Recursively moves files from SFTP to AWS S3. NOTE the word moves, by default it will delete files off SFTP after confirming they are on S3.
It is for those times when you need to repeatedly get files off a remote system and don't have shell access but do have SFTP access. Yeah, it seems rare, but it happens.
sftp2s3 is designed to be reliable and safe. It handles unreliable SFTP servers and networks, it can be interrupted, and it can be safely run repeatedly from cron.
sftp2s3 requires boto and paramiko, it is known to work with the versions provided by Ubuntu in 12.04+ (precise and trusty). It requires Python 2.7 (boto and paramiko don't support 3.x), it should work with Python 2.6 with argparse installed.
Install with apt:
apt-get install python-boto
apt-get install python-paramiko
Install with pip:
pip install boto
pip install paramiko
Just download from GitHub:
git clone
curl -L -o
Use -h
or --help
for usage. Use --noop
to test without doing anything.
$ ./ --help
usage: [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--username USERNAME]
[--password PASSWORD] [--basepath BASEPATH]
[--pathmatch PATHMATCH] [--awskey AWSKEY]
[--awssecret AWSSECRET] [--bucket BUCKET]
[--awspath AWSPATH] [--nodelete] [--noop]
[--loglevel {debug,info,warning,error,critical}]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--host HOST SFTP hostname or IP
--port PORT SFTP port, default=22
--username USERNAME SFTP username, default=env variable
--password PASSWORD SFTP password, default=env variable
--basepath BASEPATH SFTP base directory
--pathmatch PATHMATCH
Regex, only matching files will be transferred,
optional, default='.*'
--awskey AWSKEY AWS API key, default=env variable SFTP2S3_AWS_KEY
--awssecret AWSSECRET
AWS API secret, default=env variable
--bucket BUCKET S3 bucket
--awspath AWSPATH Base S3 path to prepend to objects
--nodelete Disable deleting from SFTP
--noop No Op, disables download, upload, and delete
--loglevel {debug,info,warning,error,critical}
Log level, default=warning
./ --host \
--username your_sftp_username \
--password your_sftp_password \
--bucket your_s3_bucket \
--awspath archive/files \
--basepath /path/to/sftp/files \
--pathmatch 'files/file[0-9]' \
--nodelete \
--loglevel info
More realistic:
export SFTP2S3_SFTP_USERNAME='exampleco'
export SFTP2S3_SFTP_PASSWORD='somepassword1'
./ --host \
--bucket \
--awspath 'cdn/provider' \
--basepath './private/logs' \
--pathmatch 'logs/20[1-2][0-9]' \
--loglevel info
That will transfer files from ~/private/logs, if the file path contains 'logs/2010' to 'logs/2029'. The files will be put into the S3 bucket called '', under the path (object prefix) 'cdn/provider'. For example the file s will become s3://
-h, --help
Show the help message and exit.
--host HOST
SFTP hostname or IP, e.g., --host
--port PORT
SFTP port, e.g., --port 2222
Default = 22
--username USERNAME
SFTP username, e.g., --username jsmith
Default = The environment variable SFTP2S3_SFTP_USERNAME
--password PASSWORD
SFTP password, e.g., --password 'N5)f3lV6*@n'
For security this should be set as an environment variable so it doesn't show up in the process list.
Default = The environment variable SFTP2S3_SFTP_PASSWORD
--basepath BASEPATH
The base directory on the SFTP server to start moving files from, i.e., cd
to this directory before doing any work. Can be relative or full path, e.g., --basepath logs
or --basepath ./logs
or --basepath /home/foo/logs
Default = No base path, start in home directory
--pathmatch PATHMATCH
Regex, only transfer files that match this regex. They are matched against the SFTP server's version of the full path, but not anchored at the beginning. For example --pathmatch 'logs/20[0-9][0-9]'
will match the file /home/foo/logs/2014/08/file.log but not /home/foo/logs/tmp/file.log.
default='.*' (match anything)
--awskey AWSKEY
AWS API key, e.g., --awskey 'AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE'
Default = The environment variable SFTP2S3_AWS_KEY
--awssecret AWSSECRET
AWS API secret, e.g., --awssecret 'wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY'
For security this should be set as an environment variable so it doesn't show up in the process list.
Default = The environment variable SFTP2S3_AWS_SECRET
--bucket BUCKET
Plain S3 bucket name, without scheme or path, e.g., --bucket my-s3-bucket-example
--awspath AWSPATH
Path to prepend to S3 objects. This is basically the folder on S3 to put files in, e.g., --awspath some/logs
Disable deleting from SFTP, i.e., copy not move.
No operation. Disables download, upload, and delete. Good for testing authentication and pathmatch, will still go through and list all the files.
--loglevel {debug,info,warning,error,critical}
Set the verbosity. By default it is designed to be quiet unless something goes wrong, so it can be run daily from cron. To see what is happening, like files found, uploaded, etc., set --loglevel info
Default = warning
- Doesn't delete empty directories after moving files to S3
- Doesn't support SSH key-based authentication
- No tests :(
- sftp2s3 is not a utility to transfer individual files to S3, just do that manually.
- sftp2s3 is not a sync utility (rsync, s3cmd sync), it moves files from SFTP to S3, but never deletes files from S3 (it will overwrite existing objects if the S3 MD5 doesn't match the MD5 of the file downloaded from SFTP.
- Anton Cohen [email protected]
- Source
- Homepage
- @antoncohen