MultiValueDictionary MultiValueDictionary is an command line interactive application to accept multiple string values for a string key.
Tools Required Visual Studio 19 or newer .NET 5 SDK
- Arguments in command line are separated by blank space, for example ADD foo bar will be considered as three arguments.
- foo
- bar
- The above example performs ADD operation with foo as a key and bar as a value.
- Operation commands case-insensitive, ADD, add, Add all will perform the same operation.
KEYS --> requires no extra arguments -- Returns all the keys in the dictionary. Order is not guaranteed. -- Example: KEYS --> returns all the keys, will ignore commands after KEYS
MEMBERS --> requires one extra argument, it will be passed as a key -- Returns the collection of strings for the given key. Return order is not guaranteed. Returns an error if the key does not exist. -- It takes one more command line argument, if it has less than total 2 command line argument, it will show "invalid command". -- Example: MEMBERS foo
ADD --> requires 2 extra arguments, 1st one is key, 2nd one is value -- Adds a member to a collection for a given key. Displays an error if the member already exists for the key. -- Example: ADD foo bar
Remove --> requires 2 extra arguments, 1st one is key, 2nd one is value to be removed -- Removes a member from a key. If the last member is removed from the key, the key is removed from the dictionary. If the key or member does not exist, dispay an error. -- Example: REMOVE foo bar
REMOVEALL --> requires 1 extra argument for the key -- Removes all members for a key and removes the key from the dictionary. Returns an error if the key does not exist. -- Example: REMOVEALL foo
CLEAR --> requires no extra argument. -- Removes all keys and all members from the dictionary. -- Example: CLEAR
KEYEXISTS --> requires 1 extra argument for the key -- Returns whether a key exists or not. -- Example: KEYEXISTS foo
MEMBEREXISTS --> requires 2 extra arguments, 1st one for the key, 2nd one for the member -- Returns whether a member exists within a key. Returns false if the key does not exist. -- Example: MEMBEREXISTS foo bar
ALLMEMBERS --> requires no extra arguments. -- Returns all the members in the dictionary. Returns nothing if there are none. Order is not guaranteed. -- Example: ALLMEMBERS
ITEMS --> requires no extra arguments. -- Returns all keys in the dictionary and all of their members. Returns nothin if there are none. Order is not guaranteed. -- Example: ITEMS
EXIT --> requires no extra arguments -- It will prompt user with the confirmation message, user can select y/Yes to exit and n/No to stay (options are case-insensitive), if pressed anything else and entered then it will show the confirmation message again. -- Example: EXIT