Documentation Changes
- 更新 manual/plots 英文文档 (#1942) (3f990c8d)
- 更新升级文档 (#1937) (690c2aff)
- 更新 manual 英文文档 (#1906) (d8aea09d)
- more document for column and bar plot (#1911) (b0d6b1b2)
- bullet document update (#1896) (b8ed05ff)
- update gatsby-theme-antv version (#1935) (d6255e0f)
- 文档优优化 - pie radar waterfall (#1908) (cb808b2c)
New Features
- 新增百分比面积图 (#1932) (c4ae3b50)
- 补充 example 中柱形图 column 缺失的设计指引 (#1922) (65a6d7e1)
- add line type into radial-bar (#1912) (d9a9bc53)
- multi layer 支持配置 annotations & label (#1913) (41b7cff4)
- review and modify radial-bar docs (#1904) (18bab577)
- add g2plot-column plugin link (#1900) (4f85ed29)
- 新增堆叠分组功能 (#1893) (fdd9fcf8)
- default-options: update default option for plots (#1907) (2b03b929)
Bug Fixes
- remove tiny default formatter & mask in axis not work (#1947) (15d97bdc)
- funnel (#1916) (9b7b189a)
- surge preview in wrong ref (#1897) (e1049207)
- #1909: opacity 配置不生效 (#1920) (2af40c16)