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ApiChecker API Documentation

Welcome to the ApiChecker open API documentation 👋 Below you will able to find quick summary of ApiChecker API.

We serve our API based on GraphQL protocol that will ensure you have best quality API for your needs.

API Server URL / Playground

Our API server available at this URL: We also have Playground editor for ApiChecker API - so you can explore together with your account data.

Playground allow you to create your own customizable queries using GraphQL: GraphQL playground

Don't forget to set HTTP headers on playground. HTTP header name is api_key where value is your access token.

!> Playground don't work without api_key header set. You still need to register your API Access Token first, and then put this token on HTTP headers section. Header name should be: api_key. Just expand "HTTP Headers" section on left bottom menu - and put your Access Token here.

Get Started

There are few ways to get started with ApiChecker API:

  • GraphQL ApiChecker API (primary way)
  • Regular REST API

To start using our API you need create new API Token / Access token for your account first. To create Access Token follow below steps:

  • Open your account setting on APiChecker Dashboard: Dashboard,
  • Enter your Access Token name
  • Click to "Generate" button
  • Copy value from field that will be showed below the button and secure store token. It's showed only one time and you will not able to see it again.

Access Token Generation

!> Please copy access token and store it in secure storage - you will not able to get it from dashboard later

Access Token Header

Access token should be passed as part of every HTTP request to our API. Header example:

"api_key": "$2axxxxxxx5qwg8ARwH5IMxnpR8X6Ko.P6x6dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx123123"

Code examples

HTTP request via regular REST API (nodejs):

const request = require('request');
const serverUrl = "";
const accessToken = "xxxx10$c8onxxxxx8F60hf4Wox6i.dZNyuknIxxxxxC4lJ.cJEm2Efxxxxxx8pu";
const options = {
    url: serverUrl + "?query={me{name}}",
    headers: { 'api_key': accessToken }
request(options, (err, response, body) => {
    Will print: 
    {"data":{"me":{"name":"User Name"}}}
    * */

HTTP request using GraphQL client:

And below example using graphql client apollo-boost. This example retrieve list of Applications and their monitors via GraphQL query:

const gql = require('graphql-tag')
const Client = require('apollo-boost')

const client = new Client.default({
    uri: "http://localhost:3500/graph/",
    request: async operation => {
            headers: {
                api_key: "ACCESS_TOKEN" ///set your access TOKEN

client.query({  ///your query - you can generate it via Playgroud (you can find it in above url) as well.
    query:  gql`query {
        apps {
            monitors {
                uptime {
                sslInformation {
                lastCheck {
.then(result => console.log(;

And as result you will only get information that you request/need:

  "data": {
    "apps": [
        "appName": "ApiChecker",
        "monitors": [
            "monitorUrl": "",
            "authRequired": false,
            "checkInterval": 180,
            "uptime": {
              "avgHealthLastDay": 100
            "currentStatus": "UP",
            "sslInformation": {
              "valid": true
            "lastCheck": {
              "elapsedTime": 680
            "monitorUrl": "",
            "authRequired": false,
            "checkInterval": 180,
            "uptime": {
              "avgHealthLastDay": 100
            "currentStatus": "UP",
            "sslInformation": {
              "valid": true
            "lastCheck": {
              "elapsedTime": 380

Pause uptime monitoring during deployment

You probably will want to pause ApiChecker Monitoring during your application or websites releases or deployments. We have API for pause/resume ApiChecker monitoring - it's also served by GraphQL:

In case if you want to stop one monitor in application:

mutation {
    changeMonitorStatus(monitorId: "{yourMonitorID}", enable: true, delay:20000)

In case if you want to stop whole application monitoring, including all nested monitors:

mutation {
  changeApplicationStatus(applicationId: "{yourAppId}", enable: false, delay: 1000)


  • monitorId is your monitorID that you want to pause / resume
  • applicationId is your Application ID that you want to pause / resume
  • enable - true is you want to resume Monitoring, false if you want to pause it
  • delay - count of milliseconds that ApiChecker should wait until request will take effect (change monitoring status)

If you want to call it via normal/regular HTTP url, you can just use below CURL sample (TIP: you can copy raw CURL request from Playground Editor)

curl '' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'api_key: {YourAccessTOKEN}' --data-binary '{"query":"mutation {\n  changeMonitorStatus(monitorId: \"5c90908f147dfd00105961f3\", enable: false, delay:20000)\n}"}'

Or similar analog with POST request to /graph/ endpoint, where body will be QUERY.

Custom GraphQL clients

You also can you any custom client to fetch data from ApiChecker or explore ApiChecker API.

As example you can use:

  • Insomnia - MacOs, Windows, Linux
  • graphql-request - js
  • Altair GraphQL - Mac, Windows, Linux, Web, Chrome, Firefox
  • any library for GraphQL communications for any language, such as: Swift, NodeJS, JS, Python, C#, etc

You will get rich autocomplete feature served by ApiChecker API, with documentation for every field and query.

As example, this is screenshot from Insomnia client when using ApiChecker API:

Insomnia client

As you can see we have autocomplete feature for our queries, that make great developer experience.


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