-- Cypress is a next-generation front-end testing tool built for the modern web. -- We make it possible to: -- Set up tests -- Write tests -- Run tests -- Debug Tests
-- Cypress is most often compared to Selenium; however, Cypress is both fundamentally and architecturally different. -- Cypress enables you to write faster, easier, and more reliable tests.
-- Ceate a package inside an empty folder using "npm init -y". -- Now install cypress using the command "npm i cypress" -- After that now use the command to open cypress "npx cypress open" -- Cypress will open and you need to select the desire browser. -- After that in VS code you can add a test file in the format "fileName.cy.js" under the e2e folder. -- At the top of each file mention "/// " for autocompleting. -- Now you can write the test cases in the same syntax as the chai mocha.
-- Use this command ""watchForFileChanges": true" in the "cypress.json" to terminate the auto running of cypress test upon saving file.
-- Jis tarha inspect may hum element ko select krty hain ya hover krty hain aur uski detail show ho jati hain same yhan b us element ki id utha lety hian.
-- We can add a custom timeout at command level by using the command "cy.get('className, {timeout: 6000}').click()" -- we can also use the timeout as {timeout: 10 * 1000} means delay for 10 seconds. -- Cypress may jou default timeout ha woh 4second ka ha hum usko change kr skty hain at command level as well as global level. -- For global level we have to set the timeout in the cypress.json file using the command "defaultCommandTimeout" : 500
-- this command is used to find the element having the text in the contain method. -- This will help in finding the element using the text not the css selectors. -- cy.contains('videos').click()
-- This command is used to hardcode the wait and is used as a standalone command. -- This is not used with the command but used seperately. -- cy.wait(5000)
-- Two types implicit and explicit. -- Implicit assertion: In built assertion hoti hain. Should() & and() command in cypress. -- Explicit assertion: Not in built assertion. For this we have to use specific assertion command like assert() or expect().
-- Should-contain .should('contain', 'Button')
-- Should-have .should('have.class', 'className') .should('have.text', 'textName') .should('have.html', 'htmo'
-- Should-be .shuld('be.visible') .shuld('be.selected') .shuld('be.focused')
-- Should.eqaul .invoke('attr', 'id').should('equal', 'id-value')
-- and - is used to chaining the assertion.
-- let name='aqib' expect(name).to.be.a('String') expect(name).to.be.equal('aqib') assert.equal(name, 'aqiib') -- These are similar as of chai mocha.
-- design principle, keep object and method seperate from test script. -- No rocket science just to use oop concepts for code reusability.
-- use the command to install report generator "npm i mochawesome-report-generator". -- The second library we will need is mochawesome-merge library.
-- This means we want to run cypress test in our console not in the browser. -- Used when you are using CI/CD integration and dont have to interact with the browser. -- For that we have to use the command "npx cypress run --headless" -- It is recommended to use the browser way of testing not this headless way.
-- Fixtures may hum json file ko add kr skty hain. -- Fixtures k throug hum Data Driven testing kr skty hian by saving the data in the json format. -- Fixtures ko hum test script may simple cy.fixture kr k call kr skty hain aur action perform kr skty hain.
-- Is k through hum different viewport ko use kr skty hain for responsive testing. -- cy.viewport(width,height) etc. -- we can simulatneously use any viewport like desktop and mobile etc.
-- there are multiple options to use with this command. -- go back, forward etc.
-- should return the current url you are at. -- we can also do more things like should expect etc.
-- is used to log the data on the cypress console. -- Do not use cy.log("Current url value", cy.url()) instead of this we can use; -- cy.url().then((value) => { cy.log("Current url value", value) })
-- if we want to run only specific block of it or only specific test case then we can use .only with the 'it' command.
-- Run one time before all test start. -- In this we can set all the things that we need only once before all other work like login credential etc. -- this block will run before all other commands.
-- Run before each individual test start. -- we can use this if we want to put something that is repetitive so put that in this block and it will run -- beforeEach( () => { //code will go here })
-- In before each we can also set the login auth token so that we dont have to login again and again. -- cy.then( () => { window.localStorage.setItem('token_variable_in_local_storage', value-of-token) })
-- Run one time after all the test finished.
-- Run after each individual test finished.
-- this will pause the cypress code execution. -- not pause the browser loading or behavior.
-- we can use different plugins in cypress to improve or enhance cypress functionality. -- One the very useful plugin is cypress-testing-library that is available at https://github.com/testing-library/cypress-testing-library -- go to the documentation and checkout the guide on how to install this. -- this plugin enhanced the cy command in cypress. -- for example cy.findBy and findAllBy anything. -- after installing the plugin must import the plugin in the commands.js file as we are using the custom commands.
-- we can set environment variable in the file cypress.config.js -- env var like we can set base-url.
-- if we have non cypress commands like js code then it will not wait for the cypress commands to execute first. -- this means the non cypress commnads will run first. -- cypress commands runs in a sequence and wait for the previos commands to complete then next will run.
-- we can use .then(), if we want to do something after the previous action completed. -- cy.url().then((value) => { cy.log("Current url value", value) })
-- Delay each keypress by 0.1 sec .type('[email protected]', { delay: 100 })
-- we can use this to forcefully do something. -- for example disable field may type krny k lie type ko force true krwana.
-- blur is opposite to focus. -- blur means after performing action on the focused element call the blur inorder to move the cursor from that element. -- matlab pehly me us field may likh skta tha ab ni likh skta etc.
-- To clear on a DOM element, use the .clear() command.
-- prev() gives immediate previous element. -- next() gives immediate next element.
-- To submit a form on a DOM element, use the .submit() command. -- For this we have to select the whole form and the find command to find elements and then we can submit the form using .submit().
-- click() also work with x and y coordinate -- that controls where the click occurs
-- click multiple elements by passing multiple: true
-- To double click a DOM element, use the .dblclick() command.
-- To right click a DOM element, use the .rightclick() command.
-- To trigger an event on a DOM element, use the .trigger() command.
-- To check a checkbox or radio, use the .check() command. -- By default, .check() will check all -- Matching checkbox or radio elements in succession, one after another -- check() also accepts a value argument and check only that particular value element. -- .check() accepts an array of values means multiple checks.
-- To uncheck a checkbox or radio, use the .uncheck() command. -- By default, .uncheck() will uncheck all matching
-- To select an option in a select, use the .select() command. -- when getting multiple values, invoke "val" method first
-- To scroll an element into view, use the .scrollintoview() command. -- scroll the button into view, as if the user had scrolled using the .scrollIntoView().
-- To scroll the window or a scrollable element to a specific position, use the cy.scrollTo() command. -- If we use only cy.scrollTo('bottom') then the whole window will scroll to the bottom. -- But if we use cy.get(element).scrollTo('bottom') then only this element will move to bottom. -- or you can scroll to a specific coordinate: (x axis, y axis) in pixels -- or you can scroll to a specific percentage of the (width, height) of the element -- control the duration of the scroll (in ms) { duration: 5*1000 })
-- For this purpose we will use the multiple with array of elements that we want to select. -- .select(['apples', 'oranges', 'bananas'])
-- If the menu has hover property and open upon hovering the mouse then we will use invoke('show') method. -- This will first show the menu and submenu and then click the link.
-- first of all use the command to install a library 'npm install --save-dev cypress-file-upload' -- then import this in command.js 'import 'cypress-file-upload' -- now in order to upload the file put it under the fixture folder and give the name to the .attachfile('filename') method. -- after that it depends on the functionality of the website how it handle the file.
-- for this first of all check the current value in drop down. -- click the drop down to expand. -- now search for the value -- if the value exist then select that value and then recheck the current value in drop down.
-- In cypress, alerts are handled by default so dont have to click ok on the prompt. -- But in order to handle the confirmation box by inputting some text we have to handle this at our own. -- we need to use the cy.on('window:confirm', call back function) to click on the cancel by returning the false. -- In order to use the prompt alert we first calll the ct.on(window, call back with cy.stub().returns())
Target website: https://react-redux.realworld.io/
Task 01: Write testcases for automation. -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LVkwbK4DX7WXLlhDlJoku2lAw5mBheCwITaSmomGC6Q/edit?usp=sharing
Task 02: Write test automation script with Cypress. -- Signup -- Login with different values for validation. -- Edit your information. -- Publish 10-15 articles using for loop. -- Check what you have published is showing in your profile. -- Mark Favourite and check it in your profile. -- Navigate to different page using pagination. -- Check Popular tags.