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Single top polarization analysis


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git clone git://

If you also wish to commit, you'll have to have a github account and be added to the group, then you can use

git clone [email protected]:HEP-KBFI/stpol.git

Make sure you have sourced cmsset

source /cvmfs/ or by using the following script source

Create the workspace

Run the following to create the CMSSW directory, link the SingleTopPolarization source code folder to it and compile everything

. ./

Note, your showtags output after the setup should be the following:

	V00-02-10      CMGTools/External                                
	V00-01-03      CommonTools/CandAlgos                            
	V00-03-16      CommonTools/ParticleFlow                         
	V00-03-24      CommonTools/RecoAlgos                            
	V00-00-14      CommonTools/RecoUtils                            
	V00-02-07      CommonTools/UtilAlgos                            
	V00-04-04      CommonTools/Utils                                
	V15-03-04      DataFormats/ParticleFlowCandidate                
	V06-05-06-05   DataFormats/PatCandidates                        
	V00-02-14      DataFormats/StdDictionaries                      
	V10-02-02      DataFormats/TrackReco                            
	V02-00-04      DataFormats/VertexReco                           
	V00-00-31      EGamma/EGammaAnalysisTools                       
	V00-00-70      FWCore/GuiBrowsers                               
	V08-09-50      PhysicsTools/PatAlgos                            
	V03-09-26      PhysicsTools/PatUtils                            
	V04-01-09      RecoLuminosity/LumiDB                            
	NoTag          RecoMET/METFilters                               
	V15-02-05-01   RecoParticleFlow/PFProducer                      
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/Analysis                   
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/BTagSystematicsWeightProducer 
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/CandTransverseMassProducer 
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/CandViewTreemakerAnalyzer  
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/CleanNoPUJetProducer       
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/CollectionSizeProducer     
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/CosThetaProducer           
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/DeltaRProducer             
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/EfficiencyAnalyzer         
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/ElectronIDProducer         
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/EventDoubleFilter          
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/EventIDAnalyzer            
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/EventIDProducer            
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/FlavourAnalyzer            
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/GenericCollectionCombiner  
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/GenericOwnVectorAnalyzer   
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/GenericPointerCombiner     
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/GenParticleSelector        
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/GenParticleSelectorCompHep 
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/JetMCSmearProducer         
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/LeptonIsolationProducer    
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/MuonEfficiencyProducer     
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/MuonIDProducer             
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/ParticleComparer           
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/PatObjectOwnRefProducer    
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/PDFweightsProducer         
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/PUWeightProducer           
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/RecoFilter                 
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/ReconstructedNeutrinoProducer 
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/SimpleCompositeCandProducer 
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/SimpleEventAnalyzer        
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/TestProd                   
	NoCVS          SingleTopPolarization/TransferMatrixCreator      
	NoTag          TopQuarkAnalysis/SingleTop                       


The generic analysis pathway is as follows, all the relevant *.py files are in $CMSSW_BASE/src/SingleTopPolarization/Analysis/python/:

  1. for initial event skimming and slimming (both optional), PF2PAT sequence and object ID
  2. for generic single-top specific event selection and reconstruction according 1 lepton, MET, N-Jet and M-tag.
  3. for projecting out the relevant variables from the step2 trees

For convenience, the steps have been wrapped as methods that are called from the files runconfs/ and runconfs/


t-channel (/T_t-channel_TuneZ2star_8TeV-powheg-tauola/Summer12-PU_S7_START52_V9-v1/AODSIM)

/hdfs/local/stpol/sync2012/FCE664EC-E79B-E111-8B06-00266CF2507C.root (1 runs, 18 lumis, 5279 events, 2261976796 bytes)

t-channel (/T_t-channel_TuneZ2star_8TeV-powheg-tauola/Summer12_DR53X-PU_S10_START53_V7A-v1/AODSIM)

/hdfs/local/stpol/sync2012/FEFF01BD-87DC-E111-BC9E-003048678F8E.root (1 runs, 40 lumis, 11789 events, 4271759218 bytes)


Compile the code using the following command to enable LogDebug and related debugging symbols


Check for memory errors using valgrind:

valgrind --tool=memcheck cmsvgsupp --leak-check=yes --show-reachable=yes --num-callers=20 --track-fds=yes cmsRun >& vglog.out &

The most important memory errors are in the end of vglog.out



cmsRun runconfs/ inputFiles=/store/mc/Summer12_DR53X/T_t-channel_TuneZ2star_8TeV-powheg-tauola/AODSIM/PU_S10_START53_V7A-v1/0000/0059C6F3-7CDC-E111-B4CB-001A92811726.root outputFile=sync_step1/sync_T_t_lepIso02_newIso.root &> log1

##CRAB To create the crab.cfg files to run the PAT sequences (step1)

python $CMSSW_BASE/../util/ -t your_tag -T $CMSSW_BASE/../crabs/crab_Data_step1.cfg -d S1D -o crabs/step1_Data

###To run the met uncertainty precalculation (step1B)

python $CMSSW_BASE/../util/ -t stpol_step1B -T /home/joosep/singletop/stpol/crabs/crab_MC_step1B_local.cfg -d S1B_MC -o crabs/step1B_MC

To create the crab.cfg files to run over the final analysis (step2)

python $CMSSW_BASE/../util/ -t stpol_step2_Iso -T $CMSSW_BASE/../crabs/crab_MC_step2_local_Iso.cfg -d S2_MC -o crabs/step2_MC_Iso

python $CMSSW_BASE/../util/ -t stpol_step2_antiIso -T $CMSSW_BASE/../crabs/crab_MC_step2_local_antiIso.cfg -d S2_MC -o crabs/step2_MC_antiIso

python $CMSSW_BASE/../util/ -t stpol_step2_Iso -T $CMSSW_BASE/../crabs/crab_Data_step2_Iso.cfg -d S2_D -o crabs/step2_Data_Iso

python $CMSSW_BASE/../util/ -t stpol_step2_antiIso -T $CMSSW_BASE/../crabs/crab_Data_step2_antiIso.cfg -d S2_D -o crabs/step2_Data_antiIso

###Using To calculate the integrated luminosity from crab jobs, do the following

crab -c YOUR_DIR -report --without-checkforupdate -i YOUR_DIR/res/lumiSummary.json overview

#Step2 output

The canonical step2(iso) output is currently in fileList_Step2/, but note that the b-tag weight is currently not yet validated

#Step3 code The code is an FWLite loop, which is available in CMSSW_5_3_8/src/SingleTopPolarization/Analysis/bin/Step3_EventLoop.cpp and can be compiled by either setting up CMSSW_5_3_8 using (make sure you have no uncommitted changes in your working directory)

and compiling the code, or moving the code and BuildFile.xml to the relevant place in CMSSW_5_3_7_patch4. You should try to take the loop as an example and try to implement your own analysis code based on that. The step3 code is steered using the python config file runconfs/ where you can turn on/off basic cuts:

  1. lepton
  2. M_T(W)
  3. nJets
  4. nTags
  5. top mass window

If you need more variables in the trees, you should add them to the process.finalVars PSet and also in the code into the MiscVars class. If you are adding a large separate group of variables, it may make more sense to create a new class for these, which can be turned on/off via the config file. You should strive to use as strict cuts as is possible for your analysis and as few variables as is possible, in order to not be in the same situation as earlier, when running over the full step2 trees.

For local running, the python config expects the input files over stdin:

cat fileList_Step2/T_t.txt | CMSSW_5_3_8/bin/slc5_amd64_gcc462/Step3_EventLoop runconfs/

For batch running, the scripts in analysis_step3 may be useful, in particular

analysis_step3/ input_files.txt /path/to/output_directory


Single top polarisation






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