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Netflix Gpt

1. Create React App

-> Type npx create-react-app Project_Name
-> To run type : npm start

2. Configured Tailwind CSS

-> Goto

-> Get Started
    -> Framework Guides
        -> Select React
-> In Terminal Type 
    -> npm install -D tailwindcss
    -> npx tailwindcss init
-> Copy Paste the content in tailwind.config.js
    ->  /** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
        module.exports = {
           content: [
            theme: {
             extend: {},
            plugins: [],
-> Copy Paste these 3 lines in index.css
    ->  @tailwind base;
        @tailwind components;
        @tailwind utilities;

3. Header using header.js

4. Routing of App

- Installing
    - npm i -D react-router-dom

- Create Routing 
    const appRouter = createBrowserRouter([
            path: "/",
            element: "<login/>"
            path: "/",
            element: "Browse",
- Router Provider
    - <RouterProvider router = {appRouter}/>

5. Login Form using login.js and then I create browse.js

6. Sign Up Form

7. Form Validation using validate.js

8. useRef Hook to get the value of input field

9. Firebase Setup

10. Firebase Deployment

#### Go to
    - Get Started
    - Add Project
    - Name Project
    - Enable Google Analytics
    - Default Account
    - Create Project
#### Creation 
    - Create Web App
    - Name the app and Select Also set up Firebase Hosting
    - Copy installing Commands and run in terminal
        ->  npm install firebase  
        ->  npm install -g firebase-tools
        ->  firebase login   // already signed as ....
        ->  firebase init
            -> Hosting: Configure files using Firebase Hosting , press spacebar and hit enter
            -> Use an existing as I created before
            -> Select Project
            -> What do you want to use as your public directory ? 
                -> Type build and hit enter
            -> type n for rest of steps
        -> To build the project
            -> Type npm run build
        -> To Deploy
            -> Type firebase deploy
    - Create firebase.js file in utils
    - copy the sdk and paste it in firebase.js
#### Adding Methods
    - Go to Project Overview
    - Then Authentication
    - Click on Sign-in Method
    - Select Sign-in Providers
        - Like Email/Password and select enable
        - Google, etc.

11. Create Signup User Account (Authentication)

-> Go to firebase documentation

-> Search Authentication
    -> Select Firebase Authentication
-> Click on Web on left side 
    -> Select Password Authentication
-> Create Password Based Account
    -> Use Web Modular API
    -> Copy Paste the Code and use import code at the top
    -> import auth in firebase.js and use it to export to login.js
    -> Auth is used again and again so we import ot globally
    -> import auth from firebase.js
-> Sign in a user with an email address and password
    -> Use Web Modular API
    -> Copy Paste the Code and use import code at the top

12. Create Redux Store using UserSlice

-> In terminal Type
    -> npm i -D @reduxjs/toolkit
    -> npm i react-redux
-> Then import configure store in appStore.js

-> Now create userSlice File in utils folder

-> Use the appStore in app.js using <Provider> function 

13. onAuthStateChanged API for State Changes

-> onAuthStateChanged is used to update the user information when the user SignIn, SignUp, Signout 

-> Go to firebase documentation

-> Search Authentication
    -> Select Firebase Authentication
-> Click on Web on left side 
    -> Select Manage Users
-> In Get the currently signed-in user
    -> Copy the Web Modular API and paste it in body.js in useEffect function
    -> import the auth and onAuthStateChanged from firebase
-> When the user sign in , it directs to the browse page

14. Browse Page

-> Include Header in Browse Page

-> Style the header by including te content

15. Sign Out Authentication

-> Go to firebase documentation

-> Search Authentication
    -> Select Firebase Authentication
-> Click on Web on left side 
    -> Password Authentication
-> At the bottom 
    -> Copy the Web modular API and paste it Header.js
    -> and navigate the user to signIn page using navigate hook

16. Fix Bug

-> 1. Sign up user displayName and profile picture update

-> 2. If the user is not logged in redirect /browse to login page and vice versa
    -> Move use effect() function from login.js to header.js

17. Unsubscribed to the onAuthStateChanged callback

18. Add hardcoded values or links to the constant.js

19. Fetch Movies API

-> Go to TMDB
-> Login Here
-> Go to edit profile
-> Go to API
    -> Copy paste your API KEY and API Read Access Token
-> Go to tmdb documentation
    -> Go to Movies List
        -> Click on Now Playing
        -> On the right side in fetch 
            -> copy the constant option = {....} and paste it in constant.js as
                -> export const API_OPTIONS = {....} , delete extra const options
            -> Copy the fetch(.....) and paste it in Browse.js as 
                const Browse = () => {
                const dispatch = useDispatch();
                const getNowPlayingMovies = async () = {
                const data = await fetch('.....')
                const json = await data.json();
                UseEffect (() => {getNowPlayingMovies}, []); 
                and change the options to API_OPTIONS and remove language restiction from API
            -> Create moviesSlice.js to use movies and their information
            -> Go to appstore.js to store the movies
            -> fetch code make browse ugly so use it as a hook
            -> Create hook folder
                -> create useNowPlayingMOvies.js and paste it here ans call useNowPlayingMovies(); in Browse.js

20. Make UI

-> Main Container (MainContainer.js)
    -> Video Background (VideoBakground.js)
    -> Video Title  (VideoTitle.js)

-> Secondary Container (SecondarContainer.js)
    -> Movie List (MovieList.js)
        ->  Popular (movieCard * n) (MovieCard.js)
        ->  Now Playing
        ->  Trending...etc. 
-> In SecondaryConatainer.js
    -> Import all Movie List and styling for scroll Behaviour
        -> <div className=" ">
            <MovieList title={"Now Playing"}    movies={movies.nowPlayingMovies} />
            <MovieList title={""} movies={} />
            <MovieList title={""} movies={} />
-> Now in Movie List
    -> Import MovieCard 
    -> Make a Div
        -> Heading
        -> Make a Div for scrolling
            -> use MovieCard Along With Poster
                -> <MovieCard key={} posterPath={movie.poster_path} />
-> In MovieCard
    -> TMDB Documentation
        -> Guides
            -> Images
                -> Basics
                    -> copy images CDN url ="https./.......w780";
                    and Paste in constant.js and export it from here.
    -> Create Img URL
        -> <img alt="" src={IMG_CDN_URL + PosterPath}>

21. Fetching movie trailer for video background

-> Go to TMDB Documentation
    -> API References
        -> Movies
            -> Videos 
                -> Now create a UseMovieTrailer.js file
                -> Copy the API and use it in UseMovieTrailer.js just like use in UseNowPlayingMovies.js

-> Fetch the trailer and use it in VideoBackground.js
    -> for Fetch Trailer
        -> Open console and copy the trailer movies Id 
        -> Now open a video on YouTube and replace the key with the movieId in the url, then the same movie play in Youtube
        -> click on share option, then on embedded code and copy the code

-> Then Call UseMovieTrailer in VideoBackground.js and style it

22. GPT Integration

-> Create a Gpt Button in Header.js and Create GptSearch.js

-> Now to make a toggle function handleGptSearchClick()

-> Make gptSlice.js to handle toggle function

-> Design GptSearch.js 
    -> A background image 
    -> It contains Gpt Search Bar
    -> It contain GptMovieSuggestion (make a GptMovieSuggestions.js)

-> In GptSearchBar.js
    -> Create a form consists of
        -> <input>
        -> <button>
    -> style each component
-> Create LanguageConstants.js to change language of website
    -> Design it for different languages


-> Login / SignUp Page -Sign In / Sign Up Form - redirect to Browse Page -> Browse (after authentication) - Header - Main Movie - Trailer in Background - Title and Description - Movie Suggestions - Movie List -> NetflixGPT - Search Bar - Movie Suggestions