Releases: antvis/G2Plot
Releases · antvis/G2Plot
AntV 第四届 11.22 品牌日特别版
Documentation Changes
- 调整色值 (#1987) (2375272b)
- demo 走查 (#1975) (ed623a28)
- 补充四象限气泡图 (#1960) (ea0f6753)
- fix column bar demo label layout (#1962) (909665ad)
- funnel: 场景漏斗图 DEMO (#1967) (2b62c8cb)
- demo: 将 case 案例进行一个归类,重命名为统计场景 & 更新 gastby (#1980) (78a2feb8)
- demo 优化 (#1948) (0c5a8340)
- demo: fix line, area demo (#1988) (0dc8bf23)
- 对称条形图 & 迷你折柱面图 demo (#1982) (c460fe9e)
- 修复 g2plot 文案 (#1981) (bab01a90)
Bug Fixes
- 自定义图形颜色和主题切换 (#1989) (a328e7b0)
- fix theme update for bar/column (#1986) (35cf6516)
- 修复热力图颜色映射错误 (#1979) (e3824c9a)
- change the triggering condition (#1972) (ca173525)
- word-cloud: 修复错误的边界值导致的重叠及间隙过大问题 (#1976) (24bd0650)
Documentation Changes
- 更新 manual/plots 英文文档 (#1942) (3f990c8d)
- 更新升级文档 (#1937) (690c2aff)
- 更新 manual 英文文档 (#1906) (d8aea09d)
- more document for column and bar plot (#1911) (b0d6b1b2)
- bullet document update (#1896) (b8ed05ff)
- update gatsby-theme-antv version (#1935) (d6255e0f)
- 文档优优化 - pie radar waterfall (#1908) (cb808b2c)
New Features
- 新增百分比面积图 (#1932) (c4ae3b50)
- 补充 example 中柱形图 column 缺失的设计指引 (#1922) (65a6d7e1)
- add line type into radial-bar (#1912) (d9a9bc53)
- multi layer 支持配置 annotations & label (#1913) (41b7cff4)
- review and modify radial-bar docs (#1904) (18bab577)
- add g2plot-column plugin link (#1900) (4f85ed29)
- 新增堆叠分组功能 (#1893) (fdd9fcf8)
- default-options: update default option for plots (#1907) (2b03b929)
Bug Fixes
- remove tiny default formatter & mask in axis not work (#1947) (15d97bdc)
- funnel (#1916) (9b7b189a)
- surge preview in wrong ref (#1897) (e1049207)
- #1909: opacity 配置不生效 (#1920) (2af40c16)
Documentation Changes
- mini plots (#1886) (ffd745f6)
- area (#1884) (76592b05)
- api 走查 (#1880) (6a12bc47)
- update banner notifications (#1876) (ffe95032)
- for plugin dev (#1871) (beb3e4df)
- line plot (#1868) (0b23f0ce)
- examples: 更新 radar demo & icon (#1859) (4dda66e2)
- docs-radar: 更新雷达图文档 & api 走查功能是否具备 (#1875) (5454d867)
Bug Fixes
- 画布添加默认高度 (#1857) (456f76a7)
- #1882: add limitInPoit as default options (#1885) (a5fda051)
- #1870: when y are same in dual-axes, axis position is wrong (#1878) (4e7e022b)
- conversion-tag: set an uniqe id for every shape (#1856) (aca28ffb)
- 关闭多个图例 (#1888) (e213ddc0)
New Features
- add multi-view plot (#1843) (49785169)
- radial bar color demo (#1845) (a4340dc6)
- column/bar: migrate connected area interaction (#1852) (a59301f3)
Bug Fixes
- charts issue (64477934)
- update & getDefaultOptions bugs (#1850) (bc4f7c8a)
- Scatter regression line and Dual Axes change data (#1848) (654c8e10)
- type define of legend, axis (#1842) (8f035d87)
Documentation Changes
- upgrade gatsby theme & format docs (#1835) (5b590486)
- 删除重复 demos (#1811) (7a744e6f)
- 补充 annotations api (#1798) (6bdd5dd0)
- 去除重复图表 (#1794) (d17e6be9)
- improve tiny chart based on UI (#1821) (8f1e479b)
New Features
- api: changeData & update (#1834) (e23bac00)
- radial-bar chart (#1818) (07ae1d06)
- add new axis option to scale (#1816) (4194424b)
- 对称条形图(Bi-directional) (#1746) (e4207617)
- 基于 annotation shape 实现 regression line (#1803) (7dbc224a)
- word-cloud: 支持自定义 random (#1791) (d9af79d6)
- gauge: add indicator = false, to hide the indicator (#1792) (1779c582)
Bug Fixes
- #1836: fix gauge animate not work (#1838) (8d7b4a97)
- 调整 bar 默认的柱子顺序 (#1828) (5e134042)
- 双轴图 point 颜色映射错误和参数丢失 (#1823) (a1c7d520)
- correct spelling for Configuration (#1812) (ef7d201b)
- pie annotation 默认关闭 text 的动画 (#1810) (bef2c4f9)
- column/bar/histogram/stock demo 修复" (#1808) (ed54d31e)
- correct spelling for "default" (#1809) (ae442c34)
- 修复 sunburst tooltip (#1796) (76a4a25b)
- correct spelling (#1802) (1f9e6075)
- spell typos (#1795) (303a8be5)
- word-cloud: 修复重复渲染动画卡顿 (#1805) (0297eb1b)
- line: when data all gt 0, or lt 0, set the default min/max (#1788) (76236d24)
Documentation Changes
New Features
- tooltip: add tooltip fields, formatter (#1774) (c1fab4e1)
- 迁移转化率组件 (#1772) (2c0f56d3)
- add lab domain (#1765) (cc69ff0a)
- heatmap (#1752) (72e10eb7)
Bug Fixes
- 1758: 面积图 line.color 设置不生效的问题 (#1759) (da311cca)
- 1761: 辅助 geometry 的 color 样式跟随主元素的 color 配置 (#1764) (e066f887)
- tooltip: 走查 tooltip 实现逻辑 (#1785) (61797929)
- adjust default column width ratio (#1779) (8acf2981)
- demo style (#1784) (70a32ee5)
- 修复 bullet 的 demo 写错问题 (#1783) (e2f0255c)
- line-column legend color & custom legend (#1776) (bc53417c)
- 订正双轴图&漏斗图文档 (#1766) (57392a6f)
- formatter 样式丢失 (#1763) (cb99aa97)
- word-cloud:
- point-shape: 修复 point 的 shape 映射 (#1771) (8d4b7290)
Documentation Changes
New Features
Bug Fixes
Build System / Dependencies
Documentation Changes
- 优化升级文档 (#1711) (89c89e88)
- add column slider scrollbar demo (#1704) (e7dea701)
- rose: 设置玫瑰图 label 的 layout 类型为 limit-in-shape (#1680) (bf0c70ab)
New Features
- mapping: color shape size 字段只去对应的字段即可 (#1720) (328fec73)
- tiny-area: update tiny area default color (#1707) (48951c38)
- line: line area support isStack options (#1705) (7d80cc23)
- waterfall: 瀑布图 (#1697) (91568619)
Bug Fixes
- types: 修复 瀑布图 类型定义命名问题 (#1719) (4f682222)
- v1 label formatter 无效 (#1713) (be94eb9c)
- update axis tickMethod type (#1715) (aa3dbcc9)
- issue-1174: pie statistics content formatter does not work (#1693) (0b3ed76d)
- website: style for bk image (#1694) (978ab376)
Other Changes
Documentation Changes
New Features
- axis: add type config axis, it will picked into scale config (#1686) (c2c50a38)
- demo: trend demo (#1663) (5a7eac3f)
- website: add css for demo container (#1675) (5c81f9e3)
- transform: add supportCSSTransform option (#1674) (79fcdc97)
Bug Fixes
- template: remove regex usage of lookbehind assertions (#1689) (92133d05)
- dual-axes: 双轴图问题走查 (#1688) (baa20f45)
- column 和 bar 默认 type 为 cat (#1682) (78f3a0cf)
- 修复一些 demo 的小问题 (#1676) (b9bb57dd)
- indicator: when indicator > 1 or < 0 in gauge, progress, ring (#1673) (86f110b9)
- geometry: line, area color field ignore xField (#1672) (e9ae75f3)
- bullet: 修复文档和 demo 的问题 (#1670) (53882cdc)
- tiny: tiny 图的 tooltip 默认给一个格式化,修改 demo 和单测 (#1666) (119ed5f3)
- word-cloud: 修复 this 指向问题 (#1668) (71714388)