This action polls a specified HTTP or HTTPS endpoint until it responds with the expected status code or the timeout is exceeded.
This action can be particularly useful to check the status of a container launched with the -d
flag as part of a CI workflow.
Required The URL to poll.
Optional The HTTP method to use. Default "GET"
Optional The HTTP status that is expected. Default "200"
Optional Response body that is expected.
Optional Regex to match expected response body
Optional The maximum time the polling is allowed to run for (in milliseconds). Default "60000"
Optional The interval at which the polling should happen (in milliseconds). Default "1000"
uses: artiz/poll-endpoint@1.0.2
url: http://localhost:8080
method: GET
expect-status: 200
expect-response-regex: "\"revision\":\"1\.00\""
timeout: 60000
interval: 1000