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Return results in an object (#10)
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* Return tail distribution

* Rename to check_pareto_shape

* Implement PSISResult

* Add pareto_shape methods

* Simplify psis! implementation

* Implement psis! for multi-parameter case

* Add scale

* Run formatter

* Update tests to use objects

* Rename r_eff to reff

* Remove now-unused tests

* Add missing end

* Refer to shape as shape instead of k

* Just print pareto_shape

* Remove normalize kwarg

* Make return value of tail_dist type-inferrable

* Return actual tail_lengths

* Document remaining properties

* Test PSISResult

* Test more cases

* Move diagnostic docs to PSISResult

* Format docstrings

* Increment version number

* Test propertynames

* Simplify test
  • Loading branch information
sethaxen authored Nov 22, 2021
1 parent c596dfe commit 70ac431
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "PSIS"
uuid = "ce719bf2-d5d0-4fb9-925d-10a81b42ad04"
authors = ["Seth Axen <[email protected]> and contributors"]
version = "0.1.7"
version = "0.2.0"

Distributions = "31c24e10-a181-5473-b8eb-7969acd0382f"
Expand Down
220 changes: 140 additions & 80 deletions src/PSIS.jl
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Expand Up @@ -2,18 +2,101 @@ module PSIS

using Distributions: Distributions
using LinearAlgebra: dot
using LogExpFunctions: logsumexp, softmax!
using LogExpFunctions: logsumexp, softmax, softmax!
using Printf: @sprintf
using Statistics: mean, median, quantile
using StatsBase: StatsBase

export PSISResult
export psis, psis!


psis(log_ratios, reff = 1.0; kwargs...) -> (log_weights, k)
Result of Pareto-smoothed importance sampling (PSIS).
# Properties
- `log_weights`: unnormalized Pareto-smoothed log weights
- `weights`: normalized Pareto-smoothed weights (allocates a copy)
- `pareto_shape`: Pareto ``k=ξ`` shape parameter
- `nparams`: number of parameters in `log_weights`
- `ndraws`: number of draws in `log_weights`
- `nchains`: number of chains in `log_weights`
- `reff`: the ratio of the effective sample size of the unsmoothed importance ratios and
the actual sample size.
- `tail_length`: length of the upper tail of `log_weights` that was smoothed
- `tail_dist`: the generalized Pareto distribution that was fit to the tail of
# Diagnostic
The `pareto_shape` parameter ``k=ξ`` of the generalized Pareto distribution `tail_dist` can
be used to diagnose reliability and convergence of estimates using the importance weights
- if ``k < \\frac{1}{3}``, importance sampling is stable, and importance sampling (IS) and
PSIS both are reliable.
- if ``k < \\frac{1}{2}``, then the importance ratio distributon has finite variance, and
the central limit theorem holds. As ``k`` approaches the upper bound, IS becomes less
reliable, while PSIS still works well but with a higher RMSE.
- if ``\\frac{1}{2} ≤ k < 0.7``, then the variance is infinite, and IS can behave quite
poorly. However, PSIS works well in this regime.
- if ``0.7 ≤ k < 1``, then it quickly becomes impractical to collect enough importance
weights to reliably compute estimates, and importance sampling is not recommended.
- if ``k ≥ 1``, then neither the variance nor the mean of the raw importance ratios
exists. The convergence rate is close to zero, and bias can be large with practical
sample sizes.
[^VehtariSimpson2021]: Vehtari A, Simpson D, Gelman A, Yao Y, Gabry J. (2021).
Pareto smoothed importance sampling.
[arXiv:1507.02646v7]( [stat.CO]
struct PSISResult{T,W<:AbstractArray{T},R,L,D}

function Base.propertynames(r::PSISResult)
return [fieldnames(typeof(r))..., :weights, :nparams, :ndraws, :nchains, :pareto_shape]

function Base.getproperty(r::PSISResult, k::Symbol)
if k === :weights
log_weights = getfield(r, :log_weights)
d = ndims(log_weights)
dims = d == 1 ? Colon() : ntuple(Base.Fix1(+, 1), d - 1)
return softmax(log_weights; dims=dims)
if k === :nparams
log_weights = getfield(r, :log_weights)
return ndims(log_weights) == 1 ? 1 : size(log_weights, 1)
if k === :ndraws
log_weights = getfield(r, :log_weights)
return ndims(log_weights) == 1 ? length(log_weights) : size(log_weights, 2)
if k === :nchains
log_weights = getfield(r, :log_weights)
return size(log_weights, 3)
k === :pareto_shape && return pareto_shape(r)
return getfield(r, k)

function, ::MIME"text/plain", r::PSISResult)
println(io, typeof(r), ":")
print(io, " pareto_shape: ", r.pareto_shape)
return nothing

psis(log_ratios, reff = 1.0; kwargs...) -> PSISResult
Compute Pareto smoothed importance sampling (PSIS) log weights [^VehtariSimpson2021].
Expand All @@ -37,38 +120,16 @@ See [`psis!`](@ref) for a version that smoothes the ratios in-place.
- `sorted=issorted(vec(log_ratios))`: whether `log_ratios` are already sorted. Only
accepted if `nparams==1`.
- `normalize=false`: whether to normalize the log weights so that the resulting weights
for a given parameter sum to one.
- `improved=false`: If `true`, use the adaptive empirical prior of [^Zhang2010].
If `false`, use the simpler prior of [^ZhangStephens2009], which is also used in
# Returns
- `log_weights`: an array of smoothed log weights of the same size as `log_ratios`
- `k`: for each parameter, the estimated shape parameter ``k`` of the generalized Pareto
distribution, which is useful for diagnosing the distribution of importance ratios.
See details below.
# Diagnostic
The shape parameter ``k`` of the generalized Pareto distribution can be used to diagnose
reliability and convergence of estimates using the importance weights [^VehtariSimpson2021]:
- if ``k < \\frac{1}{3}``, importance sampling is stable, and importance sampling (IS) and
PSIS both are reliable.
- if ``k < \\frac{1}{2}``, then the importance ratio distributon has finite variance, and
the central limit theorem holds. As ``k`` approaches the upper bound, IS becomes less
reliable, while PSIS still works well but with a higher RMSE.
- if ``\\frac{1}{2} ≤ k < 0.7``, then the variance is infinite, and IS can behave quite
poorly. However, PSIS works well in this regime.
- if ``0.7 ≤ k < 1``, then it quickly becomes impractical to collect enough importance
weights to reliably compute estimates, and importance sampling is not recommended.
- if ``k ≥ 1``, then neither the variance nor the mean of the raw importance ratios
exists. The convergence rate is close to zero, and bias can be large with practical
sample sizes.
- `result`: a [`PSISResult`](@ref) object containing the results of the Pareto-smoothing.
A warning is raised if ``k ≥ 0.7``.
A warning is raised if the Pareto shape parameter ``k ≥ 0.7``. See [`PSISResult`](@ref) for
[^VehtariSimpson2021]: Vehtari A, Simpson D, Gelman A, Yao Y, Gabry J. (2021).
Pareto smoothed importance sampling.
Expand All @@ -95,87 +156,86 @@ In-place compute Pareto smoothed importance sampling (PSIS) log weights.
See [`psis`](@ref) for an out-of-place version and for description of arguments and return
function psis!(
logw::AbstractVector, reff=1; sorted=issorted(logw), normalize=false, improved=false
T = eltype(logw)
function psis!(logw::AbstractVector, reff=1; sorted=issorted(logw), improved=false)
S = length(logw)
k_hat = T(Inf)

@assert isone(length(reff)) # support numbers or single-element array
reff_val = first(reff)
M = tail_length(reff_val, S)
if M < 5
@warn "Insufficient tail draws to fit the generalized Pareto distribution."
perm = sorted ? eachindex(logw) : sortperm(logw)
@inbounds logw_max = logw[last(perm)]
icut = S - M
tail_range = (icut + 1):S

@inbounds logw_tail = @views logw[perm[tail_range]]
if logw_max - first(logw_tail) < eps(eltype(logw_tail)) / 100
@warn "Cannot fit the generalized Pareto distribution because all tail " *
"values are the same"
logw_tail .-= logw_max
@inbounds logu = logw[perm[icut]] - logw_max

_, k_hat = psis_tail!(logw_tail, logu, M, improved)
logw_tail .+= logw_max

return PSISResult(logw, reff, M, missing)

if normalize
logw .-= logsumexp(logw)

return logw, k_hat
perm = sorted ? collect(eachindex(logw)) : sortperm(logw)
icut = S - M
tail_range = (icut + 1):S
@inbounds logw_tail = @views logw[perm[tail_range]]
@inbounds logu = logw[perm[icut]]
_, tail_dist = psis_tail!(logw_tail, logu, M, improved)
return PSISResult(logw, reff_val, M, tail_dist)
function psis!(logw::AbstractArray, reff=1; kwargs...)
Tdist = Union{Distributions.GeneralizedPareto{eltype(logw)},Missing}
logw_firstcol = view(logw, :, ntuple(_ -> 1, ndims(logw) - 1)...)
reff_vec = reff isa Number ? fill!(similar(logw_firstcol), reff) : reff
# support both 2D and 3D arrays, flattening the final dimension
_, k_hat = psis!(vec(selectdim(logw, 1, 1)), reff_vec[1]; kwargs...)
# for arrays with named dimensions, this pattern ensures k_hat has the same names
k_hats = similar(logw_firstcol, eltype(k_hat))
k_hats[1] = k_hat
Threads.@threads for i in eachindex(k_hats, reff_vec)
_, k_hats[i] = psis!(vec(selectdim(logw, 1, i)), reff_vec[i]; kwargs...)
r1 = psis!(vec(selectdim(logw, 1, 1)), reff_vec[1]; kwargs...)
# for arrays with named dimensions, this pattern ensures tail_lengths and tail_dists
# have the same names
tail_lengths = similar(logw_firstcol, Int)
tail_lengths[1] = r1.tail_length
tail_dists = similar(logw_firstcol, Tdist)
tail_dists[1] = r1.tail_dist
Threads.@threads for i in eachindex(tail_dists, reff_vec, tail_lengths, tail_dists)
ri = psis!(vec(selectdim(logw, 1, i)), reff_vec[i]; kwargs...)
tail_lengths[i] = ri.tail_length
tail_dists[i] = ri.tail_dist
return logw, k_hats
return PSISResult(logw, reff_vec, tail_lengths, map(identity, tail_dists))

function check_pareto_k(k)
if k 1
@warn "Pareto k=$(@sprintf("%.2g", k)) ≥ 1. Resulting importance sampling " *
pareto_shape(::Missing) = missing
pareto_shape(dist::Distributions.GeneralizedPareto) = Distributions.shape(dist)
pareto_shape(r::PSISResult) = pareto_shape(getfield(r, :tail_dist))
pareto_shape(dists) = map(pareto_shape, dists)

function check_pareto_shape(dist::Distributions.GeneralizedPareto)
ξ = pareto_shape(dist)
if ξ 1
@warn "Pareto shape=$(@sprintf("%.2g", ξ)) ≥ 1. Resulting importance sampling " *
"estimates are likely to be unstable and are unlikely to converge with " *
"additional samples."
elseif k 0.7
@warn "Pareto k=$(@sprintf("%.2g", k)) ≥ 0.7. Resulting importance sampling " *
elseif ξ 0.7
@warn "Pareto shape=$(@sprintf("%.2g", ξ)) ≥ 0.7. Resulting importance sampling " *
"estimates are likely to be unstable."
return nothing

tail_length(reff, S) = min(cld(S, 5), ceil(Int, 3 * sqrt(S / reff)))

function psis_tail!(logw, logu, M=length(logw), improved=false)
function psis_tail!(logw, logμ, M=length(logw), improved=false)
T = eltype(logw)
u = exp(logu)
w = (logw .= exp.(logw))
d_hat =, w; sorted=true, improved=improved)
d_hat = prior_adjust_shape(d_hat, M)
k_hat = Distributions.shape(d_hat)
if isfinite(k_hat)
logw_max = logw[M]
# to improve numerical stability, we first scale the log-weights to have a maximum of 1,
# equivalent to shifting the log-weights to have a maximum of 0.
μ_scaled = exp(logμ - logw_max)
w = (logw .= exp.(logw .- logw_max))
tail_dist_scaled =
GeneralizedParetoKnownMu(μ_scaled), w; sorted=true, improved=improved
tail_dist_adjusted = prior_adjust_shape(tail_dist_scaled, M)
# undo the scaling
ξ = Distributions.shape(tail_dist_adjusted)
if isfinite(ξ)
p = uniform_probabilities(T, M)
@inbounds for i in eachindex(logw, p)
logw[i] = min(log(_quantile(d_hat, p[i])), 0)
# undo scaling in the log-weights
logw[i] = min(log(_quantile(tail_dist_adjusted, p[i])), 0) + logw_max
return logw, k_hat
# undo scaling for the tail distribution
tail_dist = scale(tail_dist_adjusted, exp(logw_max))
return logw, tail_dist

4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/generalized_pareto.jl
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Expand Up @@ -184,3 +184,7 @@ function prior_adjust_shape(d::Distributions.GeneralizedPareto, n, ξ_prior=1//2
ξ = (n * d.ξ + nobs * ξ_prior) / (n + nobs)
return Distributions.GeneralizedPareto(d.μ, d.σ, ξ)

function scale(d::Distributions.GeneralizedPareto, s)
return Distributions.GeneralizedPareto(d.μ * s, d.σ * s, d.ξ)

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