Repository for the paperEvaluating the Efficacy of Instance Incremental vs.Batch Learning in Delayed Label Environments: An Empirical Study on Tabular Data Streaming for Fraud Detection
In delayed settings, is instance incremental learning the best option regarding predictive performance and computational efficiency?
Create a new python environment, install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Clone this repository of your machine
- Run the Notebook for reproducing results
NB: To use the notebook, you will need to install it in the python environment you have created using pip for example
- Please download first datasets (of interest) using the link here and place them in Datasets folder.
- For example in
python --n_delays 0 1000 70000 --static_optim_ntrial 30 --model_name DT --dataset_name sea_g --init_fit_ratio 0.1 --n_windows 10000
- n_delays: indicates the average label delay, generated following a Poisson distribution of mean 0, 1000, 70000 respectively
- static_optim_ntrial: indicates the number of trial for tuning parameters offline (before the stream evaluation)
- model_name: the model name (e.g., DT is for Decision Tree)
- dataset_name: the dataset name (sea_g here)
- init_fit_ratio: the fraction of the dataset used for the offline optimization (0.1 in the above example)
- n_windows: average number of instances (following a Poisson distribution) in each evaluation batch (10000 for this example)
For reasons of confidentiality, the fraud dataset is not accessible to the public.
This work has been done in collaboration between BPCE Group, Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris Nord (LIPN UMR 7030), DAVID Lab UVSQ-Université Paris Saclay and was supported by the program Convention Industrielle de Formation par la Recherche (CIFRE) of the Association Nationale de la Recherche et de la Technologie (ANRT).