layouts - Dynamic layouts for i3wm
- nlpyang/BertSum - Code for paper Fine-tune BERT for Extractive Summarization
- dmmiller612/bert-extractive-summarizer - Easy to use extractive text summarization with BERT
- Huffon/sentence-compressor - Compress your lengthy sentence 🗜️
- disappeerlabs/disappeer - A pure Python GUI app for GPG functionality and peer-to-peer encrypted messaging over Tor
- talwrii/i3parse - Parser for i3wm's configuration file. Dump key-bindings.
- winsbe01/booki - organize your books on the command line
- kantord/i3-gnome-pomodoro - 🍅 Integrate gnome-pomodoro into i3
- ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox - 🗃 Open source self-hosted web archiving. Takes URLs/browser history/bookmarks/Pocket/Pinboard/etc., saves HTML, JS, PDFs, media, and more...
- ferru97/PyPaperBot - PyPaperBot is a Python tool for downloading scientific papers using Google Scholar, Crossref, SciHub, and SciDB.
- amyreese/markdown-pp - Preprocessor for Markdown files to generate a table of contents and other documentation needs
- cathugger/currtrack-mpd - python script to pretty-print current mpd track on irc or terminal
- aaronraimist/element-themes - A place to share themes for Element. PRs with new themes are welcome!
- torpoker/app - Torpoker PyQt5 App
- volatide/concord - (really WIP) Discord client made in Qt5
- amustafa/recovering-incomplete-monero-mnemonic -
- vmonaco/keystroke-obfuscation - Obfuscate keystroke timings to help protect privacy
- berteh/ScribusGenerator - Create beautiful documents with data. Open source pdf (and Scribus) template and mail-merge alternative.
- christianbraathen/spaced_repetition - A digital assistant helping you to identify when to repeat exercises
- xslightz/binance-simulator - just a simulator.
- banhao/CoinBasePro-Trading-Simulator - You can define your own trade conditions and by running CoinBasePro Trading Simulator to verify the conditions.
- tremc/tremc - Curses interface for transmission
- janeklb/gh-search - GitHub code search with full text regex filtering, from your cli.
- LittleVulpix/toxme - See readme.md. RIP
- karlch/vimiv - An image viewer with vim-like keybindings.
- pagekite/PyPagekite - Python implementation of the PageKite remote front-end protocols.
- dobrosketchkun/mastodondump - dump of the https://the-federation.info/mastodon list updated with self-descriptions and lists of banned instances
- autokey/autokey - AutoKey, a desktop automation utility for Linux and X11.
- s0md3v/ote - Generate Email, Register for anything, Get the OTP/Link
- TyberiusPrime/i3-instant-layout -
- buckket/twtxt - Decentralised, minimalist microblogging service for hackers.
- windwp/i3-master-stack - I3wm master and stack layout
- rtrevinnoc/FUTURE - A private, free, open-source search engine built on a P2P network
- getting-things-gnome/gtg - Getting Things GNOME! desktop app development
- aprikyan/google-books-downloader - An open-source utility to scrape Google Books
- dobrosketchkun/Not_quite_SSML_tag_editor - Wrapping my shitty tags around unreadable SSML tags
- anntzer/pypi2pkgbuild - A PyPI to PKGBUILD converter.
- wustho/epr - CLI Epub Reader
- Ajatt-Tools/mortician - 🌽 Buries time-wasting cards that you keep failing.
- Ajatt-Tools/learn-now-button - 🍝 Put cards in the learning queue and answer cards from the Card Browser.
- Ajatt-Tools/mergenotes - 🥗 Merge content of selected cards
- micheleb/subslider - A script to fix out of sync subtitles
- mirukana/mirage - A fancy, customizable, keyboard-operable Qt/QML & Python Matrix chat client for encrypted and decentralized communication.
- gadenbuie/ggweekly - 🗓 🖨 Easy, printable, custom calendars and week planners
- plainoldcheese/groff-guide - 📜 a simple example document that is easily readable so that it can be used as a learning tool to get up and running with groff very quickly.
- larrykollar/tines - Tines is a console-based outliner/planner/notebook. It is a fork of the hnb outliner, which has not been updated in >10 years.
- kaboom-db/kaboom - A comic tracker, written in Ruby on Rails
- ticky/wayback-classic - 🕸 A frontend for the Wayback Machine which works on old browsers
- pschonev/biBooks - This allows automatic creation of bilingual e-books with two translations of a text as input using an alignment of language agnostic sentence vectors.
- coezbek/rodo - Rodo is a terminal-based todo manager written in Ruby
- axvr/photon.vim - A pair of Vim colour schemes with minimal syntax highlighting.
- sdaqo/mpv-subs-popout - A little application that makes it possible to display mpv's subs anywhere you want. With translation features.
- louis-e/arnis - Generate any location from the real world in Minecraft Java Edition with a high level of detail.
- Dusk-Labs/dim - Dim, a media manager fueled by dark forces.
- koofr/vault - Koofr Vault is an open-source, client-side encrypted folder for your Koofr cloud storage offering an extra layer of security for your most sensitive files.
- Universal-Debloater-Alliance/universal-android-debloater-next-generation - Cross-platform GUI written in Rust using ADB to debloat non-rooted Android devices. Improve your privacy, the security and battery life of your device.
- sigoden/dufs - A file server that supports static serving, uploading, searching, accessing control, webdav...
- amber-lang/amber - 💎 Amber the programming language compiled to Bash
- eras/mxrxtx - Transfer files over Matrix, directly from client to client with WebRTC.
- mikedilger/gossip - Gossip is a nostr client
- aisamanra/rrecutils - A pure Rust implementation of the GNU Recutils format
- LuckyTurtleDev/crab-hole - 🦀 Pi-Hole clone written in rust using hickory-dns/trust-dns
- akiirui/mpv-handler - A protocol handler for mpv. Use mpv and yt-dlp to play video and music from the websites.
- ShadoySV/work-break - Work-break balancer for Windows / MacOS / Linux desktops
- shouya/malakal - Minimalistic day-planner app
- druidamix/Opensubtitles-downloader - Opensubtitles.com downloader using the new API.
- ulyssa/iamb - A Matrix client for Vim addicts
- sitandr/quickpoeterGUI - Поэтический редактор с открытым исходным кодом на Tauri
- Procrat/eva - Let algorithms decide your life.
- holly-hacker/td - A WIP graph-based TUI TODO app.
- ItsEthra/typst-live - Hot reloading for your typst files
- sshine/simplex-desktop - SimpleX Chat GUI built with Rust, Tauri and Yew
- SpikeHD/Dorion - Tiny alternative Discord client with a smaller footprint, snappier startup, themes, plugins and more!
- simnalamburt/rust-pragmatic-segmenter - 🗣️ Rust port of pySBD and pragmatic-segmenter
- mgunyho/tere - Terminal file explorer
- emk/subtitles-rs - Use SRT subtitle files to study foreign languages (in progress)
- jeff-hughes/shellcaster - Terminal-based podcast manager built in Rust
- iphands/rust_tray - Simple tray utils in rust
- mwithington/phind-cli - Command line tool for Phind search engine
- ilai-deutel/kibi - A text editor in ≤1024 lines of code, written in Rust
- ShaddyDC/Yomi-Reader - Simple web app to read Japanese EPUBs with Yomichan dictionaries
- sioodmy/todo - Simple todo cli program written in rust
- m4tx/tundra - MyAnimeList scrobbler for Linux
- dborsukov/tinyrss - Small and simple RSS aggregator
- carsonritchey/caltrack - a simple command line calorie tracker
- LiHRaM/zathura-markdown-rs - A Zathura plugin for Markdown
- hwittenborn/celeste - GUI file synchronization client that can sync with any cloud provider
- rehanzo/dyn-wall-rs - Helps user set a dynamic wallpaper and more.
- tramhao/termusic - Music Player TUI written in Rust
- elkowar/eww - ElKowars wacky widgets
- florianjacob/dsn-traveller - Travelling the Matrix network, for Science!
- foxfriends/paper-terminal - Print Markdown to a paper in your terminal
- vdods/wordfrontier -
- lockcp/fluent-reader-server - Language learning app similar to https://lingq.com/, but open source and free. This is the backend, the frontend is at https://github.com/nramos0/fluent-reader.
- mgdm/htmlq - Like jq, but for HTML.
- orhun/gpg-tui - Manage your GnuPG keys with ease! 🔐
- hardcore-sushi/AIRA - Local network secure P2P communications
- hardcore-sushi/doby - Secure symmetric encryption from the command line.
- Martichou/uuid-readable-rs - Generate easy to remember sentences that acts as human readable UUIDs 🥳
- rust-shell-script/rust_cmd_lib - Common rust command-line macros and utilities, to write shell-script like tasks in a clean, natural and rusty way
- Y2Z/monolith - ⬛️ CLI tool for saving complete web pages as a single HTML file
- tsoding/todo-rs - Simple Interactive Terminal Todo App in Rust
- lewis-weinberger/yat-rs - a simple terminal todo list manager written in Rust
- mirdaki/ping - A cross-platform and blazingly fast Matrix client focused on group and gaming chat.
- agraven/retrix - Tiny matrix client (mirrored from gitea)
- Arnavion/matrix-client-rs - TUI Matrix client in Rust.
- huytd/kanban-app - Kanban board built with Rust and Elm
- todotxt-rs/effitask - Graphical task manager, based on the todo.txt format.
- megabytesofrem/aurora - Probably the worlds smallest AUR helper.
- pemistahl/grex - A command-line tool and Rust library with Python bindings for generating regular expressions from user-provided test cases
- pimalaya/himalaya - CLI to manage emails
- denisidoro/navi - An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line
- jonhoo/buzz - A simple system tray application for notifying about unseen e-mail
- chmln/sd - Intuitive find & replace CLI (sed alternative)
- hipstermojo/paperoni - An article extractor in Rust
- Rudo2204/gd2anki - [WIP] An attempt to bridge the gap between looking up words in GoldenDict and create flashcard with Anki
- lassekongo83/adw-gtk3 - The theme from libadwaita ported to GTK-3
- vinibiavatti1/TuiCss - Text-based user interface CSS library
- karan/nojs.club - You don't need Javascript to make a beautiful, usable web. How it works: https://goel.io/nojs-club
- msavva/transphoner - TransPhoner: Automated Mnemonic Keyword Generation
- maximilionus/byedpictl - Experimental utility for user-friendly DPI desync on Linux
- lexiforest/curl-impersonate - An active fork of curl-impersonate with more versions and build targets. A series of patches that make curl requests look like Chrome and Firefox.
- fatyzzz/Byedpi-Setup - Скрипт, для подбора настроек и автоустановки ByeDPI на Linux
- BarbossHack/RiseupVPN-OpenVPN - Bash script to generate OpenVPN config file for RiseupVPN
- ImMALWARE/bash-warp-generator - Генератор конфига Cloudflare WARP для AmneziaWG
- valorekhov/ovos-arch-linux - PKGBUILD files and image scripts for OpenVoiceAssistant (OVOS)
- OpenVoiceOS/ovos-installer - Open Voice OS and/or HiveMind installer using Ansible with an intuitive and easy Text-based User Interface
- peterpt/IPTV-CHECK - A script to check if the links in an iptv list file (m3u) are online or offline , and will create an output m3u file with valid urls only .
- maxhebditch/rss-roller - Shell script for generating and updating rss feeds
- 173duprot/harm-less - Inspired by suckless and cat-v, this is a simple single document wiki of suckless practices and minimal software.
- christian-korneck/tinytodo - a most minimal todo list in the shell
- txtsd/archosaur - A PKGBUILD management framework for the Arch User Repository
- loiccoyle/rofi-cuff - 🔎 Rofi wrapper for cuff. Use the Jackett search API to find torrents.
- NapoleonWils0n/ffmpeg-scripts - ffmpeg shell scripts
- odnar-dev/termv-rewrite -
- Mia-Rain/rsh - versioning control for a new era
- Ajatt-Tools/twimm - Tool for watching twitch broadcasts in a desired language (and a bit more)
- Ajatt-Tools/impd - 🍵 AJATT-style passive listening and condensed audio without bloat.
- jstrieb/paperify - Transform any document, web page, or eBook into a research paper (ChatGPT not required)
- tomcooks/giulioandreotti666 - terminal based video editor for underpowered netbooks
- nodiscc/awesome-linuxaudio - [mirror] A list of software and resources for professional audio/video/live events production on Linux.
- Dr4iv3rNope/ayugramdesktop-git -
- CoolnsX/hls_downloader - A posix compliant highly fast and efficient Asynchronous stable m3u8 links dowloader that uses shell jobs for controlling parallel download...
- dyne/harvest - Tool to sort large collections of files according to common typologies
- Ckrielle/RSS-Feeder - A script to automatically add Github, Youtube, Reddit, and Twitter feeds to newsboat
- jojosoft/mediastudy - Bash script for getting Anki cards and condensed audio out of a set of videos with foreign language subtitles. All in one go, with little to no subtitle fiddling!
- M0Rf30/shisper - A quick & dirty script to generate and view subtitles and transcriptions for your multimedia files using ggerganov/whisper.cpp
- Breaeth/Opensub-cli - A cli tools for auto download opensubtitles.org subtitles !
- KevCui/opensubtitles-dl - Download subtitles from opensubtitles.org
- gavinlyonsrepo/cylon - A Terminal user interface for maintaining an Arch Linux distribution.
- gmt4/mpvc - Music player in POSIX-sh interfaces mpv from the shell + extras/goodies 🚀
- Ratakor/quand - Simple calendar written in POSIX sh
- Rasukarusan/shellnium - 💫 Selenium Webdriver for Bash (or Zsh).
- saint-13/Linux_Dynamic_Wallpapers - Dynamic Wallpapers for Linux
- magnus-ISU/any2any - any2any - generate and convert files from any format to any format
- prahou/teige - pure html image gallery
- Bugswriter/notflix - Notflix is a shell script to search and stream torrent.
- naps62/zk - A simple zettelkasten setup using Vim, fzf and ripgrep
- AndrewCopeland/zettelkasten - Creating notes with the zettelkasten note taking method and storing all notes on github
- rusty-snake/fireurl - Fixing the firejail URL open issue
- KevCui/download-github-stars - 🌟 Download Github user's stars information to local md/json file
- n-ivkovic/tspreed - Terminal RSVP speed reader with Spritz-like functionality written in POSIX-compliant shell
- brainfucksec/archtorify - Transparent proxy through Tor for Arch Linux OS
- mcrapet/plowshare - Command-line tool and engine for managing sharing websites
- tatsumoto-ren/bashcities - A Neocities client written in Bash.
- ungoogled-software/ungoogled-chromium-archlinux - Arch Linux packaging for ungoogled-chromium
- cb-linux/breath - Linux for Chromebooks
- PeterCxy/shadowsocks-auto-redir.sh - Migrated, PLEASE GO TO
- dzove855/Bash-web-server - A purely bash web server, no socat, netcat, etc...
- icyphox/mael - [WIP] an experimental mail client written in bash (and a bit of python)
- seumasjeltzz/LinguaeGraecaePerSeIllustrata - LGPSI: An open, expansive Greek-reading composition project
- Standard-Unix-Notes/unix-notes - GPG encrypted notebooks.
- dannysheehan/linux-chroot-jail - Script to jail Linux users for ssh, sftp and vsftp
- paranoidninja/Chroot-Jail - This Shell script can create a chrooted environment along with a SSH Jail for the same. This can be used either for a single user jail or to create a chroot jailed group.
- McSim85/make_chroot_jail - Script to easily setup a chroot jail for ssh / scp / sftp with Linux
- guental/sigchk - Verify GOG Setup Integrity/Authenticity
- AugustUnderground/bib.sh - Script for citation retrieval from Google Books
- raember/arch-install - A handy script to shorten the time to install Arch Linux
- gomesdigital/airplonk - Plonk stuff around your local net.
- OpenSourceImageFolder/OSIF - The Open Source Image Folder Project
- tanrax/maza-ad-blocking - Simple, native and efficient local ad blocker. Only Bash.
- unifiMynet/dnsmasqAdBlock - Dnsmasq based Ad blocking for UBNT equipment (USG, ER-X, etc.) - should work on any dnsmasq instance
- lixingcong/dnsmasq-regex - dnsmasq with regex match module(libpcre v8.45, the older version)
- kibook/1436chan - Gopher textboard
- pystardust/waldl - Browse and download wallhaven.cc using sxiv
- dylanaraps/birch - An IRC client written in bash
- Naunter/BT_BlockLists - Transmission block list
- dtonon/papiro - Encode and decode a file to/from qrcodes
- akinomyoga/ble.sh - Bash Line Editor―a line editor written in pure Bash with syntax highlighting, auto suggestions, vim modes, etc. for Bash interactive sessions.
- patricks/osm-garmin - Shell scripts to build openstreetmap maps for garmin devices
- 9viz/bottom-sh - Bottom encoder and decoder in pure sh
- dyne/JaroMail - Terminal UI email client to download, filter, search and archive messages off-line
- DavidRV00/cookman - man-pages like cli utility for based.cooking
- Mia-Rain/fedish - POSIX sh fediverse client - Because I hate myself uwu
- s-p-k/foxy - A simple script that handles bookmarks stored in a txt file.
- fabianonline/telegram.sh - Send telegram messages right from your command line.
- SomajitDey/ipfs-chat - Real-time P2P messenger using go-ipfs pubsub. TUI. End-to-end encrypted texting & file-sharing. NAT traversal.
- ShellShoccar-jpn/Parsrs - CSV, JSON, XML text parsers and generators written in pure POSIX shellscript
- ndren/redbean-onionshare - OnionShare; no Flask, just redbean.
- sylGauthier/traf - traf: a CLI, UNIX-y, minimal kanban board
- pimterry/notes - 📝 Simple delightful note taking, with more unix and less lock-in.
- pystardust/jsp - Json Shell Parser: A simple json parser in POSIX shell and sed
- Mia-Rain/shfire - Making a discord client in POSIX sh, by jumping over the gateway cause it's useless, fuck your TOS
- paoloantinori/hhighlighter - A command line tool to highlight terms
- pystardust/shup - A POSIX shell script to parse HTML
- XPhyro/scripts - A collection of over 500 scripts, utilities and libraries for *nix and plugins/extensions for OBS & browsers.
- Mia-Rain/shapplet - coreutils/busybox applets (certain/some) written in pure POSIX sh
- connermcd/gtd - A simple shell script for effective time management.
- budlabs/i3ass - A collection of shell scripts to ease the use of i3wm
- wireghoul/graudit - grep rough audit - source code auditing tool
- jamielinux/bashmount - Tool to mount and unmount removable media from the command-line
- graysky2/newsboat_custom_stuff - Hacky shell scripts to generate RSS feeds on the fly for newsboat
- open-antux/DSOA - Delete Shit On Arch
- dhasirar/instax - instax is an tool to perform brute force attack against Instagram,(https://github.com/dhasirar/instax) by dhasirar under GNU LICENSE. WARNING! This tool was made for educational purposes! https://www.
- Sepero/temp-throttle - A shell script for throttling system CPU frequency based on a desired maximum temperature
- HACK3RY2J/Anon-SMS - A Tool To Send Messages Anonymously..
- beatcracker/omv-autowakeup - with a schedule you can wake up your PC over the week
- Tomas-M/linux-live - Linux Live Kit
- hastinbe/i3-volume - Volume control and volume notifications
- quentinsence/mbm - My Bookmark Manager: manage your bookmarks easily from the bash command line
- sayan01/scripts - scripts
- adi1090x/rofi - A huge collection of Rofi based custom Applets, Launchers & Powermenus.
- ChipCE/Smartphone-tablet-as-second-monitor-for-linux - Use android as second monitor for linux
- hollystandring/dwm-bar - A modular statusbar for dwm
- cfenollosa/feedtube - A feed video downloader for Youtube
- MarcMilany/archmy_2020 - В процессе тестирования Install Linux Legacy BIOS and Uefi
- lemnos/theme.sh - A script which lets you set your $terminal theme.
- Akianonymus/parallel-bash - Parallel processing of commands in pure bash along with the support of functions.
- Biont/sway-launcher-desktop - TUI Application launcher with Desktop Entry support. Made for SwayWM, but runs anywhere
- holman/spark - ▁▂▃▅▂▇ in your shell.
- dikiaap/dotfiles - Get ready for dotfiles. Contains i3, i3blocks, rofi, dunst, picom, vim, tmux, and zsh.
- Andr3as07/dotfiles -
- klesh/dotfiles -
- mitchweaver/bin - 🗑️ helpful scripts and snippets
- afontenot/firefox-clean - A PKGBUILD for Firefox with defaults for the privacy-conscious and power users
- arcolinuxd/arco-i3 - All scripts necessary to have an awesome deskop experience on ArcoLinux or vanilla Arch Linux installation
- luiscassih/RegeXNumRangeGenerator - A numeric range regex generator for using in Bash
- xwmx/bash-boilerplate - A collection of Bash scripts for creating safe and useful command line programs.
- Astu04/kanji2hiragana - Script to turn a kanji text to hiragana, designed to use with subtitles.
- lettier/blender-keymap-trainer - ⌨️ Digital flashcards for memorizing Blender's shortcut keys.
- dobrosketchkun/after_the_gates_2025 - An artistic exploration of a world transformed the emergence of portals to dangerous dimensions and people with awakened abilities.
- EnricoMiccoli/TeXalendar - LaTeX weekly planner
- adunna/tase - Text-Audio Sync Engine
- ludus-leonis/nipajin - A pen'n'paper RPG that fits on 4 pages. Typeset in LaTeX.
- raphink/geneve_1564 - LaTeX facsimile of a Bible de Genève, 1564
- bdatko/bibtex_to_refer - bibtext to refer
- angea/pocorgtfo - a "Proof of Concept or GTFO" mirror with an extensive index with also whole issues or individual articles as clean PDFs.
- Kwpolska/todolist - Chris Warrick’s LaTeX Todo List.
- HiveMinds/CoursePlanningTemplate - Makes latex templates for all your course work (assignments, lecture summaries, etc.), generates taskwarrior commands, enables syncing all course tasks with google calendar, sets up pseudo-anonymous o
- wilx/tweet2latex - Utility for retrieval and formatting of tweets into LaTeX documents.
- jfogarty/latex-createspace-bookcover - Generates a customizable print-on-demand paperback book cover as a PDF using LaTeX
- kjhealy/pandoc-templates - Some templates for Pandoc.
- hagezi/dns-blocklists - DNS-Blocklists: For a better internet - keep the internet clean!
- raidendotai/cofounder - ai-generated apps , full stack + generative UI
- mediar-ai/screenpipe - AI app store powered by 24/7 desktop history. open source | 100% local | dev friendly | 24/7 screen, mic recording
- bookracy/frontend - Frontend for Bookracy
- reorproject/reor - Private & local AI personal knowledge management app for high entropy people.
- sussy-code/providers - Providers and sources for sudo-flix
- internetfiles/tpp - TPP
- sussy-code/smov - Sudo-flix's source code (Allegedly)
- skgupta507/rive-next - Rive is a cutting-edge, ad-free platform for streaming/downloading movies and TV shows online. Your Personal Streaming Oasis
- staart/site - 🏁📑 Static site generator for landing pages, docs, and more
- salarcode/SmartProxy - Firefox/Chrome browser extension. SmartProxy will automatically enable/disable proxy for the sites you visit, based on customizable patterns.
- sshrshnv/tgstorage - Advanced "Saved Messages" of the Telegram. Store your notes, checklists, links, photos and any documents in Telegram Cloud.
- neurogen-dev/NeuroAPI - Free ChatGPT 3.5 / Cheap ChatGPT 4o API / Бесплатный ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo / Дешевый СhatGPT 4o
- HerbertHe/iptv-sources - Autoupdate iptv sources
- arc53/DocsGPT - Chatbot for documentation, that allows you to chat with your data. Privately deployable, provides AI knowledge sharing and integrates knowledge into your AI workflow
- mifi/editly - Slick, declarative command line video editing & API
- vangelov/calories-in - A web-based meal plan editor for people who prepare all of their food.
- alexandria-reader/backend - Alexandria reading app back end
- NostrChat/NostrChat - NostrChat is one of the most decentralized chat apps ever built.
- latentcat/qrbtf - AI & parametric QR code generator. AI & 参数化二维码生成器。https://qrbtf.com
- eyalzh/simple-kanban - A lightweight offline kanban board
- ohmplatform/FreedomGPT - This codebase is for a React and Electron-based app that executes the FreedomGPT LLM locally (offline and private) on Mac and Windows using a chat-based interface
- Coobaha/suomea - Tools to learn Finnish. Includes Web app, Anki integration and Alfred workflow.
- Cveinnt/LiveTerm - 💻 Build terminal styled websites in minutes!
- noway/diy-llm-bot - Compare a generic GPT-3 based chatbot with ChatGPT
- tipxmr/tipxmr - An open-source, noncustodial livestream tipping service for Monero.
- howardchung/watchparty - Watch anything together in-sync with your friends
- neopostmodern/structure - Structure is a knowledge management tool
- siyuan-note/siyuan - A privacy-first, self-hosted, fully open source personal knowledge management software, written in typescript and golang.
- tategakibunko/TypeNovel - A simple markup language to write novel with types.
- irislib/iris-messenger - Decentralized messenger
- zzzgydi/clash-verge - A Clash GUI based on tauri. Supports Windows, macOS and Linux.
- nathansomething/lwt2 - A Complete Rewrite of Learning With Texts, using Angular and Flask
- nramos0/fluent-reader - Language learning app similar to https://lingq.com/, but open source and free written in Typescript and Rust. Supports English and Chinese.
- Lissy93/personal-security-checklist - 🔒 A compiled checklist of 300+ tips for protecting digital security and privacy in 2024
- sereneblue/chameleon - WebExtension port of Random Agent Spoofer
- shellyln/kanban-board-app - Kanban style task management board app
- cinnyapp/cinny - Yet another matrix client
- ransome1/sleek - todo.txt manager for Linux, Windows and MacOS, free and open-source (FOSS)
- benawad/vsinder - Dating App for VSCode
- TheYarin/ShellPiper - ShellPiper is an editor for writing long pipe one-liners in the shell
- erezrokah/gitchi - Turn GitHub Pull Request Comments into a Chat
- tulir/gomuks - A Matrix client written in Go.
- nsfw-filter/nsfw-filter - A free, open source, and privacy-focused browser extension to block “not safe for work” content built using TypeScript and TensorFlow.js.
- typst/templates - Templates that are directly maintained by the Typst team.
- ludwig-austermann/typst-timetable - A typst template for timetables
- Junker/mictray - MicTray is a Lightweight system tray application which lets you control the microphone state and volume
- phase1geo/Outliner - Outlining application for elementary OS
- Darazaki/Spedread - GTK speed reading software: Read like a speedrunner!
- moson-mo/cryptor - Simple GUI application for gocryptfs
- ThiefMD/theme-generator - Generate Ulysses themes or Markdown Syntax GtkSourceView Schemes
- kmwallio/ThiefMD - The markdown editor worth stealing. Inspired by Ulysses, based on code from Quilter
- zaid/vim-rec - GNU Recutils syntax highlighting support for Vim
- nims11/vim-nano - Mighty nano inside a vim
- tucnak/vim-playfount - Playfount is a dialect of Fountain plaintext screenwriting markup language.
- wsdjeg/vim-chat - 💜 Chatting client for neovim/vim8
- fiatjaf/neuron.vim - 📝 Manage your Zettelkasten in {n}vim.
- lifepillar/vim-mucomplete - Chained completion that works the way you want!
- Gavinok/vim-troff - A vim plugin meant to help bring troff / groff into the modern day
- haya14busa/incsearch.vim - 🔦 Improved incremental searching for Vim
- segeljakt/vim-sentencer - Locate sentences by their length
- Raimondi/vim-lengthy - Colorize sentences by word count.
- lukhio/adVIMsor - A vim plugin to improve your writing quality and productivity
- pondrejk/vim-readability - A Vim plug-in that calculates the Flesch-Kincaid readability index per line.
- rickhowe/diffchar.vim - Highlight the exact differences, based on characters and words
- MilesCranmer/gso - 🏃 Google StackOverflow in Vim. Copy-pastes the code directly in your script.
- ashzero2/VimPilot - Copilot with extra steps ^-^
- dhruvasagar/vim-dotoo - Org-mode like task logging & time tracking in Vim
- skywind3000/vim-terminal-help - Small changes make vim/nvim's internal terminal great again !!
- skywind3000/vim-quickui - The missing UI extensions for Vim 9 (and NeoVim) !! 😎
- simeji/winresizer - very simple vim plugin for easy resizing of your vim windows
- xuhdev/vim-latex-live-preview - A Vim Plugin for Lively Previewing LaTeX PDF Output
- LaTeX-Box-Team/LaTeX-Box - Lightweight Toolbox for LaTeX - New Official repository
- psliwka/vim-smoothie - Smooth scrolling for Vim done right🥤
- alfg/ffmpeg-commander - 🛠️ FFmpeg Command Generator Web UI
- MarekDzw/IFCalculator - Rewritten old IF Calc on Vue.js
- my0419/myvpn-desktop - VPN server configuration software. Protocols: L2TP, PPTP, OpenVPN, WireGuard, Socks5, ShadowSocks (v2ray). | Providers: DigitalOcean, Linode, CryptoServers, Hetzner Cloud, Custom Server
- GeoGuess/GeoGuess - GeoGuess is an open-source geography game with Google Map StreetView. You can play solo or with your friends simultaneously.
- Litarvan/lightdm-webkit-theme-litarvan - Litarvan's LightDM HTML Theme
- orhun/linuxwave - Generate music from the entropy of Linux 🐧🎵
- kmein/kaikki-stardict - StarDict dictionary files, generated from Wiktionary
To the extent possible under law, asakura42 has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.