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This repository contains the code for both and

Configuring Your Environment

Install Dependencies

First, install Docker. Then, run ./ to install the other dependencies:

  • kubectl
  • Minikube
  • Helm
  • Helmfile
  • Terraform
  • doctl

Note: You may have to run chmod +x ./ to make the script executable.

Update Your Host File

Add the following to your host file:

Log Into Docker

docker login -u <username>

Note: If you get an error trying to save your credentials, run rm ~/.docker/config.json.

Configuring Multiple Clusters in kubectl

kubectl lets you configure multiple clusters (eg your DigitalOcean and minikube clusters). To do so, download the kubeconfig file from the DigitalOcean cluster.

Note: If using WSL2, copy it to your ~/ directory and name it digitalocean.yml.

export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config:~/digitalocean.yml
kubectl config view --flatten > ~/combined.yml
cp ~/combined.yml ~/.kube/config

Verify that you see multiple context by running

kubectl config get-contexts

To switch contexts, simply run

kubectl config use-context DESIRED_CONTEXT_NAME

Build The Application

You must build your Docker images before you can run the application. The following will configure Minikube to use its own Docker registry and build the images:

eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env) \
&& docker build -t -f ./infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile . \
&& docker build -t -f ./infrastructure/docker/runtime/api/Dockerfile . --build-arg \
&& docker build -t -f ./infrastructure/docker/runtime/web/Dockerfile . --build-arg

Note: To bust the Docker's cache, you should run gulp build locally prior to building the images to ensure you're building with the latest compiled documentation.

Run The Application

Start Minikube

Get Minikube running:

minikube start \
&& minikube dashboard

Note: If you're running as the root user, run minikube start --force instead.

In another console terminal, create a tunnel to be able to connect to Minikube:

minikube tunnel

Note: Be sure to enter your sudo password when prompted.

Set Up Your Kubernetes Cluster

Use Helmfile to install the required Helm charts and apply the dev Kubernetes manifest:

helmfile -f ./infrastructure/kubernetes/base/helmfile.yml repos \
&& helmfile -f ./infrastructure/kubernetes/base/helmfile.yml sync \
&& kubectl apply -k ./infrastructure/kubernetes/environments/dev

You should now be able to hit in your browser. You will get a TLS certificate error since we're using a self-signed certificate locally.

Note: If using Chrome, type thisisunsafe to accept the self-signed certificate. Likewise, you'll have to do the same for the API, which you can do by visiting and typing thisisunsafe.

Updating The Kubernetes Cluster

To get your Minikube cluster to pick up changes you've made locally (after re-building the Docker images), run the following commands:

kubectl rollout restart deployment api \
&& kubectl rollout restart deployment web

Connecting to the Database

To connect locally to the PostgreSQL database in Minikube, you'll need to configure port forwarding on your machine in a separate console:

kubectl port-forward service/db 5432:5432