Heat pump optimization algorithm based on the challenge for the Aveiro Tech City Hackathon.
For frontend:
Install Node.js using https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm
To install frontend requirements run:
npm install
To start frontend run:
npm run start
For backend:
Install python 3.9 using https://www.python.org/downloads/
Install poetry (dependency manager):
pip install poetry
Install dependencies:
cd Optimization/
poetry install
Run backend:
poetry run flask --app main run --port=5010
Run APIs:
cd ExternalAPI/
poetry run flask --app api_electricity run --port=5001
poetry run flask --app api_temperature_Braganca run --port=5002
Run continuous thermal model:
poetry run python thermal_model.py
fe - Frontend code
Optimization - Backend code:
ExternalAPI: Temperature and Price APIs
main.py - Backend API
hackathon.py - Base model optimization code
thermal_model.py - Continuous model optimization code