Hi, I'm Igor. Welcome to my GitHub!
Languages and Tools
Projects (click to show)
Kursvalut - currency converter, built on Swift (UIKit), using MVC pattern, CoreData and much more |
CustomNumpad - custom keyboard view, built with XIB and Storyboard as a replace for iOS stock Numpad |
CustomPopup - my implementation for a Popup, Apple uses across the iOS system, using XIB and UIKit |
CustomUIViewWithDatePicker - practice in a custom views creation, using XIB and UIKit and UITapGestureRecognizer |
ExpandableCells - creating an expandable table view cells on UIKit and Transform |
igorcodes.ru - my personal website, built from scratch, using SASS/SCSS preprocessor |
Project «NFT» - built a landing page of website, using basic HTML and CSS |
Online cinema «LiveTV» - built a landing page of website, using Bootstrap framework |
Sushi shop «Riksha» - built a landing page of website, using SASS/SCSS preprocessor |
Bookstore «Pages» - built a landing page of website, using Tailwind framework |