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XML import to your Doctrine2 entities just by config a yml file. Allows image/doc uploads and value mapping.


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XML IMPORTER DOC ©2016 Jordi Alhambra (@arcovoltaico)

#The goal When you got an XML containing an array of records that you need to normalize/map & store to your database and you want the job done just by writing a config file. The importer can even copy images or docs from the XML urls to your DB & server.

#How to install the bundle

  1. Composer & Packagist support to be announced, meanwhile you can download the zip and locate it inside your Symfony src folder.

  2. Add this line to your Symfony AppKernel:

      new ArcoVoltaico\ImportBundle\ArcoVoltaicoImportBundle(),
  3. On your app/config.yml include

         - { resource: security.yml }
         - { resource: config_importer.yml }
  4. Create app/config_importer.yml with:

         namespace: AppBundle\Entity
         bundle: AppBundle
  5. Create a doctrine migrate (diff) and migrate or update/sync your db schema in order to create the import entity

#Setting the importer


        #from parent to related
                clear: true
                            xml: CatNumber
                            xml: Type
                            class: producttype
                                1: 2
                                2: 1
                                3: 2
                                4: 2
                                5: 1 
                                6: 3
                                7: 3
                                8: 4
                                10: 1
                                11: 1 
                                8B49282169C34E89B6526E36F227D743: 3
                            xml: Type
                            activate: [1,2,5,11]
                            xml: Address.Floor

                clear: true
                parent: product
                    - Mode.Sale
                    - Mode.Rent
                                xml: Amount
                                nullable: false
                                class: offertype
                                            - 1
                                            - 2
                                xml: <<Description
                clear: false
                parent: product
                multiple: Photos.Photo
                upload: true
                path: '/uploads/images/'
                                xml: _index
                                xml: Document
                                xml: Description
                                xml: Document
                                xml: Document

In this example we'd copy the XML content to 3 different entities: product, offer and image. Each entity includes general attributes:

  • clear: if true, the table will be truncated before syncing

  • parent: the name of the parent entity

  • multiple: if there is N records( offers, images...) per parent record (product in our example)

    • if defined by an array then we have a limited children records, and they will be 'mirrored' (see below)
    • if defined by a single xml root, then we are expecting an unlimited children for each parent record. ie: ilimited images per product
  • upload:true if we want to copy the file to our server. The file will be retrieved from the url providen on the url entity attribute.

  • path: if you activated upload, then you need to locate where the files will be copied

  • import: here we include all the attributes we want to import.

###Different importing modes

On each attribute you always need to set a xml including the route to the resource on the XML. Keep in mind that we can define a ../ style route, just by adding a < before the route. If we are defining an unlimited multiple children entity, we'd like to use _index as the value of this xml param, in case we want the index.

Sometimes we don't want to create a record unless an attribute is defined in the xml. If so, we'll add the param **nullable:**true

Sometimes we want to deduce the value of an atribute depending on the multiple value. See the offer example, where we assign the offertype with id 1 when we are importing from Mode.Sale.

When we have a boolean attribute is possible to activate it only on some cases (i.e.: liveable will be true if Tipo is 1 or 2...)

If we need to 'translate' the values from the XML to your record, then we can use map, so the left value (the one to be found in the xml) will be converted to the right value.

#Additional data modificattion

Maybe we'll need to assign value to some entity attribute that are not available on the XML, chances are that :

  • this value depends on another attribute from the same entity:
    • So now you can fix this by tweaking the entity setters and/or constructor method.
  • it's more complex...:
    • so you'll need to assign the attributes from an Event Listener.


  • go to yourdomain/en/import/new and upload your xml, so the import will start
  • you can reimport an xml by executing yourdomain/en/import/sync/ID_NUMBER


  • We are only able to extract data from inside every XML node or from it's id attribute.

  • We can manage only one master entity, and it mut be followed by its children.

  • The fields, whose value will be part of other field, must be earlier in the import.

  • If we use some kind of quoted UID on your mappings in the config file, we'll remove the quotes.

#Future improvements

  • Differ image or doc r/w in order to reduce the overall script execution , now we are using this on the controller:

      ini_set('memory_limit','1536M'); // 1.5 GB
      ini_set('max_execution_time', 18000); // 5 hours
  • Limit to copy only last N days / updated images

  • Better error catching, stop/continue import mode, error log

  • Better doctrine flush strategy? (maybe preflush y and then a doctrine listener should make the flush)


XML import to your Doctrine2 entities just by config a yml file. Allows image/doc uploads and value mapping.







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