Get the real-time stock price from US stock market! (Dow Jones, Nasdaq, S&P 500) - stonks stonks stonks
🔗 This workflow is converted from alfred-workflow.
Note that there might be some code change or different actions from the original workflow.
Marked original workflow's creator to author.
$ npm install --global arvis-real-time-stock-price
Requires Node.js 8+.
Go to IEX Cloud website to register a new account.
In IEX Cloud console, copy your own API Tokens.
Install package by npm.
Add your token into this workflow's configuration and variables. Variable name must be
, and value is your token from IEX Cloud. -
stock AAPL
to test it out. The result is the latest price in subject, subtitle is the change in percentage and 52-week low & high price.${YOUR_TOKEN}
This API call will get the following response for stock AAPL
"symbol": "AAPL",
"companyName": "Apple, Inc.",
"primaryExchange": "NASDAQ",
"calculationPrice": "iexlasttrade",
"open": null,
"openTime": null,
"openSource": "official",
"close": null,
"closeTime": null,
"closeSource": "official",
"high": null,
"highTime": 1599767376677,
"highSource": "15 minute delayed price",
"low": null,
"lowTime": 1599765385646,
"lowSource": "15 minute delayed price",
"latestPrice": 113.465,
"latestSource": "IEX Last Trade",
"latestTime": "September 10, 2020",
"latestUpdate": 1599767996317,
"latestVolume": null,
"iexRealtimePrice": 113.45,
"iexRealtimeSize": 1,
"iexLastUpdated": 1599768125766,
"delayedPrice": null,
"delayedPriceTime": null,
"oddLotDelayedPrice": null,
"oddLotDelayedPriceTime": null,
"extendedPrice": null,
"extendedChange": null,
"extendedChangePercent": null,
"extendedPriceTime": null,
"previousClose": 117.32,
"previousVolume": 176940455,
"change": -3.855,
"changePercent": -0.03286,
"volume": null,
"iexMarketPercent": 0.00636250051851494,
"iexVolume": 1142855,
"avgTotalVolume": 201473381,
"iexBidPrice": 0,
"iexBidSize": 0,
"iexAskPrice": 0,
"iexAskSize": 0,
"iexOpen": null,
"iexOpenTime": null,
"iexClose": 113.465,
"iexCloseTime": 1599767996317,
"marketCap": 1967176744500,
"peRatio": 34.19,
"week52High": 137.98,
"week52Low": 52.93,
"ytdChange": 0.529584,
"lastTradeTime": 1599768029914,
"isUSMarketOpen": false
MIT © Wei Xia