This is a pokedex web app that allows users to view details of all Pokémon species. Created using the TRPC, Nextjs, Prisma and Material UI.
This project is hosted on Vercel. You can access it here.
- Next.js
- Prisma
- Material UI
- NeonDB
- Vercel
- Search Pokémon by name
- Filter Pokémon by type
- Pagination for browsing through Pokémon species
- Responsive design for mobile and desktop
- Fast and efficient data fetching using TRPC
To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Cd into the pokemon-pokedex folder
Install NPM packages:
npm install
Put database url inside env
Run npm run db:generate
Seed the database:
npm run db:seed
Start the development server:
npm start
: Get pokemons by name.getAllPokemonNames
: Get the names of all pokemons.getAllTypes
: Get the types of all pokemons.getPokemonByType
: Get pokemons by type.
- Improve UI/UX design.