This is my personal website where I will be uploading the projects I think might be useful for some other people and the ones I need to have access to in a convenient way.
I am learning, so many things shown here will have bugs and there may be something broken. In case something happens, you can contact me through any social network found in the web footer.
The official less compiler is used to compile the stylesheets, so you will need to install it in order to join the stylesheets. You can find the official documentation here.
This project was previously closed-source, and it was created after 750 commits that are still kept privately but are fundamental to this website.
Gas prices
This project allows the users to look up the cheapest gas station in different areas of Spain, either through the name of the locality, the province or its postal/zip code.
A logic game. Try to guess a 4-digit code based on the number of correct and misplaced digits of your attempts.
This project is licensed under the AGPL 3.0+ License.
Lucide icons are licensed under the ISC License.
All other used licenses can be found here
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