- Account creation with the initial balance
- Payment creation which leads to money transfer between accounts (multicurrency support)
- Review current exchange rates
- Review payment history per account
- Review list of all accounts in the system
To start application or run integration tests you need only docker.
- Docker 18.09+ - everything else is optional
- Postgresql 11+ - optional with docker
- Golang 1.11+ - optional with docker
- dep 0.5.0 - optional because all dependencies are vendored
To start application you can run:
docker-compose up
It will listen on port 9090.
Application run required database migrations on startup. Migrations are stored in migrations
Application configured via ENV variables:
- POSTGRESQL_HOST - database host
- POSTGRESQL_PORT - database port
- POSTGRESQL_USER - database user
- POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD - database password
- POSTGRESQL_DATABASE - database name
- HTTP_HOST - host listen on (default=
- HTTP_PORT - port listen on (default=80)
To run integration tests, which are located in integration_tests
folder, run ./scripts/integration_tests.sh
- https://github.com/satori/go.uuid - stable and popular (2.7k stars) library for UUID. Used it multiple times before.
- https://github.com/vrischmann/envconfig - small library to fill configuration struct with ENV variables. Used it multiple times before.
- https://github.com/go-kit/kit - it is go-kit!
- https://github.com/stretchr/testify - very popular and stable test assertions. Used it multiple times before.
- https://github.com/go-chi/chi - small, stable and popular (5k stars) http router. Used it multiple times before.
- https://github.com/go-pg/pg - native golang postgresql driver
- https://github.com/shopspring/decimal - arbitrary-precision fixed-point decimal numbers in go. Very convinient API. Used it multiple times before.
I was very limited in time. So I had to sacrifice some features, good practices, etc.
- Add sctructured logging with https://github.com/sirupsen/logrus
- API error rendering, might be better, need to dig dipper in go-kit
- Store in payment history how much money was withdrawed/credited in account's currency.
- Integration with some online exchange service to update exchange rates on the flight. For example via https://github.com/me-io/go-swap
- Extend current exchange rates database. It is only USD to UAH,BYN,RYB,EUR. And, for example, when UAH converted to BYN it uses USD to BYN and USD to UAH rates to calculate UAH to BYN rate.
- Add methods to create and modify exchage rates and currencies.
codes | messages |
Content example
"code": 1,
Get list of all accounts with balance and currency code. Limit and offset are optional, by default offset=0 and limit=100
URL: /accounts?offset=0&limit=20
Method: GET
Code: 200 OK
Content example
"id": "6cd061e4-4a0c-4991-85fd-4825702f873b",
"currency_numeric_code": 980,
"balance": "10000.5"
Get account by ID.
URL: /accounts/6cd061e4-4a0c-4991-85fd-4825702f873b
Method: GET
Code: 200 OK
Content example
"id": "6cd061e4-4a0c-4991-85fd-4825702f873b",
"currency_numeric_code": 980,
"balance": "10000.5"
Create new account with positive balance
URL: /accounts
Method: POST
Content example
"currency_numeric_code": 980,
"balance": "1500.50"
Code: 201 CREATED
Content example
"id": "6cd061e4-4a0c-4991-85fd-4825702f873b",
URL: /currencies
Method: GET
Code: 200 OK
Content example
"numeric_code": 643,
"alpha_code": "RUB",
"minor": 2
"numeric_code": 840,
"alpha_code": "USD",
"minor": 2
"numeric_code": 933,
"alpha_code": "BYN",
"minor": 2
"numeric_code": 978,
"alpha_code": "EUR",
"minor": 2
"numeric_code": 980,
"alpha_code": "UAH",
"minor": 2
Get list of payment history per account. Limit and offset are optional, by default offset=0 and limit=100
URL: /accounts/6cd061e4-4a0c-4991-85fd-4825702f873b/payments?offset=0&limit=20
Method: GET
Code: 200 OK
Content example
"id": "6cd061e4-4a0c-4991-85fd-4825702f873b",
"currency_numeric_code": 980,
"balance": "10000.5"
Create new payment and tranfer money between accounts.
URL: /payments
Method: POST
Content example
"from_account": "6a261c31-7009-4082-80c4-6abde77082bb",
"to_account": "2d47cfa8-d092-4bc3-a30c-93e8c9aaf6d6",
"currency_numeric_code": 980,
"amount": "950.55"
Code: 201 CREATED
Content example
"id": "6cd061e4-4a0c-4991-85fd-4825702f873b",