Website of the bioinformatics student council ("Fachschaft Bioinformatik") at Goethe University Frankfurt.
First of all, thank you so much for reading this! Since this website is run by students in their spare time, we very much appreciate any help we can get. If you see anything that you would like to improve or that needs to be updated, feel free to create an issue or a pull request.
To setup the website locally for development purposes, first install Hugo and clone the repository:
git clone --recursive
Note that to download the theme that is used for the website, --recursive
has to be provided.
After installing Hugo and cloning the repository, we can now setup our theme. Because custom layouts are used, we need to adjust the theme config:
cd fsbioinfo-site/themes/tailwind
# update which files are taken into considerations when building css
awk 'NR==6 {sub(/$/, ","); print; print " \"../../layouts/**/*.html\""; next} 1' tailwind.config.js > tmp && mv tmp tailwind.config.js
# update theme package to serve our site, not the example site
awk '{gsub(/exampleSite/, "../.."); gsub(" --themesDir=../..", ""); print}' package.json > temp && mv temp package.json
# install theme package
npm install
All done! You can now preview the page with automatic updates by running:
npm run dev