'One Drive like' Navigation Drawer Layout for Windows Phone 8.1.
- swipe support
- landscape and RTL support (Credits:Konrad Bartecki https://github.com/konradbartecki)
Clone (download) the project
Add the project (or just the .cs file) to your existing solution
Add reference in your Windows Phone project
In your MainPage.xaml, add a namespace
Replace the root Grid layout with the DrawerLayout
Create two child Grid controls inside the DrawerLayout. First control will contain the main content and the second will contain the navigation drawer. Your MainPage.xaml code should look like this:
<drawerLayout:DrawerLayout x:Name="DrawerLayout">
<!-- Main content goes here -->
<!-- Navigation Drwawer goes here -->
The final step is to initialize the layout in your MainPage constructor:
public MainPage()
- IsDrawerOpened - returns true if drawer opened, else returns false.
InitializeDrawerLayout - initializes the drawer layout. Method must be called inside constructor.
OpenDrawer - opens the navigation drawer.
CloseDrawer - closes the navigation drawer.
Drawer Layout raises two (self explanatory) events:
DrawerOpened - raised when you swipe the drawer to the right or call OpenDrawer.
DrawerClosed - raises when you swipe the drawer to the left or call CloseDrawer.
Demo app on Windows Phone Store: http://www.windowsphone.com/s?appid=d0264913-cfa2-4273-91c5-8372a5347084
Tutorial available on http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/cb386b/implementing-navigation-drawer-for-windows-phone-8-1/
Navigation Drawer Layout is also available as NuGet Package https://www.nuget.org/packages/DrawerLayout/
For Silverlight version, check out the port on https://github.com/jgannaway/windows-phone-navigation-drawer
Credits: Jeremy Gannaway (https://github.com/jgannaway)