This is a NextJS-based streaming service SPA. The App uses Kinopoisk API as data source.
There are collections of movies that you can filter, sort and even edit genres and movie names or delete them(as admin).
You can browse through movie pages, view movie cast and read all available information about each movie and its crew.
*To log in as administrator use the following credentials:
email: [email protected]
password: root
Clone the repository using:
$ git clone
Install dependancies using:
$ npm install
Start the app in dev environment:
$ npm run dev
Start the app in prod environment:
$ npm run build
$ npm start
Install dependancies using:
$ npm install
Start the services:
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up
Parse data using swagger endpoint:
- Typescript
- NextJS / Redux-toolkit
- Sass
- React testing library / Jest
- next-i18next
- Storybook
- Nest
- Docker
- Swagger