A tool for converting images into ANSI arts (or to make hacker kid profile pictures). Written in python using Pillow image processing library. The program has cli, so you won't have to modify the code directly. I made this tool due to a lack of "proper" similar tools with sufficient customization and options.
- Python (3)
- baisic knowledge of terminals, filepaths and commandline argument usage.
- Python Pillow library
- Image in a format that Pillow can open (
.png .jpg .jpeg
) - Square font, you need a font that is the same size vertically and horizaontally: SQUARE or Square One
Requirements you probably already have:
- python yaml library
I haven't made any advanced setup, so you will have to download/clone a zip of the repo from the releases (dev branch is probably broken), extract it wherever you want and cd
into the extracted folder. Prepare the image you want to convert, I recomend placing it into the same folder, but using a filepath to some different location is also supported.
Run the main.py
file with the cli arguments.
Type python3 main.py -h
into the commandline to display the help message.
Note: there is also a more advanced option to pass arguments via a .yaml file (it has more options).
Here is a summery of the commandline arguments:
-f --image_filename
is the filepath to your image, the default image name is image.png.
-s --sample_size
Size of the samples, default is 16x16 (the output will be 16x smaller) enter as XxY or just X eg. 12x15 or just 12
-os --output_size
Instead of messing with sample_sizes you can specify the size of the output image directly (in characters.) Same as sample size: WxH eg. 40x50 (40 wide, 50 tall)
Save to a file
-o --output_filename
specify output file it can be then displayed with cat output.txt
with all the colors
will prevent the program from printing into the commandline, if you use --hide
then also use -o
to save the output
-c --contrast
allows you to change the contrast of the image for better results. (recomended 1 - 1.2 range)
-cb --contrastbreak
is the border of darkness levels between making a pixel darker or brighter (0-255 recomended range 50-200)
-b --blur
makes a wider range of colors blend into one. (0-765, 0-200 recomended)
-p --palettename
enter name of the palette you want to use. 3
and 8-bit.json
are default palettes in the palettes folder. Use formatting guide in paletteNotes.md
to make your own.
-pf --filterpalettename
this palette will act the same as a normal palette, but it's colors won't be displayed.
-char --characters
enter string of characters to be used in the art instead of the default ones. Input sorted light to dark.
-charf --characterfile
enter filename.txt with characters to be used. Input sorted light to dark. characterfile.txt is provided and contains all ASCII characters.
-nbg --nobackground
creates an image with only the symbols colored. A custom background color can be entered eg: -nbg="255;255;255"
(if using palette, it has to be copatible with the palette monopattern).
-nfg --noforeground
creates an image without symbols, only background pixels
-af --argumentfile
for more customization, pass a .yaml file that contains the inputs. Use defaultargumentsfile.yaml as template.
Pallets allow the image to be created using a specific palette. Combined with contrast breaks it can allow to make nice images. It also has an option for specific patterns, those can be used to manipulate the program into outputing a file formatted into something not associated with ANSI.
An output file that can be displayed by typing
cat examples/MonaLisa.txt
is also provided.
Original file from Wikipedia
Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh with 1.2 contrast and 80 contrast break and sample size 30
Original file from Wikipedia
- generate output images so user doesn't have to screenshort them
- improve contrast algorithm
- contrast is probably messing with the sampling algorithm
- better character sets arguments
- add nocolor
- add bold, italic etc.
- add find character based on pattern of the sample square
- add support for UTF-8 characters
- add something about terminal size
- add csv export of pixels
- maybe try writing to the file as the program is running
- some kind of chaching&optimization or lossy compression
- a better sampling alg
- better cli
- figure out the
file format and maybe make use of it - better palletes
- Make an interface app
- I am using both yaml and json, maybe choose one
- better characters. Characters size isn't linear