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Citing COOLFluiD
COOLFluiD is the result of many years of hard work and international cross-disciplinary collaborations. Please cite the following papers when referring to COOLFluiD and its solvers inside your publications.
When referring to the COOLFluiD platform:
A. Lani, N. Villedieu, K. Bensassi, L. Kapa, M. Panesi, M. S. Yalim, “COOLFluiD: an open computational platform for multi-physics simulation”, 21st AIAA CFD Conference, AIAA 2013-2589, San Diego, Jun 2013, http://arc.aiaa.org/doi/abs/10.2514/6.2013-2589.
A. Lani, T. Quintino, D. Kimpe, H. Deconinck, S. Vandewalle and S. Poedts, “Reusable Object- Oriented Solutions for Numerical Simulation of PDEs in a High Performance Environment”, Scientific Programming. ISSN 1058-9244, Vol. 14, N. 2, pp. 111-139, IOS Press, 2006, http://www.hindawi.com/journals/sp/2006/393058/abs.
A. Lani, T. Quintino, D. Kimpe, H. Deconinck, S. Vandewalle, S. Poedts, "The COOLFluiD Framework: Design Solutions for High Performance Object Oriented Scientific Computing Software", http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11428831_35, Vaidy S. Sunderam, G. Dick van Albada, Peter M. A. Sloot, Jack Dongarra (Eds.): Computational Science - ICCS 2005, 5th International Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA, May 22-25, 2005, Proceedings, Part I. Springer 2005 Lecture Notes in Computer Science ISBN 3-540-26032-3, pp. 279-286.
When referring to the GPU-enabled MHD Finite Volume solver:
A. Lani, M. S. Yalim and Stefaan Poedts, “A GPU-enabled Finite Volume solver for global magnetospheric simulations on unstructured grids”, Computer Phys. Comm., 185(10), pp. 2538– 2557, 2014, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465514002057.
M. S. Yalim, D. Vanden Abeele, A. Lani, T. Quintino, H. Deconinck, “An implicit time integration method for solving the equations of ideal magnetohydrodynamics in the hyperbolic divergence cleaning approach”, J. Comput. Phys., Vol. 230, Issue 15, July, 2011, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999111002592.
When referring to the Monte-Carlo radiation transport solver:
- P. Duarte Santos and A. Lani, “An object-oriented implementation of a parallel Monte Carlo code for radiation transport”, Computer Phys. Comm., 202 (5), pp. 233-261, 2016, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465515004555.
When referring to the Residual Distribution solver:
- A. Lani, M. Panesi and H. Deconinck, “Conservative Residual Distribution Method For Viscous Double Cone Flows In Thermochemical Nonequilibrium”, Commun. Comput. Phys., 13, pp. 479- 501, 2013, http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=9676602.
When referring to the aerothermodynamic Finite Volume solver:
M. Panesi and A. Lani, “Collisional radiative coarse-grain model for ionization in air”, Physics of Fluids, 25, 057101, 2013, http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pof2/25/5/10.1063/1.4804388.
G. Degrez, A. Lani, M. Panesi, O. Chazot and H. Deconinck, “Modelling of high-enthalpy, high- Mach number flows” , J. Phys. D: App. Phys. 41, 2009, http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0022-3727/42/19/194004/meta;jsessionid=19956A7FCE8CC38CEAD889E877730119.c4.iopscience.cld.iop.org.
When referring to the multi-fluid plasma / Maxwell Finite Volume solver:
A. Alvarez Laguna, A. Lani, H. Deconinck, N. N. Mansour, S. Poedts, “A fully-implicit finite volume method for multi-fluid reactive and collisional magnetized plasmas on unstructured meshes”, J. Comput. Phys., Vol. 318, 1 Aug 2016, pp. 252–276, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999116301139.
Yana G. Maneva, Alejandro A. Laguna, Andrea Lani, Stefaan Poedts, "Multifluid modeling of magnetosonic wave propagation in the solar chromosphere - effects of impact ionization and radiative recombination", ApJ, Vol. 836, N. 2, http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/aa5b83/meta.
The COOLFluiD team is involved and open to new collaborations in Horizon2020, ESA and other research projects dealing with complex multi-disciplinary problems and computational challenges.
Training sessions and consulting services can also be provided on demand.
For any request or suggestions please contact [email protected]
Parallel mesh decomposition
High-performance computing (strong scaling on NASA Pleiades for 1/2 billion-cells 3D grid)
Chemically reacting flows and plasma
Complex all-speed flow simulations