Research project.
OVOTE: Offchain Voting with Onchain Trustless Execution.
This repo contains the OVOTE node implementation, compatible with the ovote circuits & contracts. All code is in early stages.
More details on the ovote-node behaviour can be found at the OVOTE document.
In the cmd/ovote-node
build the binarh: go build
Which then can be used:
> ./ovote-node --help
Usage of ovote-node:
-d, --dir string storage data directory (default "~/.ovote-node")
-l, --logLevel string log level (info, debug, warn, error) (default "info")
-p, --port string network port for the HTTP API (default "8080")
-c, --censusbuilder CensusBuilder active
-v, --votesaggregator VotesAggregator active
--eth string web3 provider url
--addr string OVOTE contract address
--block uint Start scanning block (usually the block where the OVOTE contract was deployed)
So for example, running the node as a CensusBuilder and VotesAggregator for the ChainID=1 would be:
./ovote-node -c -v -l=debug \
--eth=wss:// --addr=0xTheOVOTEContractAddress --block=6678912
, new census: creates a new CensusTree with the given keys & weights// AddKeysReq is the data packet used to add keys&weights to a census type AddKeysReq struct { PublicKeys []babyjub.PublicKeyComp `json:"publicKeys"` Weights []*big.Int `json:"weights"` }
, get census: returns census info - POST
, add keys to census:// AddKeysReq is the data packet used to add keys&weights to a census type AddKeysReq struct { PublicKeys []babyjub.PublicKeyComp `json:"publicKeys"` Weights []*big.Int `json:"weights"` }
, close census: closes census - GET
, get MerkleProof: returns the MerkleProof for the given PublicKey - POST
, send vote: stores the vote to be included in the rollup proof// VotePackage represents the vote sent by the User type VotePackage struct { Signature babyjub.SignatureComp `json:"signature"` CensusProof CensusProof `json:"censusProof"` Vote ByteArray `json:"vote"` }
, get process: returns process info - POST
, generate proof: triggers proof generation - GET
, get proof: returns the generated proof
- Tests:
go test ./...
(need go installed) - Linters:
golangci-lint run --timeout=5m -c .golangci.yml
(need golangci-lint installed)